Ed Miliband rates Ed Miliband memes

Published 2021-06-17
Podcaster and Politician Ed Miliband joined us to react to some of his most iconic memed moments over the past few years. Order your copy of Ed Miliband's book, Go Big, by clicking here: amzn.to/3cz1229

For the past four years, Ed Miliband has been discovering and interviewing brilliant people all around the world who are successfully tackling these problems, transforming communities and pioneering global movements. From a citizens' assembly in Mongolia to the UK's largest walking and cycling network in Greater Manchester, from flexible working in Finland to the campaign for the first halal Nando's in Cardiff, Go Big draws on the most imaginative and ambitious of these ideas to provide a vision for how to remake society.


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All Comments (21)
  • @Zachymcsmacky
    I love how he says they "abolished" vine like we were living in the vine prohibition
  • @evemhooper
    “I was really popular on Vine and then they abolished it” lmao
  • It’s a shame that Politics forces people to hide their real personalities. Ed seems to be a nice human. Slightly goofy in a nice way.
  • @swooningtree
    Ed accidentally almost kicking the laptop over after reliving 9 minutes of his embarrassing moments is relatable content.
  • @hjc9114
    Funny thing is Ed had proved he is tough. Being tough isn't necessarily being the loudest, the meanest or the most arrogant. Being tough is being bullied by the media, suffering a big defeat and still carrying on living his best life!
  • i appreciate that he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. definitely a problem here in america where every politician has an ego the size of the earth
  • @archvaldor
    Ironic that Milliband was publicly "disgraced" for eating a bacon sandwich, while David Cameron more or less escaped criticism for actually having sex with a dead pig.
  • @ReCh1299
    He actually epitomises the positive aspects of ‘Britishness’ - polite, charmingly awkward, humble in both defeat and success. Seems to genuinely understand and care about people’s plights. Hope he gets another shot at the top of politics in the future.
  • @ZeusNoTenshi
    I won't lie the man has aged incredibly well he looks better than ever
    Always had a soft spot for Ed, anyone who got the amount of grief he got deserves respect.
  • @GSymtv
    Good on Ed Miliband for having a great sense of humour and humility, and taking it all in his stride with a thick skin. An admirable and funny guy who I'm glad is still sitting in our Parliament
  • @dcw127
    "In fact, I once put it on a Christmas card I think" Like it or not, Ed has a better sense of humour than most of your mates.
  • @conorryan3035
    Imagine how different things would be if he won instead of Cameron? No Brexit, no Boris as PM - the BBC would probably be airing a documentary about Bees or something... He actually comes across as a very likable bloke.
  • @ryanclegg6891
    Can Matt Hancock do one reacting to his affair memes? 😂
  • @dreamer2260
    Much respect to Ed Milliband. An intelligent, principled, caring man who has been vindicated by history, and would have made a far better Prime Minister than any of the awful Tories we've had since Brown. The way he was treated by the Tories, by the Tory press, and by large parts of the electorate, was disgusting.
  • @katfoster845
    I met Ed at an event. He was exactly like this and really lovely. I actually joined Labour under Ed in 2013 and this year I stood (unsuccessfully) for a council seat.
  • I honestly had no idea Ed Miliband was so likeable. Still not entirely sure what kind of PM he’d have made, but I’d probably have voted Labour if I’d seen this self-deprecating, borderline-philosophical, good-humoured, balanced side of him before the 2015 election. Unfortunately he didn’t really come across as well (or as a convincing leader) back then. That said, I absolutely detested the way so many in the media treated the guy as nothing but a walking punchline. I don’t know, perhaps 2015 was just too early for him—I remember watching the debates and just couldn’t imagine him as Prime Minister (that said, if it had been a choice between only Ed Miliband or David “spawn of Satan” Cameron I’d have gladly voted Labour without a second thought). Ed Miliband 2021 > Sir Keir Starmer