Dune - Cut Scene - Paul takes Irulan as his wife

Published 2011-01-03
Paul (Kyle MacLachlan) takes Irulan (Virginia Madsen) as his wife, but in name only. This scene appears to have been completed, and includes music. It also appears on the old Fleer trading cards, and so was likely cut from the film at the last minute.

See scene 283 of the Seventh Draft of Dune.
The full 7th draft script of Dune is available from www.duneinfo.com



Now, I will tell you how it will be.
Irulan shall be my wife, opening the way
for an Atreides to take the throne.

I sit on the throne!!

You will sit on a throne on Selusa
Secundus, your prison planet. Either that
or you will die.

The Emperor is still. Paul moves to Chani.

(to Chani)
The Princess shall have no more of me than
my name... no child of mine or touch the
softness of glance... nor instant of
desire.... This is my promise to you...
...my love.

Paul turns back to the others.

Jessica turns to Chani and whispers to her.

Think on it Chani... We who carry the name
of concubine... history will call us

All Comments (21)
  • @Ranillon
    Considering that Irulan later really does fall in love with Paul this is more tragic than one might think, especially given what it leads to in later books.
  • @tojiroh
    Shame this got cut out, really brings forth Paul's devotion to Chani.
  • @davylively2294
    So he's going to screw the royal family, By not screwing the royal family. That's what I call a pro gamer move.
  • @TheWinterShadow
    PAUL: The Princess will have no more of me then my name, plus my money, plus my palace and everything within that palace. You, you will be my baby-mama. This, I will promise you.
  • @fig1115
    tried that with my girlfriend neither her or my wife where having any of it . very unreasonable pair .
  • @Emgee78
    They left that pivotal line "History will call us wives." out of this movie, but thankfully kept it in the first miniseries.
  • @8digitPDX
    Someone needs to digitally remaster this and re-release a full extended version.
  • @04nbod
    You don't know who to feel sorry for. Irulan for what her life is about to become as little more than a hostage or Jessica and Chani with their delusions. Every chapter of Dune and the movie is introduced by Irulan, she is the historian. She is going to write the history and you can be sure Jessica's wish will not come true. No one remembers mistresses
  • @THE-HammerMan
    So many beautiful actresses in one movie! All rarely ever so radiant again as in Dune. Princess Irulan to her credit supports Paul & Chani fully-- what a dame!
  • Great camera-work and sound design. Shame the scene got cut. Those high-brow dialogues really come to life with those ultra sensitive microphones used by Lynch here and most of his other movies.
  • @anonb4632
    You take Chani to the local nightclub but Irulan to the BALL.
  • @aimapile
    Oh my god they're so touching together! I cry each time I see that, so romantic, sensitive expression of Sean, never seen other so perfect except maybe in the late 30's movies, a candid beautiful face of fairy queen...
  • @Pemonides
    "Irulan shall be my wife" Best proposal ever
  • @yehehehaw
    Honestly I feel equally bad for the three of them Paul, Chani, Irulan for different reasons. 😢