How to NOT Look Like a Tourist in Italy This Summer | Easy Italian 161

Published 2023-04-30


How to blend in with Italians when visiting Italy? Today we give you 7 tips on how not to look like a tourist in Italy!

Come mimetizzarsi tra gli italiani quando si visita l'Italia? Oggi vi diamo 7 consigli su come non sembrare un turista in Italia!



Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Host: Katie Harris
Camera: Matteo Alabiso
Presenters of the 5 Minute Italian podcast:

#learnitalian #easyitalian #easylanguages

All Comments (21)
  • @joseph_mta5840
    I missed my train and needed a ride to the stazione, I went into a local coffee shop and asked in my broken Italian for a taxi.....the lady behind the counter DROVE me to the station. the workers were honestly so nice, I think it helped knowing a little Italian, Italians are most gracious when you make an effort.
  • My wife is Italian and while I certainly speak Italian, it is worth comparing my time in Italy with the many years I lived in France. My French is extremely good as well as my accent. My Italian is workable but far from perfect. Still, I find it easier to speak with Italians who generally can still understand you, despite mispronounciations, and have no problem mixing English words into the conversation. Contrast this with France, where even a slight mispronounciation can lead to confusion. Italy thrives on tourism and most Italians seem to do their best to be welcoming. Yes, knowing a few phrases helps and ordering a cappucino after dinner is met by a slight inner groan, but they will make it and serve it with a smile. All this said, I enjoy your videos as a way to improve my Italian.
  • Whenever I bring people to Italy I tell this this: There’s a reason millions of people go certain places and it’s ok to go there too. You will never ever be confused for a local anywhere in Europe, and that too is ok. What’s not ok is not doing things you want to regardless of whether others are. Or not experiencing where you are as close to the way locals do as possible.
  • @mikeybee6061
    Wear sunglasses and carry a copy of Corriere dello Sport.
  • @leta3221
    I love the shot you took at the “app that will not be named.” When I first started using said language app, I thought to myself, “now when am I ever going to use the Italian word for penguin?” 😂
  • @anqixue6032
    I am Chinese and I lived in Italy for a some years. Suggestions from me for the tourists in Italy would be: 1) fix Apple pay so we can just scan our phone on POS and it's very convenient; In many places we can enter metro or bus without buying tickets at tabacchi but just use our phone. 2) Prepare coins in some other places, not too much cash just coins, since ppl tend to not have much rest to give us. 3) Always convalidate the ticket if we're travelling by regional trains or public buses. if somehow we cannot manage (machine broken, forgotten etc) we can go to the staff inside of the train and with Buongiorno, mi scusi... she will be happy to help us to sign our ticket =D 4) It is normal to ask for "un goccio d'acqua" (a smol amount of water) with our espresso~!
  • @x1achilles99
    Absolutely THE BEST for a quick lesson in the Italian basics. I am in Palermo now and after watching the 1st time I used "salve" and "per Cortesia" this morning. Cool!
  • Guys, be yourself, be respectful to others and there culture, do no harm, enjoy your vacation, eat what ever you want, drink what ever you want, Italians are intelligent people, they know you have your own habits and culture, you are experimenting with other foods, enjoying art…… most importantly you are spending your hard earned money, what’s so difficult about the capital of Macaroni, ohh sorry the eternal city, love to all of you out there❤
  • @Jen
    Am I the only one who doesn’t mind looking like a tourist?! It’s fun haha. You meet interesting people that way :) Italians are so nice and want to show you around their cities.
  • @debsholly5183
    I do not speak Italian, butI have been trying, to learn over the past couple of visits to Italy. It is very difficult to do in the States…I have no access to classes nor anyone to work with. We are now staying here for 6 weeks, and have been here for 2 weeks. I am learning more just from trying to talk to the locals. They are SO KIND and help me and correct me, but nobody has laughed or been derisive at my mistakes. They are a most generous people. The woman that owns an amazing coffee bar here teaches me a new word each morning by writing it down on a Post-It. Today I put together a complete sentence and she gave me 2 candies as a “reward”. 😂😂😂❤❤❤. I only wish I could convince my husband to move here. It is my life’s dream.
  • I would avoid ordering Aperol Spritz together with a proper meal 🍽️. It's like a tourist radar. 🍹🍹
  • @Lina_5_
    Hello from Greece ! I am a big lover of Italy, I'm learning italian since 2022 and I will travel to Rome this September. I'm looking forward for this trip and I can't wait to speak the native language. I love Italy so much and I hope to have a nice experience there ! Your videos help a lot, thank you !
  • Really useful! Grazie 😊 I would also say I can spot fellow English people as we just look messy!! Italians always look so neat and tidy. I could spot our parasol area on the beach from a mile off as it looked like a total mess with pants and grubby socks all over the ground and sandy towels hanging off loungers! 😂
  • @kaffy678
    Conosco che state scherzando ma sono contento che tu abbia detto che puoi vestirti come preferisci. E aggiungerei che dovresti ordinare un cappuccino quando vuoi. La vita è molto molto molton breve e gli italiani accettano di più la differenza rispetto ad altri paesi (ahem Francia ahem)
  • @dssmith13
    I love everything about this video and can’t wait to follow this channel. I am in a course who recommended it for immersion learning. Great job guys!!
  • @ylpea5170
    What a great video this is, thank you for taking the time to make it!
  • That was enjoyable thanks! Fresh and entertaining, just been to Italy for 1 week and want to go back as soon as I can, maybe live there ? I fell in love with Italy.❤
  • About the glass of Prosecco: it's not just the question of quantity, but there's another big difference between the Italians and the foreigners visiting Italy. I'd say that the main difference is the alcohol consumption alone, per se (foreigners), in comparison with the alcohol consumption while eating something (Italians). In the lobby of a London theatre, e.g. during the interval at a concert, you may see a good number of people drinking wine (red wine as well, not Prosecco) and eating nothing. You would never see anything like that in Italy: so if do not want to appear a foreigner in Italy, try to drink wine only at the table of a restaurant during a meal, possibly, or, if not during a meal, as a so called "aperitivo", at a time of the day just before a main meal, and accompanied by some savoury bites. Never have wine by itself (it's also not good for your stomach...).
  • Domani andiamo in Italia per due settimane e il vostro video è particolarmente utile! Mille grazie – mi piace di più il consiglio come vestirsi!