My Newest FREE LP Printer (Abuse this NOW)

Published 2024-06-28
My Corki and Tristana FREE LP Printer ran out of Ink so I had to try something new! Lucian mid is my new AD mid I use to print free LP!
Also somehow Lucian R does 7000 Damage with full build... how is that balanced?

Make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel!



0:00 Pick/Ban
0:15 Game Start
3:11 Bot Fight
4:58 Grubs Fight
6:43 Mid Game
7:42 Chasing into enemy base
10:25 I miss Galeforce
12:27 IE Power Spike
15:52 Baron Push
17:06 7000 DMG ult
17:56 Final Fights

#pobelter #caedrel #Doublelift

All Comments (13)
  • @efandwin
    Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Eugene... honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you drive into the paint and strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch around the keyboard, and that gorgeous mouse movement. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you retire. You had a rough childhood, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the computer, you're a great husband and father, sometimes I even call you dad. I forvever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day retire. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you first left LCS and and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you win your first ring in 2015, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to return home. Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy came home and I rejoiced. 2012-2014 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2015 you made history happen. You came back to destroy TSM and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "COUNTER LOGIC GAMING, THIS IS FOR YOU!" Not only have you changed the game of League of Legends and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Eugene park.🫢
  • @SkywardSpork
    You can't be uploading Lucian videos. I'm 4 years clean, tempting me back with gameplay of my old Main.
  • @gallae
    i actually still don't understand the reason for removing galeforce but keeping protobelt in the game
  • @davidbeal908
    Could someone explain to me why he isn't missing out on local gold when the minions finish a tower but he is more than 1200 units away? I'm not sure how much local gold is suppose to be for which tower because for some reason they aren't the same value anymore...
  • @CBlastoise
    The GBM moment was so tragic he had to go to TURKEY πŸ˜…
  • @unadax221
    I don't get why he takes jack of all trades even tho he couldn't full proc it at 5 items lol
  • @kuivia
    damn just watching gameplay of this skin feels like i'm auto cancelling non-stop, is it just me?? it seems so awful