How they show strong swordsman in anime.

Publicado 2021-04-18
"Oh yea he practiced his technique everyday and can now destroy the planet"

Oddwin - 19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mememan2847
    This is the equivalent of when your friends are laughing at a joke you don't understand
  • @flaetsbnort
    "I don't mean to alarm you, but the air you're breathing right now is 87% swordsman"
  • There’s two reasons swordsman are so fast The lore reason: they’re so skillful they can carry out an entire sequence faster than sight The real reason: the animators needed sleep
  • @bobmarley6807
    I like how each warrior's fighting philosophy is reflective of their fighting style, with master wood, who prefers to poke at his opponents limits and hold back his power level until necessary, keeping his blade sheathed before the attack, while master emberson, who believes you should always fight your best from the start, has his sword drawn from the begining. Nice touch!
  • @janhemstad
    Because animators be like, “How can we make something epic, but not animate anything?” All of them together, “Have them move so fast we can’t see them!”
  • @GrimmReaperRL
    The fact that Caleb can't track them is how he found out he was a side character in this anime
  • @silk6274
    Love how at 3:14 when he came in he instantly reacted and called for help
  • @nabbol_m1920
    Plot twist: This is all just a skit for Caleb to flex his cool swords
  • Everybody gangsta 'till they realize this was done so the animation budget could be cut and deadlines could be met
  • @RealComixx
    1:50 this is unironically some of the best acting I’ve ever seen. You can literally see the fear go into his eyes. That’s detailed acting
  • I love how when the swordsmen fight he doesn’t just say random things he actually says a lesson and things that they would say in an actually show.
  • @nahuelmat
    Caleb: "You should always fight your best from the start" Anime characters: "We don't do that here"
  • Are we gonna ignore the fact that the "hey I'm here for the interview" dude was in a time loop for over 2 years now
  • Kakashi every mission: "You're in an unbelievable amount of danger right now. I should have never brought you here. I'm sorry."
  • @theellafant67
    “Ok, how do we animate a fight scene without actually animating a fight scene?” “Simple, just say they’re moving faster than light. People will see nothing and still be impressed”
  • @juniorglobal4144
    That smile at 0:33 when he blocks the sword 😂 "these two are at a completely different level than any other profesional"😂😂
  • @MasterEldriel
    Imagine being fast enough to simulate a fight between two at light speed, a master teaching and a student learning, all by yourself