Conversations on Compassion with Eckhart Tolle

Published 2013-02-21
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, will ask Eckhart Tolle about his life’s work and what role compassion may have played.

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All Comments (21)
  • @chopin4321
    Poor eckart.. was broke.. alone.. depressed.. couldnt find a girl friend.. nor a bit of love from anything or anyone.. his mind was his worst enemy.. so much pain ... and magically finds a peacefull dimension.. and shares it with us.. he is a spiritual warrior.. a survivor.. i adore him.. he saves people suffering.. deserves noble peace price
  • My awakening happened in pieces and is happening in pieces still. What a wonderful journey.
  • @Jo444U
    My spiritual awakening happend due to a really traumatic time in my life where i was literally at the end of my tether. I was in tears and was so low , i was praying and begging for help and for a way out of it . The next day i got out of bed and immediately started getting teary eyed again when suddenly everthing just slowed down and stopped then i felt a feeling inside me which i can only can compare to like a flower opening up inside my chest and then over took my whole body and everything around me started to glow and seemed so new and beautiful . It really was the most amazing feeling, i immediatly started searching everthing to do with awakenings as i knew it was some sort of awakening , which lead me to meditation videos and from there it has continued . My spiritual awakening happend about 5-6 years ago and i am so glad it did .
  • The Power of Now - the most helpful book in my life so far ❤️🌿
  • @reackizback
    1:23:50 "I thought I was in hell ... and I was only in bed " man this quote is sooooo helpful, showing how to pull you out of your misery ... just being aware of your surroundings and stop letting the thoughts train drive you crazy !
  • @nicholeswan640
    herokee heritage and am proud to take my son with me on our walks in the woods I play this and it calms our spirit. It is easy to lose touch with our roots in modern society when we unplug we return to that part of our spirit that’s connected to the earth. I am in recovery and spent 15 years as a heroin addict in and out of jail and eventually went to prison for my drug addiction. I learned a lot of self reliance but it was the connection to the earth and other people that I missed so terribly. I was incarcerated in a place where I didn’t see sunlight let alone go outside for 6 months and it was the most invigorating experience to have some sort of freedom again when I went to prison I was eventually able to walk outside even if it was on a compound and see animals again. I was reprimanded for feeding the geese and groundhogs that would wander onto the grounds. The prison guards would throw rocks at them while we tried to feed them. I have straightened out my life after the birth of my son but it would be a lie if I said I haven’t slipped since his birth I haven’t had a relapse since April of this year and everyday I fight to maintain my sobriety and freedom for my son. Alcohol and drug addiction has ravaged our people since colonization and it affects every culture there is. For me it has taken much from my life in terms of relationships, friends and ability to care for myself. I’m unsure why I am writing all of this as I find the need to tell my story as if it was unique, I want to let you know if you take time to read this and know someone who is struggling if not yourself that there is hope. That there is so much beauty in the world beyond our own struggle. Your never alone. I care about you and know that the earth does also. Take care of her too, she needs us.
  • @laurafahey542
    Just for the person reading this God bless you you are worthy and you are enough and you’re going to be so fulfilled and happy look forward
  • I have been listening to Eckhart for several weeks now as I fall asleep and again throughout the day. I noticed a change in myself that I had longed for. What I didn't expect was the change in the world around me. I am grateful beyond words. Thank you Eckhart Tolle and Thank you Great Spirit, please continue to show me the way.
  • This video started playing by itself on my cellphone.. while I was fast asleep.. in the early hours of the morning.. It was truly a Godsend xx
  • I had an awakening after breaking down so bad and was negative for years, I had a message synchronisticies from the universe saying 'evolve or repeat' I decided to stop hating and learn more about love and peace 👤💛 shadow work changed me
  • I could listen to him talk for hours and hours. I listed to A New Earth and it just changed me entirely. I often have to re-listen to the audio book and the calmness in his voice I find incredibly grounding. The first time I listened to it, there were parts were I physically had streams of tears just run down my face... breakthroughs... but I often find that I need to re-live those breakthroughs. Otherwise, they become old and stale, somehow, sadly. The conditioning of everything we have been taught since childhood is WAY too strong. This is the way to peace and happiness. Much love to all. <3
  • @therezawesbter
    Eckhart is the higher manifestation of a guru reincarnated in the west, definitely a zen master in disguise making our awakening easier. I’m very grateful for the teachings. Amazing guy. 🙏🏽💜
  • @MeSimplyMarie
    I agree, The Power of Now changed my life as well. I didn't even know who Eckhart Tolle was when I picked up the book and I read the book three times.
  • @The_Tall_Coach
    57:30 - when talking about waiting. I noticed after my awakening I was amazingly calm when driving my car. Observing the chaos around me. The impatience. Realising that this moment simply is. I cannot change the traffic. I cannot get to my destination any faster than the general flow of traffic, so I may as well enjoy the moment. I turned my music off so I could use all my senses. I realised that the road users were reflecting their emotions through their driving manner. I arrived at work in a completely calm manner. Fully at one with everything.
  • The truth of "I" can't live with "MYSELF" ... the separation is REAL!!! Freedom is realizing that "YOU" are not your "MIND" NOR YOUR "BODY"... YOU & I are spiritual beings having a physical experience... to separate oneself, simply say aloud several times daily "I AM NOT MY BODY, I AM NOT MY MIND... I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT, I AM TRUTH, I AM..."
  • @maryammosavi468
    He totally saved my life with the “new earth “ , I had insomnia and depression,now I live in the moment as happy I can
  • @rationalmystic5
    The best part of Eckhart is that there is so little drama in his spiritual talks. Even the pauses he gives are not dramatic. He is never trying to build up the talk just stating facts . His feeling soul still comes through in his talk . He never sounds monotonous or machine like. Deep gratitude and respect for all his work. Thanks for this upload.
  • Ive in recovery for the last 2 years from a long term drug and alchahol addiction . Ive just nearly comlpeted a teelve step programe ,listening and meditating to Echart tolle has calmed my nagging head and helped me conect with my higher power and a God of my own undrestanding .Thank you Echart
  • @garygreffe4522
    True compassion comes from the realization and understanding that we are all one, only then can you love others as yourself, because they are you! 🙏