Star Behavior?

Published 2022-10-04
Not sure what's going on, at first I thought maybe it was a star but it started moving so I was wondering if it was a UFO. I started filming it and in the video, it keeps vanishing and reappearing. but while I was looking at it, it wasn't doing that, it was totally bright the whole time. So what is my camera capturing? I am very interested in UFOs, but if anyone has an idea of what's going on here, please comment. I was so confused by what I saw and what the camera captured, it seems to just pop in and out of existence. Sorry about the occasional shaking, I try to hold still while filming but not going to lie, my hands will shake a little bit, so the wiggling toward the end is my bad.

All Comments (2)
  • Holy smokes! Never seen anything like it before. Like a piece of Ursus Minor taking flight.