Sisu Laughs At Hollywood Action Films

Published 2023-05-12

All Comments (21)
  • I'm a 38 year old Finnish man who went to see this in the movies with my 70 year old dad. The last movie we saw together was the Matrix. After this one, we just looked at each other and nodded...
  • The fact that the hero refuses to die and acts like an actual man makes him one of the greatest action heroes.
  • And the best part? No extended universe, no glorified cameos, no crossover easter eggs. Just a simple 'balls to the wall' action flick. Beautiful.
  • @ares_1688
    Koshai is the embodiment of the saying “Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young”
  • @mastring1966
    Sisu embodies the saying "fight me if you must, but I'm old for a reason"
  • @TimPortantno
    I call these "hero horror", where it's basically a slasher movie where the slasher is the good guy
  • @steveclark5206
    Far fetched action, fun over-the-top violence, not much dialogue. Definitely worth a watch.
  • @normaaliihminen722
    Glad to see Finnish movie getting more recognition. As Finnish I feel really proud to witness this even though our niche movie making scenery.
  • @jack830902
    The Hero didn't cry or moan or emo. Just pure grit and determination. A call back to those old silent male heroes. Pure will, focus and determination.
  • @jaketaft7533
    I go to the movies with my dad sometimes. he's 77 years old, went to Vietnam, fought in Biker gangs, and was a trucker for 40 years, so most of what comes out nowadays doesn't vibe with him. I took him to see this and he couldn't stop laughing and even did some cheering here and there. Come to think of it, so did a few other people in our showing. It was just a really nice experience to see everyone in the theatre being vocal and having fun, and its always nice to see dad kind of come alive so to speak. What a fun movie.
  • @NjengaNgunjiri
    If I wanted something realistic I'd watch a documentary, this is exactly what I needed. It was glorious!
  • @Zangettsu_ZA
    Sisu was such a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed every second of it!
  • @oldahe865
    This film brought to mind a story of my grandfather's father who in the (Finnish) Civil War was captured by the Communists and taken to a prison camp. He asked to go to the outhouse. While there, he lifted up the toilet "seat" and pushed the tower of frozen excrement off his way, crawling to freedom through the potty hole. Then ran back home. True sisu.
  • @jyidorne8042
    Sisu is basically the current culmination of what Jalmari Helander (the director) and Jorma Tommila (the main actor) have been doing together for about two decades now. From tiny indie short films to bigger (but still very indie) multi million productions, they all share these similar over the top qualities and Jorma Tommila's angry, brooding, juggernaut-like character. You should give them a watch, Drinker.
  • @DekkarJr
    the coolest thing about this movie imo is that its only 6 million dollars. i love when a tiny budget movie finds great success cus it proves to the industry that you do not need 250million + on every movie they make ( and they still look like shit somehow ) to be entertaining.
  • Vacationing with my 86 year old dad, he saw an ad for this film. We got it and watched it 3 times in the last 7 days... Watching the Drinker review, I want to go for round 4 already! This is such a fun film. I never thought I'd be laughing about a guy getting hit in the head with a landmine, but there it is, and I laughed hysterically!
  • @immortannojoe9523
    Sisu might not change the whole film industry but it sure will revolutionize the finnish film industry thanks to its budget, box office and critical praise. As a Finn I'm still mindboggled how a FINNISH action film was a success especially overseas.
  • @XeniaChow
    In short, Finnish John Wick. Enough said. Go see it.
  • @jeremyronald
    This movie is like the lovechild of John Wick but directed by Tarantino in Inglorious Basterds style. Also the best part is when he threw the mine into the soldiers face like a clown throwing a pie 😂
  • @krystalharris79
    When we saw the trailer for Sisu, my daughter & I both said "we need to see this when it comes out" ... and we did. No regrets! Would see it again in a heartbeat! Everyone we told to see it love it and agree: 100% Hit! Box Office Boffo!