Schizophrenia and COGNITIVE Diffusion: Hear me RANT!

Published 2023-05-22
Just me ranting!

Paulo Coelho: "When you want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen."

That's the quote I couldn't remember! lol

All Comments (10)
  • @UnthinkJames
    I really appreciate your videos they give me hope and I aspire to over come my mental health challenges like you have. I have commented on your videos in the past explaining how last year I had a psychotic episode where I thought I was being persecuted by aliens and the whole world was conspiring against me. Those were dark times and a year later I have recovered to the point were I Am currently getting of anti psychotics. However, I still have certain triggers that bring me back to that time that I am learning to manage. My goal is to be symptom free and to not have any triggers and live a normal life. My question for you is do you still have symptoms or triggers? Have you completely gotten over your symptoms/triggers or have you just learned how to better manage them? If you have completely gotten over your symptoms what was the road you took to do this and how long did it take? Please don’t stop making these videos they give many of us hope!
  • @ak_7145
    Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.
  • @greenpilgrimz3763
    It does seem believable that if mental illness could be cured. It would come from someone who suffers from mental illness. Also I would like to add we think so much on a linear time in our lives. We also think of our mental health the same way, but maybe we shouldn't.
  • @Slidehhy
    I have severe exhaustion apathy avoilation everything how did you over come all that
  • @Slidehhy
    Anything to help with severe negative symptoms
  • @greenpilgrimz3763
    Im about half way thru on this video. I will finish the rest later. I was wondering how you cured yourself of skitzo illness. Following your logic so far i was wondering how your mind destroys delusions or you difuse them if you have no idea on how to defuse them. Because they for me come from a place I do not understand. And they are not believed now for reasons I do not understand. Is there a way I could talk or message you for help on my own mental health? Ty
  • You are saying exactly what the psychiatrist said to me last month. Dont expect much from my son don't stress him out I could not believe she said those words a young Asian female doctor that spends less than 30 min with him. Especially to a black mother in the south. My son is a young man will be 20 next month. How in in the hell am I suppose to do that? Can you tell us about your support sytems journey with you on not taking medicine and how your support system helped you. For example did you all sit down and talk about it