My Ultimate Squadron...

Published 2023-11-28
Rabbit holes happen..... Enjoy!

All Comments (8)
  • What I noticed is that when you swap a ship, the pilot that takes over your swapped ship will not only be different than the pilot with whom you performed the swap, it will be the same pilot every time when you're in the same system. You can essentially shop for a pilot by switching from system to system, and just swap with the pilot that lands closest to you. My squadron has a super-cool Gek pilot in a golden outfit flying a yellow interceptor, for example. But yeah, it's all eye candy, I agree with your conclusion about the usefulness of this.
  • @hamm-5225
    Shame that they don't matter, I was excited to collect a squadron. Perhaps give the slots "personality" differences too, so they can shout at me Star Fox 64 style during fights. Would be nice to give them a little life. You do an impressive amount of work for this channel, buddy. New player, here, and only recently found your channel, you have been a huge help. Thank you dude!
  • @Simon-ds4bm
    Nice video Jester. I did the same. Full exotic squad over here! However, I wasn't 100% sure that the upgraded exotics that I swapped out and then recruited actually had all the upgrades. I experimented and made one of them with only Intra Knife included, no photon canon, no rockets etc. Jumped into a fight and they seemed to be using Photon Canon... but I guess I could have been mistaken. Either way, as you point out, it doesn't mean much. One day though, I am sure Hello Games will improve the squadron AI to be actually useful.
  • @ianmorris6437
    I have found that the Squadron gets in my way, but they also get in the way of NPC's, I have seen a couple of collisions which appears to confuse the NPC AI for a few seconds and I think I have seen them take a couple of hits. I like the space battles and have 3000+ kills so far, nearly finished upgrading freighter with S class upgrades from pirate dreadnought battles, but this is a newish save, so have not really been watching the squadron. If Hello Games makes them useful, you can bet they will make fights harder. Glad it peaked your interest, You must admit though, they looked good.
  • @EyeSee4.8
    I haven't looked but wonder if Nexus mods has anything to fix this issue. It is cool being able to equip squadron like that.
  • @lariandark
    Hello,one idea maybe you used hard to aim weapons what about positron ejector that has a wider range and more alpha ? How about using perfect 4 square supercharged for the positron ejector at this point even if they only fire once or twice it shoud kill anything instantly .
  • I tried this before and was disappointed, sometime they create a whole mechanic and it appears to be useless as they did with settlements plus I don't think they will make it a priority. all that wasted potential features keeps me away from the game at the moment so I don't get ptsd (on the other hands bitbeat or whatever they call it are very complex music player no one cares or need and it work perfectly)