I Met God on Magic Mushrooms // Open Your Reality

Published 2022-09-15
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In this clip from Aaron's conversation with Chad on "Open Your Reality" Aaron answers a question about the Creator's nature, and shares his story about how he met God on magic mushrooms.

   • Aaron Abke Interview - Part 1 [Law of...  

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All Comments (21)
  • Aaron, I was shown the universe on psilocybin. Then I was focused down to Earth to find you standing there smiling. Alan Watts and many others were around you. You told me you were like a sticky note I wrote myself before this incarnation. A sticky note that was really myself reminding myself who I truly am. You and I are one, you told me telepathically. I'll never forget that! Much love for you brother.
  • Made me cry. Just made me cry because It's so beautiful and pure. It reminds me of my little boy. He doesn't have much language and he has Down syndrome. He is the best example of pure love on this earth that I have come into contact with. He sees everything with such wonder and love. We've distorted who God is so much through religion and other things.
  • Aaron Abke, you just blew my mind, stopped me in my tracks, and send me praising God. First, as a quick back story I was a single Mom of 3. About 10 years ago I was picking up my kids from elementary school one day. I witnessed the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed as an observer. I beautiful young girl walked out of the school, I had no idea who she was, she had a flower in her hands, she brought the flower up to her face and the way she looked at it in pure awe and wonder sent tears just rolling down my face. I didn't forgot that moment for such a long time and even told people about it using it as an example of God. I cannot believe you said those words about the little girl. Thank you so much for taking me back to that moment and sending the chills of our creator that is so much greater than we can even fathom yet simply love. I couldn't be more grateful.
  • @Digital_Vic
    This story reminded me of what I experienced. I saw a little girl who heard her parents talking about God and crying. A tragic event happened in their lives. The girl had no idea what God meant, but in her innocence and love for her parents, she came to them while pretending to hold something in the closed palms of her hands. She held out her hands and said "look mommy, I found God for you". The little girl just wanted to make her parents happy and see them smile. I then knew that God also witnessed that scene and feeling such immeasurable love for the child, changed itself to become that, which the girl though she understood about God, meaning that her hands actually contained the essence of God. Perhaps this is the rebirth of God, through another perspective, from the point of view of an innocent child. The universe does not have to be reset for that to happen, it could be subtle, with changes that gradually lead us in another direction back to source.
  • @ophrin
    OMG Aaron, I had similar experience once; I felt God is like a new born baby, so innocent and playing with all of the universe that we are the ones need to take care of him and protect its innocence while play whatever it wants to play through us!!! Amazing feeling. No one really understood that concept of God that I had. I am so grateful for you and your experiences and the way your articulate these feelings!!!! thank you
  • I had the same idea of God as a wide-eyed little child, filled with awe and joy. Thanks for sharing! Appreciated much!
  • @calechips
    Yesss. Me too. They have changed my life. I no longer take anti-depressants. And I’ve gotten crazy good insight from them.
  • Wait until God humbles and you will Know God is real and is omnipresent. When you’re on the verge of death and you ask for mercy and your pride is crushed.
  • Wow I love how Aaron casually just talks about these mind blowing experiences like nothing 😁🤗
  • Such a beautiful story, seeing the face of the Creator in the innocence of a child admiring a butterfly. ❤ Such a beautiful experience for how we are all One. I have had similar experiences while using mushrooms and I also used them to process my dark night of the soul. Plant medicines are so therapeutic when used in tandem with spiritual practices and were the only thing that healed the shadows I had for more than half my life, like depression and anxiety. I felt the pure love of the Creator during these experiences too, no matter what you see/feel/process during these times, you feel like it all makes sense, as you see the beautiful tapestry woven out of the threads of creation and the confusion about the illusion melts away.
  • @lenamagda4133
    I did both ayahuasca and mushrooms. During my my mushroom experience I heard the voice that ayahuasca is experiencing divine feminine side of God and and mushrooms I'm experiencing God's Devine masculine energy. Both times I was experiencing powerful healing energy moving through my body and lots of emotional release and purging. Very profound.
  • @Self-Duality
    Where God inheres in all entities, we are “meeting” (local forms of) God at each and every moment 😇💭🌺💖☀️
  • @cosmiccreator
    It was a mushroom trip that introduced me to God too Aaron my beloved brother! It was a solo trip when Cosmos starting speaking to me. It spoke to me from inside my head, in my own voice, and Cosmos said: "All is consciousness, All is One, and All is LOVE. You are never alone." I had never heard anything like that in my life. I was a hard core atheist, I had read everything by the likes of Richard Dawkins, Dan Dennet, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris regarding atheism. I was very scientifically inclined and psychology and evolution were my special interests. I never thought about it again for about 10ish years. Then recently enough the Pentagon released UFO footage and that really peaked my intrigue! Within days of ufo research, I randomly came across The Law Of One Sessions. Out of the blue a guy in the YouTube comments told me to check it out and even linked me to a pdf copy of the book. That's when everything changed. That's when I found home. It's right here, within. Heaven on earth. I Am that I AM. Thanks so much for all the guidance beloved brother Aaron Christ. Lots of love from your sister in Ireland, Char Christ. Peace, prosperity and endless blessings be unto you precious heart. Namaste OM OM OM Namah Shivaya Shanti Shanti Shanti 💫🙏💖🙏💫
  • @Daniel-lk2gi
    My experience is we are god. We are god experiencing itself. God is the source of consciousness and us being conscious beings are part of god and Devine. hence why we feel a oneness with one another, why we need to be around each other why when a large gathering of people say in a concert is special we are all vibing with each other.
  • I could listen to stories like this all day long. I'm endlessly fascinated by these profound experiences given by plant medicines. Thank you for sharing. 🙏
  • @irene2081
    My other self (twin flame) showed me God. I will always be grateful for doing me the pre-agreed favor to awaken me and I will always love them to eternity. 🙏❤️
  • @bmoore8860
    In reference to the beginning of this conversation, I remember listening to a video once that refers to us as "the living library." I think that term does a good job at encompassing how we are learning who we are as the creator. The story about the innocent child was absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing ❤️
  • I'm smiling, as you talk about that "voice" that instructed you to just let the innocent beauty of God be as it is... (and not need to interject with ego to label it, or otherwise verbally exclaim your understanding of it). This voice has the same interaction with me, and it's so wonderfully calming. It often assures my ego mind that the most wondrous and astounding expressions of God need not my little emphasis to be anything more. And my acceptance and quiet observance has the loudest impact on the experiences I'm blessed to witness. God's got this. And my Seeing it is all part of the same beautiful Knowing. 💥🙏
  • @Yann1ck100
    Wow I am so happy you are finally coming out 🎉 I knew it 😂 Magic mushrooms are also my journey 🙏🏻
  • A beautiful experience to stop trying to understand yourself, but rather experience yourself. Blessings brother you express your perspective in heart touching ways. So much gratitude for you my friend. :)