ALIENS miniature effects part 1

Published 2022-09-17
ALIENS miniature effects. Patrick McClung talks about the miniature work by the British and American crew for the James Cameron film. Upgraded Sense of Scale segment. Photos: Robert and Dennis Skotak, Stuart Land, Doug Beswick, James Belohovek, Patrick McClung, Dennis Lowe, Steve Begg, Brian Smithies, Nigel Blake, Van Ling, John Lee, Syd Mead, William Malone

All Comments (21)
  • The miniature work is phenomenal. I wouldn’t have thought some of these sets were miniatures.
  • @ravecrab
    Really amazing how much Cameron managed to get on screen in Aliens without it ever looking cheap, despite the low budget. The film is a masterpiece on every single level of cinematic craftsmanship.
  • @fatcat3211
    I think this was Cameron's greatest movie. I never get tired of it.
  • @davidf2281
    Incredible that Aliens was a 'low budget' movie. What a triumph.
  • @itsMrNoble
    There is an incredible shot in Aliens where the drop ship is just about to launch from the Sulaco for the first time. The bay doors open up and you see the planet below and it’s like seeing something from a NASA documentary.
  • @captlazer5509
    Just loved the look of this movie, outstanding designs. Glad they didn't go away from that industrial military look that Syd Mead came up with but made it even more detailed.
  • @bobcurtis3958
    As much as I appreciate the advancements in CGI I'll always be a bigger fan of the artistry, workmanship, and creativity of using miniatures in movies. Even after viewing these behind the scenes videos it's still amazing how real they look in the final product.
  • It looked real then, and it looks real today. More believable onscreen than anything I have seen done with CGI, honestly.
  • @TeddyLeppard
    Syd was an unbelievable industrial designer, so that helped!
  • @DVincentW
    God Im like a little kid here in AWE of this valuable production back story. All these people really are true craft artists.
  • @NetTubeUser
    I really appreciate the fact that there is no music in the background, no shaky video camera, and no extremely fast photos ... so we can really appreciate everything. This is perfect!
  • @TheKevphil
    I would have thought Aliens' budget was BIGGER than the original! Great work! Next to The Thing, this is my favorite sci-fi movie.
  • It’s incredible what was required for special effects back in the golden days of the art form!
  • @Kurtiscott
    Just finished Rinzler’s ‘Making of Aliens” book which covers every detail quite well but this interview was fantastic to see. No matter how many times I’ve seen the final Queen/loader fight sequence it always satisfies. Its that perfect combination of live action and miniatures that sells the sequence so well. Absolutely masterful execution from all departments! Cheers
  • Decades later this movie is still perfect the way it has been done. This is called talent at all levels👌
  • Still watch Aliens to this day. Super production. Nothing to be sniffed at. ❤️🤩
  • @filmmaker610
    One of my favorite films. Amazing miniature work.
  • For the child i was, these guys built the Future for me. Thanks
  • @wildman2012
    When the queen and Ripley are fighting at the end, I would have sworn those were full-size practical effects, ala Stan Winston's dinosaurs. Great video segment!