Private Scape and Run Minecraft Multiplayer (scare)

Published 2024-07-09

All Comments (10)
  • That Scape & Run server was some of the best miceraft I've ever played. If you ever do bring it back make it members/patrons only, and also have it be VERY KNOWN. That the server is a "comes as is" type of thing. You loose your stuff oh well. Server got fucked over something? Stuff happens, while yes some might complain about things but the server is mostly about the communities that form in it for me and alot of others. My suggestions may be deaf but this is how I think the only way to possibly have that semi public server back. As always appreciate all your work Neo and will always support you and enjoy your content. Extend my thanks to Jen as well for all the stuff they dealt with over those months of public server. Have a good night/morning.
  • I remember the Metro. I remember the Iron Church. I remember big men in a strip club surrounded by shotgun turrets.
  • @jake...
    gosh neo you are a hoot this stream makes me want to eat a club sandwich 😐👍
  • @richard.n9000
    @NeoCranium Hey Neo. I know of the parasite mod present in the mod pack but what are the other mods? Have you came to a decision whether or not this will be a public server? If so will you accept donations to torture the inhabitants like before? I never played a public moded minecraft server and this one looks interesting. ALSO PLEASE ADD CCTWEAKED THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Its fun robots that people can code, they're usually overshadowed by other mods so there more of a neet abbition instead of game changing.