DJI drones are used by 90% of America's search and rescue teams. Washington wants to ban them.

Published 2024-08-26
DJI is a Chinese company, and is the world's largest manufacturer of drones, with over 70% of the global market share and with up to 90% of the sales in the US market. DJI drones are used by 90% of America's first responder units.

In the National Defense Authorization Act legislation that advanced to the Senate, DJI drones will be banned for use or sale in the United States.

Local governments and police and fire departments are fighting back, insisting that DJI drones are stronger, fly farther, have more robust communications packages, and are one fifth the cost of US-built drones. They have grave concerns that the bans on DJI will have a huge adverse impact in their search and rescue missions, policing of criminals, fire control and prevention, and locating missing children.

Especially worrisome is the case of major disasters and mass casualty events in remote locations, such as earthquakes, floods, or avalanches.

Resources and links:

US House Backs Ban on Drones Made by China’s DJI – TH…

Tom's Hardware, DJI drone ban passes in U.S. House — 'Countering CCP Drones Act' would ban all DJI sales in U.S. if passed in Senate…

Wall Street Journal, Why First Responders Don’t Want the U.S. to Ban Chinese Drones…

Tom's Hardware, Pentagon says it's impossible to ditch Huawei telecom gear — officials beg Congress for waiver from Chinese sanctions…

Secret Service turned down local drone 'repeatedly' ahead of Trump July 13 rally: whistleblower…

Images and vidcaps of DJI drones in operation and via X screengrabs

Closing scene, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province

All Comments (21)
  • @PVLTD
    If you want to do business in a so-called free and fair market in the US, your company must not be successful. Otherwise, your company will be labeled as national security threat.
  • @justlife7375
    Some westerners claimed Chinese tech is tofu 😅😅bcos they believed what BBC is feeding them
  • @sinic1978
    Chinese technology by Chinese engineers 💯👍👏
  • @curthing
    if they want to become hermits, let'em be. China's been there, done that - closing off from the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty, kept doors closed throughout the Qing, and that led to the century of humiliation. it took China a full century to get themselves off the floor mat - let that be a lesson for countries without sufficient history to glean from 😉
  • @MeowImages
    A few years ago I looked into vlogging/livestreaming, and was taken aback that DJI had the best products based on reviews and features. Like most people in the U.S. I was wary of using a Chinese product with a Chinese app. It was literally an "ah-ha" moment along the lines of... "wait a minute, I thought Chinese products are just rip-offs and cheap clones of American products...? But these DJI gimbals etc. have features no other product has...?" I've been slow to understand that the Chinese have already passed us in tech capability in many areas, given that you don't really hear that on mainstream media. I bet 99% of Americans aren't even aware and were as naïve as I was. Really love how this channel fills in the picture and helps correct wrong assumptions.
  • @fredtan1506
    How can USA win? US senate can’t even say CPC correctly.
  • @joe23521
    Do they know or care that all this crap will just and only end up hurting America's own consumers?
  • @astroganov
    But Americans will still think they live in a country of freedom
  • @jimmychoi5219
    Let the US use their own inferior drone technology 🤣🤣🤣
  • @rastoferi6012
    Lol the castle is under siege and they tell their people they're still leading the world. Keep playing defense, loserica.
  • @stopstopp
    In undergrad I built a drone and programmed it as part of a class. Mine and everybody else in our class made terrible drones that were shaky. I have so much respect for the people at DJI, it’s hard
  • @hehe-mq2bk
    DJI for LIFE. the best drone company for ANY scenario from farming, search and rescue, casual, filming, lidar, mapping, 3d rendering.... EVERYTHING. I'll never stop supporting DJI bc they ACTUALLY deserve it!
  • Only if you are part of US gov then you can buy chinese brand products but if you are a civilian then you are banned from it and must buy more expensive and inferior american products such as the drones.
  • @aorre
    I heard Chinese-made shipyard cranes were considered national security threats.
  • @thinkslow2006
    The West always advocated let the market decide. Sounds democratic and like promoting freedom
  • @arkdark5554
    Isn’t it astonishing? American drones are 5 times more expensive than the Chinese one; yet, not as good😮😮😮😮
  • You know it they are lying when they shout in the microphones "freespeech, freedom, free money, free trade, free etc"