The Practice of the Presence of God: CarmelCast Episode 65

Published 2024-04-26
In this episode, we sit down with Fr. Steven Payne, OCD to discuss how we can always remain in God's presence through the spiritual teaching of Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection.

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All Comments (21)
  • ST.TERESA OF LISIEUX: “I should be distressed that I drop off to sleep during my prayers... But I don’t feel at all distressed. I know that children are just as dear to their parents whether they are asleep or awake, and I know that doctors put their patients to sleep before they operate. I’d never before heard it said that one’s faults did not distress God, and I was overwhelmed with joy when I did receive this assurance. It gave me patience to endure this life of exile. It was, too, the echo of my inmost thoughts. For a long time I had realized that Our Lord was more tender than a mother – and how well I know the depths of tenderness in more than one mother’s heart! I know that a mother is always ready to forgive the misbehavior of her child.”
  • ST. TERESA OF AVILA: “Don’t think that if you had a great deal of time you would spend more of it in prayer. Get rid of that idea! God gives more in a moment than in a long period of time, for His actions are not measured by time at all. Know that even when you are in the kitchen, our Lord is moving among the pots and pans!”
  • @SacredHeart3
    I love the beauty & simplicity of Br Lawrence. Like St Therese’s little way, simplicity has such great depth & beauty. What a blessing from our Carmelite saints🙏🏻
  • @barbaraa2937
    Hello from 54, 8 km from St John of the Cross ´s tomb, in Spain.. reading Brother Lawrence book!
  • @MrEnniscorthy
    The practice of The Presence of God is the vertebrate of Relationship. My own effort is very secondary to the Primary importance of Letting Presence happen. In my distracted world this takes time and patience and INTENTION
  • I keep learning how God was leading me back to the Catholic church. I found this book when I was turned away, even from Christianity. This book, I thought it wasn't Christian when I picked it up second hand, a book based on the Interior Castle led me to Teresa of Avila, Dark Night of the Soul, Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating , out of date missalets I picked up at a second hand store for my daughter since she needed the printed lyrics to follow a hymn sing during Covid...❤
  • What works for me is after a time of mental prayer in the morning, just knowing God is with you without saying it. Kind of like knowing someone is in the room with you, you don't need to always talk to them or "look" at them but simply knowing they are there..That is at least how I practice it. As I type I know Jesus is in my soul by grace and I am with him but I don't need to say it but just know it.
  • @MrYosefwales
    When I started my journey being mindful of the presence of God, I was blessed to hear the reading from Romans which said, " ...put on Christ..." I imagined putting Our Lord on me like a cloak. It helped me to act like Him, see people as He would, and be aware that He was present with me.
  • @mapaz555
    To me, it is to be In the Love of God. His omnipresent Love. My constant activity is loving God. I love you my Love I say. All the time. I have a constant smile on my face that comes from that love. The state of joy that comes from God. Every second I remember I say I love You. And He says I Love you. And we smile 😊 And I give that love to everyone near me. And whenever there’s a “coincidence” happen I feel He’s winking at us 😉 In pureness. I rest there. As long as I can love, nothing else matters, into eternity My Love. Loved your conversation, thank you! Bless you❤
  • @agneedle
    Since I tend to over complicate prayer, this episode has revealed to me a way I can pray without becoming distracted by strictly adhering to a method. Since I found or rather the Holy Spirit has guided me to your episodes, I’m finally praying! Before I analyzed each prayer method😢without ever conversing with GOD. I guess I was talking to myself instead of the One I wanted to be with. Thank you so much for your episodes. They are helping me sort out all this. I cannot stress how grateful I am for all your help and support. This episode came at the right time for I was about to go down another ‘rabbit hole’. Instead I will try to keep it simple. Being aware of the Child Jesus always with me may be a way to start. I’m a Nonna who has spent many hours with grandchildren… always having an awareness of their presence. God bless all the Carmelites at ICP.
  • @etpahoresky2872
    Oh I don't force prayer. 3 am I fall asleep. I do fall asleep a lot. I have surrendered to Him. Surely I never thought Our Dear Jesus would give me rest with Him. I trust.
  • Thank you so much! I'd heard of Fr. Lawrence but I never knew he was a Carmelite!
  • Thank you so much for these wonderful informative sessions. Jesus asked us to pray constantly and these sessions help us to be mindful of the presence of God and our focus in life to be humble always knowing that God is with us and how kind, gentle, merciful and loving is God and the endless gratitude we have towards God.Everything comes from God for our good even trials are permitted as God desires us to come to heaven our true home but we all need to be purified to get there.Highest glory and praise to God the most high.
  • Its a blessing from God to have this wonderful spirituality brought to our doorpost
  • Thank you very much for sharing this lovely discussion on Br. Lawrence. I am greatly looking forward to all the upcoming episodes of Carmel Cast !! May God Bless You - John
  • @MrEnniscorthy
    I find the practice of LETTING GO of thoughts , distractions is key to PRESENCING of the Trinity (my word for God). The Trinity ARISES.
  • Being aware that prayer is a relationship ( with God ) took me time to automatically do. 🙏