Never start a D&D campaign without this!

Published 2024-01-16
So you're about to DM your first game of D&D (or maybe another fun TTRPG system)! Where do you even begin?

Of course understanding the rules is important. But understanding your players is even more so. If you're a new DM, one of the best things you can do is kick things off with a very exciting questionnaire!


Player Pre-Campaign Questionnaire Example


Links mentioned in this video:
• 4e DMG -…
• Robin's Laws of Good Gamemasting
• Sly Flourish's single page campaign guide video -    • Writing a Single Page D&D Campaign Guide  


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All Comments (12)
  • @SabbothArt
    The algorithm brought me here, been a long time GM now and I'm always looking for new RPG ideas and perspectives. This was a good vid!
  • I host really small groups and one-shots as well as play a lot solo games but still: having a clear expectation is such a boon. Even more so for solo and sandbox; it helps inform the prompts you'll be generating to keep the action going. Technical Notes: Really like how you walked through the steps and elements with examples. Your conversational style is also refreshing.
  • Thank you, I’ve been playing for at least a couple years, but I’ve never DMed before, And now in less than a week I’m going to be running Strixhaven, so thank you!
  • @g0mikese
    I played in a long term game years ago when I was in college that ran for about 2 years before our GM's wife graduated from Grad School and they then moved from the US to New Zealand.... and this was back in the D&D 3.0-3.5 days, online wasn't a thing then. So I picked up the reigns, bowed my characters (yes plural) out of the game, and started to GM. A few years later, everyone else is out of school and the game died out. Now I find myself 17+ years out from that game picking up Roleplaying again for my wife and a group of other new players. Session Zero? Didn't do one, it wasn't a thing when I played before and the idea never occurred to me. Thankfully several things that happen in one did happen in conversations prior to the first game night. I wish I had seen the videos on them though and done a more formalized process, it would have helped. Pre-game player survey? Didn't do one.... yeah... this tool of yours is one I really wish I'd thought of or heard of prior to starting the new game. I could really have used it to help take the players expectations into mind. Instead I've spent time throwing different adventure types at them and letting them tell me what they liked after the fact and then adjusting from there. Admittedly, none of them thought they'd like the dungeon crawl but they loved that one. So in that case their expected likes/dislikes may have been wrong, but as I said... new players. Safety tools was another big one I missed. I've introduced them since, and happily all the players are familiar with safe words and negotiation so those were easy. I'm always wondering what new things I'm going to pick up that would have helped my old school self in the modern TTRPG landscape. A lot of these new (to me at least) ideas on how to do things I see get push back from other "old school" folk (read jerks, often bigots, and usually sexist too), and I look at those pushing back and say "You're stupid, you were already doing this shit informally. People have just put out tools and formalized the processes to make things more clearly communicated and set expectations". So if you get any push back BS from old codgers like me, just remember that your input is appreciated and I for one am listening.
  • @srmillard
    a player survey is a great idea! I just started running a new online campaign and asked similar questions as those that you suggested. it helped immensely because all the players are on the same page about what they want and what to expect. In fact, if I had to do it all over again, I would take it a step further and actually conduct video calls with each prospective player who seems like they were a good fit on paper because what could be missing is a good fit personality-wise with the rest of the party
  • @soulclone6
    Thank you ! I found this helpful, even if I do rpgs for more than 20 years
  • @dane3038
    Too much echo. I'm not a sound guy so I can only present the problem ( sorry ). Maybe a better pop filter or turn down the Gain a bit. The good news is that you have a clear path to level up as a Youtuber.
  • @danddjacko
    Your Player Pre-Campaign Questionnaire Example is not accessible
  • Love the @slyflourish shout outs. His stuff is TRANSFORMATIVE and EASY!