Mario Almost Dies in All Super Smash Bros Ultimate Reveal Trailers (HD Cutscenes Movie)

A compilation of Mario almost dying in every Super Smash Bros. Wii U & Super Smash Bros Ultimate Trailer for the Nintendo Switch.
The latest Newcomer is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7.

コメント (21)
  • Nah, during Ridley's reveal, Mario went from 99x to 98x lives.
  • Gotta love how everyone else who was introduced had epic fight scenes to them while Steve just remains completely peaceful during his, all he really did was come in, stare at Mario, eat steak, and run from the creeper… and he is STILL one of the most powerful smash characters to play as!
  • Nintendo: Releases a new Smash trailer Mario: Chuckles I'm in danger
  • The Sephiroth stuff still gives me chills. He is one of the best creations ever imagined.
  • Why is the animation for literally all of these better than 99% of animated movies that have come out in the past 10 years
  • @vibin7693
    New characters: lets pretend to kill mario! Ridley: yea... pretend
  • @retrosystem6182
    i love the fact that mario was still hanging off sephiroth's sword when cloud initially clashed with him. i wish there was enough room for the full scene there cause that would've been a hilarious visual.
  • 5:29 can i just say? i LOVE how they made ridley do that little finger spin with mario,s cap i know this is all about mario but that adds SO much to ridleys character and personality it actually shows that it isnt just some random monster wanting to kill everything in its path it has an actual touch of personality to it props to them for doing that and props to you for making this compilation
  • Are we gonna ignore how he was ACTUALLY murdered by Ridley?
  • Imagine being hit so hard that you get launched into a different game
  • @Useful.48
    6:28 is something I never expected to see until they did it 😂
  • I love the Steve trailer. That was insane. He didn't even try to help Mario. Just left him for dead. Poor Mario.
  • @rhinuu045
    the visuals on these cutscenes are freaking phenomenal