The Men’s Fashion Trend That Drives Tom Ford Crazy | PEN | Entertainment Weekly

Published 2017-02-09
Designer Tom Ford answers Jess Cagle's burning questions in the Cagle Exercise.
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The Men’s Fashion Trend That Drives Tom Ford Crazy | PEN | Entertainment Weekly

All Comments (21)
  • @badaxtion1878
    Dude speaks like he's a voice-actor in a movie trailer
  • @Fffg150
    This guy looks a mixture of keanu reeves and ryon reynolds.
  • @Crazelord91
    I am a straight man who has no interest in fashion but I just find Tom Ford to be super charming to watch
    The fact that he said he could sum up his life with the word "lucky" was really nice to hear.
  • look at this guys seating posture. i corrected mine just watching him
  • @JordiRuns
    The level of vulnerability Tom exposed himself to during this interview is nothing short of commendable. It’s great to see he is human like the rest of us and it goes to show that it doesn’t matter how wealthy and famous you can be, you’re still flesh and bones like the next guy.
  • @kingpayan8925
    I really want to say he's a douche but I feel like he's just so classy and would never talk to you differently based on looks or money
  • @viceb7
    He's so calm and takes his time speaking, shows alot of confidence despite him being shy apparently
  • @troyhagen587
    Tom Ford is American Style. He has BROUGHT Class BACK for Older Men. I'm 61 and his clothes are classical, and style. THANKS FOR SHARING.
  • This proves why Tom Ford is so adored. Classy , humble, intelligent, kind and endearing!
  • What do I love about Tom Ford? He’s incredibly straightforward and honest. Those are admirable qualities.
  • @razzi0718
    “Does it have to be one word?” “no it can be as many as you want” proceeds to choose one word
  • @BreezyZaira
    He has one of the most soothing voices ever. He can say anything to me and I would listen with a smile on my face.
  • @RyanZNO
    "I wouldn't be caught dead in flip flops." I love it.