ME GUSTAS TU (Super slowed reverb)

Published 2023-12-05

All Comments (21)
  • @ivanopalify
    im a south italian person. in summer our sea is BEAUTIFUL. and every summer we drive to the sea in our car with this music. It makes me cry thinking about the fact that one day our parents wont be with us anymore, and that those moments will be gone. I'm currently crying while writing this comment.
  • @jakebugeja4573
    There is something unexplainably badass about this song paired with the picture
  • @15_dreamyrays
    ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? Te lo dije bien clarito Permanece a la escucha Permanece a la escucha Doce de la noche en La Habana, Cuba Once de la noche en San Salvador, El Salvador Once de la noche en Managua, Nicaragua Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tú Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tú Me gusta el viento, me gustas tú Me gusta soñar, me gustas tú Me gusta la mar, me gustas tú ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? Me gusta la moto, me gustas tú Me gusta correr, me gustas tú Me gusta la lluvia, me gustas tú Me gusta volver, me gustas tú Me gusta marihuana, me gustas tú Me gusta Colombiana, me gustas tú Me gusta la montaña, me gustas tú Me gusta la noche (me gustas tú) ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? Doce, un minuto Me gusta la cena, me gustas tú Me gusta la vecina, me gustas tú (Radio Reloj) Me gusta su cocina, me gustas tú (una de la mañana) Me gusta camelar, me gustas tú Me gusta la guitarra, me gustas tú Me gusta el reggae, me gustas tú ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? Me gusta la canela, me gustas tú Me gusta el fuego, me gustas tú Me gusta menear, me gustas tú Me gusta La Coruña, me gustas tú Me gusta Malasaña, me gustas tú Me gusta la castaña, me gustas tú Me gusta Guatemala, me gustas tú ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? Cuatro de la mañana A la bin, a la ban, a la bin-bon-bam A la bin, a la ban, a la bin-bon-bam Obladí obladá obladí-da-da A la bin, a la ban, a la bin-bon-bam Radio reloj Cinco de la mañana No todo lo que es oro brilla Remedio chino e infalible
  • The song 🗿 The creator 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener🗿 The saver of the song🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 The jar of whey powder 🗿 The Steroid 🗿 The motor fiber bundle 🗿 The gymbro's blood cells🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The veins and arteries🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this🗿 The comments🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard🗿 The emoji 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 YouTube 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 The air while I was breathing 🗿 The atoms 🗿 verything that has the potential to exist and identify this song🗿 astronomical reactions when this song is played🗿 The nebula series🗿 The reality and all unreality🗿 God gave existence of this song in dimension 🗿 The Milky Way galaxy🗿 Those aliens from parallel universe when listening to this🗿 The idea I got when writing this🗿 Those who have the hearing ability to listen to this song🗿 Those who acknowledge me for trying to write this myself🗿 Those who red every comments of this video🗿The song 🗿 The creator 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener🗿 The saver of the song🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 The jar of whey powder 🗿 The Steroid 🗿 The motor fiber bundle 🗿 The gymbro's blood cells🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The veins and arteries🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this🗿 The comments🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard🗿 The emoji 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 YouTube 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 The air while I was breathing 🗿 The atoms 🗿 verything that has the potential to exist and identify this song🗿 astronomical reactions when this song is played🗿 The nebula series🗿 The reality and all unreality🗿 God gave existence of this song in dimension 🗿 The Milky Way galaxy🗿 Those aliens from parallel universe when listening to this🗿 The idea I got when writing this🗿 Those who have the hearing ability to listen to this song🗿 Those who acknowledge me for trying to write this myself🗿 Those who red every comments of this video🗿The song 🗿 The creator 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener🗿 The saver of the song🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 The jar of whey powder 🗿 The Steroid 🗿 The motor fiber bundle 🗿 The gymbro's blood cells🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The veins and arteries🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this🗿 The comments🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard🗿 The emoji 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 YouTube 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 The air while I was breathing 🗿 The atoms 🗿 verything that has the potential to exist and identify this song🗿 astronomical reactions when this song is played🗿 The nebula series🗿 The reality and all unreality🗿 God gave existence of this song in dimension 🗿 The Milky Way galaxy🗿 Those aliens from parallel universe when listening to this🗿 The