Chef Unleashed: Ultimate Dinner Party

Published 2024-05-29
Chef Kush is back, showing off his unleashed dinner party menu and answering some of your dinner party questions with his tips and tricks!

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All Comments (21)
  • @PapiPetrou
    I know it's been said countless times, but thank you for putting Kush in front of the camera. He's so articulate and knowledgeable. Great to watch.
  • @toni_go96
    Awesome... Next Ben takes this on... We've heard so much about his dinner parties and hosting skills I need to see a video like this with him
  • @Lawni
    So what I have learned from this video is that if I am hosting a dinner party, get Chef Kush to do the cooking for me. Makes sense.
  • @ymarkone
    Ben hit the nail on the head with "sometimes it's nice to just to watch chefs chef-off". This is why cooking shows are popular. I'm a decent cook, but I enjoy simple cooking. However, watching a chef chef-off will usually give me ideas for meals, tips for making cooking easier, and Kush is great at giving us great hacks that restaurants use to making everything easier. Another great video!
  • @noangelthis
    27:19 Kush gazing lovingly while the boys demolish the dessert, complimenting every mouthful. This joy of cooking and feeding people, that always comes across in the Sorted videos, is what won me over on this channel and keeps me coming back, 10 years on, watching and rewatching. Splendid performance, Kush! And what an excellent video. Thank you to the entire Sorted team, as always!
  • @richbuilds_com
    It doesn't matter what they are doing, I just enjoy watching professionals do 'their thing'. From woodwork to computer programming, watching passionate, knowledgeable people never gets old.
  • @ReiyKishi
    I love to see how much Kush honestly loves cooking, The smile he gets when people start eating his food is amazing.
  • @stone5against1
    "where do you get courgette flowers from?" "you grow 'em" "oh" we're all thinking it.. Ben rubbed off on Kush , kush now has an allotment!
  • @noangelthis
    I found myself smiling, all through- the boys on the side, watching appreciatively, oooh-ing and aah-ing with every spoonful, Kush calmly carrying on slicing away like a fiend without even sparing his beloved knife a glance, practically gliding from one step to the next, keeping up a steady commentary- it's like a zoom masterclass on cooking while you entertain guests! What a fabulous, midweek treat, indeed!
  • @MidnightAge
    I love Kush. He can be silly and playful or sincere and artistic and I love both. But the thing I think I enjoy most about him is how genuinely he seems to love when people enjoy his work. When you've done behind the scenes videos and he's making mountains of food for the whole team, or in this video where Mike and Jamie are just speechless enjoying his sea bass and salad, the smile on Kush's face said everything you need to know about him. I could easily watch a thousand videos just like this.
  • @BartonHNewell
    As a guy who worked in fine dining years ago, it's astounding how easy Kush makes some of this look. His techniques are out of this world and his flavors and balancing are unmatched by anyone else on YT. I know most people who haven't ever worked in food don't really 'get' the plating thing, so I'm really glad you guys mentioned it in this episode. You eat with your eyes first. And to anyone who hasn't worked food or who may think you could do this easily at home, I want you to try to do a regular quenelle, just a regular one with something stiff like a sorbet or pate. You will fail your first 50, easily. The next 100 will be passible, by home standards. The next 1000 will mayyyybe be passible at a restaurant. At that point, switch to doing it with a soft mousse and one handed and you'll see how bonkers his skill level is. Sorted, if you ever find yourself in the US again, I will gladly host you with an authentic Southern Crawfish Boil and BBQ.
  • @stone5against1
    "Make a choice, tell everyone that's why you made the decision and they'll probably believe you" As someone selling wine for a living, this is so true haha
  • There's no denying the sheer talent of Kush, holy crap. If someone served that food to me I wouldn't have the words adequate enough to thank them. That's the kind of stuff you pay big money for
  • Love Ben playing sommelier to Kush’s menu — turnabout’s fair play for when Ben does this challenge!
  • @LanyVonAwesome
    Guys, I love you 4 and I love James, but moving Kush in front of the camera from behind the curtains of Food team was the best decision ever <3
  • @smashrob
    "Sometimes it's nice to just watch Chef's Chef off" - Agreed! More of this please!!!
  • @Ho0wah
    I love watching Ben and Kush together because its like watching a mathematician and an engineer. Ben has such an astounding foundation of knowledge and Kush is incredible at application. Both are great at both aspects but it definitely feels like each leans towards a certain field. Iove watching people who are passionate about their interests and Ben/Kush is always entertaining.
  • @shadowyclip
    Honestly I love watching Kush in an almost instructor role. He's got the confidence throughout everything he says and does while cooking that you are drawn in much more than you may normally be add to that the way he is capable of breaking it all down to a very approachable and easy to take in verbal instruction it's top notch. If he ever decided to go the route of being an instructor I feel like he'd do a hell of a job at it.
  • @argoth83
    It's fascinating to watch chefs work. Just a bit of a glimpse into the brain of someone who has learned to do a job exceptionally well. Also reminds me that cooking is one hell of a science as well as an art. So much can go into figuring out what works well together.
  • @celosy
    I find Kush's voice is incredibly soothing to listen to - it's just at the right pitch and timbre. I love all of you, but if I'm feeling low or anxious, listening to Kush explain what he's doing, as in this video, makes the world a better place for me.