Week I have no idea - the one where I talk about all of the things that are making me anxious

Published 2016-05-09

All Comments (17)
  • @rheajones9423
    Aww, thanks for the shout out Liz. Take Thursday to rest and relax before the festivities. I know I've been driving my hubby crazy with the anxiety of it all. Let's say a big "Wooooosaaaahh" together.
  • @MellieMay80
    I wouldn't say I'm on a level of 100% excitement, but I am at a good 70, so I can loan you a few basis points if you'd like. Sleep in on Thursday, and take things slow the rest of the week. You've got this!
  • @EmmasRNYjourney
    There's nothing like being home when life happens. Hoping you feel rested and enjoy reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. I can relate to feeling "over socialized" or on mental stimulation overload. In those times I try to be kind to myself and do something relaxing on my own.
  • The thing that makes you beautiful is that you are always your authentic self. Just do that!
  • @DreaVSG
    You look stunning! Idk if you know but apparently showing your roots is in this summer. Lol I wish I was going to WLSFA this year butttt I suck. I would have loved to meet you! I try to reconnect with my old self at least once a week by going back on my old videos. Thank you so much for updating us and keeping it real. 😊😊
  • @lynnthow1650
    Enjoy your drive to Tennessee. See you in a few days!
  • @GastricTiger
    I think there comes a point in this journey where all the exciting stuff from the first year just becomes normal. When that happens lots of us get a form of post weight loss depression. Things just aren't as vibrant as they were when we were losing and everything was new. I know that I even have done some risky behavior just to try to get that rush again. In the long run we just have to set different goals that compel us as much as the goal to lose weight did. Can't wait to see you an a couple days.
  • @SkottiRNY
    Hey Elizabeth!! It is quite understandable that you don't know your number when you are on the road so much like you are. Biscuits and gravy.....mmm... but.... :) Don't put yourself down about the NSV's. Remember what I said in one of my videos a few weeks ago... NSV - "After all the new stuff is done, it becomes normal" So that being said, you can't reflect on what your NSV's were, because they are your new normal. See, being able to sit in that Directors chair is an NSV in today's times... They will pop up without you even knowing it. As easy as it is for me to say it will be ok, you have know that it will be... and that we are here for you!! Thanks for saying hi!! haha :) Take care my friend!
  • @pennydee3985
    Even b4 u said social overboard I was thinking the same thing!!! U are our head cheerleader!!! But maybe it's time for u to take a break for ur own well being. U seem so tired. Now wlsa?? Take it easy girl. Water water water.
  • @VSGJodi
    Like I said on facebook, you are overworked over traveled and over stressed! You probably couldn't muster excitement if you tried. It's ok. Document this stuff and look back on how cool it was later!!! You look great! You've kept off this weight for so long and are fighting the good fight... Maybe you can give yourself a spa day one day! I love you, hang in there!!! It'll be greater than you think! 😘😘😘🌈🦄🎢
  • You do look quite tired. Take some time out for yourself along the way to Nashville. I think you'll rise to the occasion at WLSFA.
  • @Phaedragon
    Your blue because of your friend moving away and everything has lost its luster. Hang in there. What's your Facebook name?