idea I got when writing this🗿 Those who have the hearing ability to listen to this song🗿 Those who acknowledge me for trying to write this myself🗿 Those who red every comments of this video🗿The song 🗿 The creator 🗿 The instrumental 🗿 The viewers 🗿 The song listener🗿 The saver of the song🗿 The one who added this song in his playlist 🗿 The one who got motivated and went to gym after listening this masterpiece 🗿 The whole gym 🗿 All the gym equipments including the mats🗿 The gym shoes 🗿 The one who play this at gym🗿 The jar of whey powder 🗿 The Steroid 🗿 The motor fiber bundle 🗿 The gymbro's blood cells🗿 All who listens it 🗿 All who get more excited to do more reps 🗿 The nerves of the body 🗿 The veins and arteries🗿 The blood streaming at speed of light after hearing this🗿 The comments🗿 The thoughts while writing this 🗿 My hands while typing this 🗿 The keyboard🗿 The emoji 🗿 The alphabets 🗿 YouTube 🗿 Thumbnail 🗿 Subtitle 🗿 This comment 🗿 Those who likes this comment 🗿 Those who comment in this 🗿 Those who start a convo in this comment 🗿 The air while I was breathing 🗿 The atoms 🗿 verything that has the potential to exist and identify this song🗿 astronomical reactions when this song is played🗿 The nebula series🗿 The reality and all unreality🗿 God gave existence of this song in dimension 🗿 The Milky Way galaxy🗿 Those aliens from parallel universe when listening to this🗿 The idea I got when writing this🗿 Those who have the hearing ability to listen to this song🗿 Those who acknowledge me for trying to write this myself🗿 Those who read every comments of this video🗿 The interstellar dust particles 🗿 The gravitational waves that ripple through the cosmos in sync with this song 🗿 The cosmic microwave background radiation that grooves to the beat 🗿 The intergalactic dance party ignited by this song 🗿 The event horizons of black holes, bopping to the rhythm 🗿 The extraterrestrial civilizations detecting our musical vibes 🗿 The alternate dimensions where this song is the anthem of existence 🗿 The parallel universe where every being communicates through the lyrics of this song 🗿 The time-traveling tourists visiting Earth just to experience this musical masterpiece 🗿 The future generations studying this song in history classes 🗿 The holographic representation of this song in the Museum of Universal Achievements 🗿 The quantum fluctuations resonating with the song's melody 🗿 The dark matter dancing in the shadows to the invisible notes of this song 🗿 The metaphysical concept of universal harmony defined by this composition 🗿 The echo of this song reverberating through the corridors of the multiverse 🗿 The philosophical debates sparked by the lyrics in distant civilizations 🗿 The cosmic alignment synchronized with the song's chorus 🗿 The string theory harmonics that perfectly match the song's rhythm 🗿 The cosmic entities jamming out in the celestial concert hall 🗿 The gravitational pull of this song attracting all celestial bodies in its vicinity 🗿 The quasars emitting pulses of energy in rhythm with the song 🗿 The dark energy expanding the universe, creating a symphony of space-time 🗿 The pulsars acting as cosmic metronomes, keeping time with the beats 🗿 The gamma-ray bursts producing bursts of light in perfect cadence 🗿 The wormholes functioning as interstellar portals for the song's melodies 🗿 The cosmic rays carrying the musical vibes across the cosmos 🗿 The interplanetary dust particles forming celestial dance choreography 🗿 The planetary orbits aligning in a cosmic dance routine to the song 🗿 The intergalactic DJ spinning this track at the edge of the observable universe 🗿 The antimatter particles annihilating in a synchronized cosmic explosion of sound 🗿 The gravitational lensing creating visual distortions in tune with the music 🗿 The cosmic microwave background harmonizing with the song's background tones 🗿 The dark nebulae serving as cosmic canvases for visualizing the song's essence 🗿 The exoplanets in distant star systems adopting this song as their anthem 🗿 The solar winds carrying the melodic waves throughout our solar system 🗿 The space-time fabric itself resonating with the vibrations of this epic tune 🗿 The multiverse branches where this song is a universal constant 🗿 The quantum entanglement linking all particles in a quantum dance inspired by the song 🗿 The gravitational pull of this song bending the fabric of reality itself 🗿 The cosmic dance floor where galaxies twirl and spin to the song's beat 🗿
  • @And13BW
    This song is beautiful. It just brings such a comforting vibe to my life. When I listen to it, all negativity leaves me, I am at peace with God
  • @Checkmade
    me and 8 other dudes were on a parking lot with 3 cars doors opened played this song full blast , smoking the zaza and just vibing these days will never come again for me because im fully focused on kickboxing
  • @WBSoumyan1649
    "If you are looking for a man or woman that will change your life, just look in the mirror" by Unknown
  • @dielri6449
    Nostalgia pura, verdadeira vibe boa!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🌃
  • @CrazyMonkVr7
    This song makes me think about the times when u we’re friends with everyone and had no stress and problems in ur life
  • @syedaliff6248
    in my mind🧠:boxing boxing in my heart❤️‍🩹:focus