How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester

Published 2019-04-05
The latest research is clear: the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. So how do we harness our attention to focus deeper, get distracted less, and even become more creative? Chris Bailey, author of the recent book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability to focus is the key to productivity, creativity, and living a meaningful life.

Follow Chris on @chris_bailey Chris Bailey was recently described by TED as possibly “the most productive man you’d ever hope to meet”. He is the international bestselling author of Hyperfocus and The Productivity Project, which have been published in sixteen languages. Chris works with organisations around the globe on how they can become more productive without hating the process.

To date, Chris has written hundreds of articles on the subject of productivity, and has garnered coverage in media as diverse as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New York magazine, The Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review, TED, Fortune, Fast Company, and Lifehacker. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @Z.Nuriii
    Stop reading the comments, and focus on the video
  • @dak4722
    I've learnt so much from youtube. Without it I wouldnt be who I am now, but at the same time I know it distracts me from my goals and causes procrastination. Its such a double edged sword.
  • @Adrianna-Weeks
    I literally can’t even pray without thinking of another thought. I NEEDED this video
  • @manjeetjat6742
    I watch TEDx Talks videos to improve my english, but while improving my english i am also getting a lot of knowledge which is opening my mind to how to think and how to take actions in life, and this video is something amazing because i do these activities which he said and it helps me a lot because social media evacuate our mind by grabbing our whole attention, and if you put your phone aside and sit in an open space you will feel how beautiful our life is and we are filled with so many creative ideas [life is not about watching a phone or getting happy, life is about watching things that we are surrounded with and to create something special from them]~manjeet jat
  • @kaydenbreak1216
    Me preparing for exams be like: 10% of studying 90% of watching how to study videos
  • @johnbrooke2641
  • @Soon-Lee
    I've had social media uninstalled for about 3 months. You truly are able to achieve a peace of mind and a stronger self awareness. I feel that today's social media creates a constant feeling of missing out which will drag on throughout some people's days and make them believe their life as boring. But truly you are only missing out on life if you are held in a state kf believe that you are missing out.
  • @Nnamdis4
    This is a lecture. It is really what my mind need at this point in my life. Thank you TEDX and Chris Bailey.
  • @ApollosHester
    I have been off social media for 38 days and have came up with more life realizations and business/ life plans that I ever thought possible. I can also read for hours upon hours on end getting so dived up in what im reading that I forget the time. My mind simply has no reason to get distracted because there is nothing to distract my mind. This stuff works, where attention goes, energy flows! goodluck my friends
  • @micemice3283
    key learnings: 1. do your homework now, YES NOW 2. make yourself bored for a month (by getting rid of distracting things and entertainment like cellphone) 3. focus on the most important things you need to do 4. minimize/avoid distractions
  • @soap4890
    Coming from his book, Hyperfocus. It has changed the way i have always thought of focusing. This ted talk is a summary of his book. Exceptional research. I am thankful to him as a student.
  • @sudebayrakc5585
    As of today: -I am going to eat my meals without watching any Youtube videos or TV series, just going to sit and eat my meal savorily. -I am going to do my chores without listening to any kind of music or podcasts. -I am going to study without listening to any lo-fi songs (the most challenging one i guess :p) -When I want to listen to music, I'm going to lie on my bed, put on my headphones and enjoy the song I'm listening. I have an exam a week later and, as a medical student, I really need my brain to focus. So if this challenge affect my focusing ability, I will inform you guys. Wish me luck!
  • @SmutGrrl
    For years I (half) joke with friends how much I love standing in lines. I love being at the store and waiting, because I get some of my best thinking done. People talk about how fast time goes by, but I do love to think about how much it can slow down when waiting. I have subscribed for a very long time to the art of "blankly staring off into space" because I know how good it is for my brain. It can be hard (especially because my work is socializing and online and keeping up with all the things all the time) but it's so very important. Especially as a creative who has to come up with content. Gotta let that brain simmer to get stuff done! Nice Ted Talk Mr. Bailey.
  • @techstatus2914
    00:00 Reducing screen time improves attention span 02:14 Eliminating a simple device led to improved focus, more ideas, and plans for the future. 04:34 Our brains crave distraction and are overstimulated 06:31 Taking a break from technology can improve focus and creativity 08:34 Letting your mind wander in scatter focus mode can lead to brilliant ideas. 10:30 Letting your mind wander can boost creativity 12:14 We need more space and less stimulation to improve focus. 00:35 Less stimulation leads to a better life
  • I'm an English student, and this guy speaks so clearly that I can understand pretty much everything, thank you so much for the content!
  • Nobody: You: Trying to watch the entire video without any distraction "...Ouuuu the comment section!"
  • @saqlainraza2219
    This has to be the best TEDx video I've ever watched. The way Chris explains everything in such an articulate manner and the fact the I could relate to almost everything he has said has really struck me. Thank you Chris for your amazing research and effort!
  • Distractions will always be there. You have to learn how to keep them away from your activities. This talk is one of the best ones!