Why Reformed Baptists are not Reformed

Published 2023-05-28
Here's a great Reformed Baptist channel:    / @truthunites  

Also, I should clarify that when I said we don't have Reformed Baptist Churches, I only meant in that particular city. There is a baptist city where we only have Baptists, no Presbyterians or anything other than Baptist. The purpose of this server is to showcase the beauty of each Christian tradition but also to display the unity they all have in Christ

Quotes from John Calvin:
"We must then really receive in the Supper the body and blood of Jesus Christ, since the Lord there represents to us the communion of both."
- Short Treatise on the Lord's Supper

"How are these blessings [salvation] bestowed on us by Baptism? If we do not render the promises there offered unfruitful by rejecting them, we are clothed with Christ, and presented with his Spirit."
- Geneva Catechism 331

All Comments (21)
  • @bryanp7831
    The chat section in the server is something else
  • I used to be Presbyterian as well, but unfortunately my former church turned very woke, and so I wanted to turn to a church that better represented the Bible. I'm glad to know not all Presbyterians are like the ones that ran my church.
  • As a Baptist who is currently studying at an SBC seminary, I would say that there is a shift in the newer generation to embrace historically Baptist principles that are more in line with the Reformed tradition and the magisterial Reformation. More of us now embrace many of the points of “SPACE” like spiritual presence, amilennialism, ecumenical creeds, and predestination which the previous generation who led the Conservative Resurgence did not always hold. Our seminaries now even embrace a certain strain of Covenantal theology called progressive Covenantalism, which is way too complicated to explain here. Though I think you are right in saying that Baptist are not Reformed in the truest sense, I would also point out that it’s not historically accurate to say that Baptist emerged from Anabaptists and the radical reformation. Having read there writings, there are many things we do disagree with them on, specifically the idea that the church cease to exist for a millennia. Baptist tradition emerged from English separatism, with John Smyth and Thomas Helwys being the origins of the general Baptists and the JLJ church in Southwark, England being the origins of the particular Baptists.
  • @lesinge8868
    Something general I’d like to say as a Baptist turned Catholic. Extreme literalism (except for “this is my body”, “this is my blood”, and sometimes Genesis 1) and general anti-institutionalism are the two greatest weaknesses of the Baptist tradition. Unfortunately, they are also at the core of many Baptists’ personal theology.
  • @walteryoung2025
    As a particular Baptist I would ask ,were the puritans reformed? The only reason I ask is because we come from them. I would also point out that the reason we don't have many Baptist countries we endured some pretty heavy persecution during the time of the Reformation.
  • @xcosminax
    As a Baptist, I always found it weird when people say "Reformed Baptist" because of that point you made about us not really liking institutional approaches to faith and theology. Not to long ago I visited a Baptist Church where they were preaching that Catholicism is a cult. I've heard that said by a lot of Baptists actually. Mostly in smaller church settings where I doubt they have any understanding of theology or what the Catholic church teaches. I also find that Baptist are more likely to say the line "Christianity is not a religion. It's a relationship with Christ." Not a fan of that belief. The word "Religion" is seen so negatively that we don't even want to say we are religious. The main two beliefs that stand out about Baptist is how we handle Baptism, hence the name, and that we believe in the over simplified phrase "Once Saved Always Saved". I never liked that line either. Had a Church of God teacher tell me that Baptists teach that it's ok to live a sinful life because of this belief, which is not even true. I thought the whole idea of "Reformed Baptist" just came from that belief that we kinda sorta share with Calvinists that you can't lose your salvation. I'm glad to have this closer look at the comparisons and differences because theology is far more complex and interesting than that. I'm still learning a lot about theology and these videos have been helpful. I did take Theology in college and I'm convinced I had a bad teacher. He thought very highly of himself and looked down on a lot of the different beliefs. I don't get that same vibe from you. Starting this video, I thought "oh here we go. Dude is just going to trash Baptists." But no. You approached it logically and with respect. Like you understand why people believe in each of these different backgrounds and you believe the way you do based on your own extensive research and experiences. I respect that.
  • @MrEliabe777
    In Brazil, the majority of "Reformed" groups that I participate in or know of are Baptist. In fact, one of the biggest Brazilian Christian YouTube channels is known as "Dois dedos de teologia" and is recognized for spreading Reformed theology through the Brazilian internet. However, the most prominent Reformed preacher in Brazil is Agustus Nicodemus Lopes, who is a Presbyterian. I myself am from a technically Baptist denomination where the majority of pastors adhere more to Reformed theology than any other.
  • @keelanenns4548
    As a reformed Baptist I thoroughly enjoyed this video. I’m sure it will spark many great conversations between me and my Presbyterian friends.
  • I'm a Reformed Baptist. The 2LBC is a Reformed confesssion. Luther told Erasmus that the nature and relation of the will of man and the will of God was the "hinge" on which the Reformation turned. The central and primary distinctive of Reformed theology is Reformed soteriology and the 5 Solas. Reformed Baptists are Reformed in every way, descendents of Puritans from the church of England. We don't and have never asked any other church whether we are Reformed, we don't need their permission or recognition. We live "semper reformanda," which is why we jettisoned the unbiblical notion of paedo-baptism.
  • You're videos have been the tipping point for me. For a long time I've been uncomfortable in my Baptist church. It's time for me to go. Thank you for explaining things in a way most can't seem too 😅
  • @chrisgary4109
    Really informative content brother. Thank you. God bless
  • That's why I prefer the nomenclature "Particular Baptist" as is historically known
  • @Adam-ue2ig
    Your knowledge and articulation is excellent.
  • Man I haven't been on the server in a week, I can only imagine how it's changed