Saddest YouTube Couple

Published 2022-07-13

All Comments (21)
  • @CheeseYourself
    "Life is short. Have an affair." actually sounds like something you'd see on a billboard in Postal 2
  • @_mikkimoose_
    Sunny is carrying reactor streamer on his back and we should thankful for that
  • @this_is_kino
    I love the defence of 'someone had a genuine criticism but I didn't like it so it's bullying'
  • @thanaGogical
    getting a positive pregnancy test one day and then learning on another day that you actually aren't pregnant is not a miscarriage
  • @academyjason
    chatter: "the queen died today" us: youre month too early
  • I find it disgusting and scary the things people will do for clout and views e.g the tidapod tiktok trend, faking someone's death, faking an animal rescue, and that's just 3 of the horrible things people do or did for just a few thousand views. Disgusting.
  • @Tekn0Killer
    "God forgives me..." Being raised a Christian, I hate to say that I don't like that phrase as much as I used to. What was once a gift brought to us by the Crucifixion of Jesus has now become such a massive cope for dirty priests, pastors, and 'religious' people who only care about the religion because it benefits them or gives them a false sense of superiority. Christians are called to spread the good word of God and help those in need, even if someone doesn't give a damn about the religion, we are still called to show them kindness regardless of whether they change. Yes, we fail and fall to sin over time, we repent and do whatever is necessary to avoid our previous mistakes. That is the forgiveness and mercy of God, not simply, "I did bad thing, but God forgives me, so I don't need to do anything" That is twisting what God does for your own benefit. I'm just glad this kind of behavior is called out, as much as it hurts the religion, it is necessary for us to better ourselves. Sorry about this whole rant, I try not to get too religious, especially online since a lot of people just have no respect for beliefs that differ from their own and I just feel religious talk should require some sort of relevance to the situation. but I think it is important that Christians and people of other religions can acknowledge these things and voice their disappointment/anger. I don't want to argue with anyone, I'll just leave my thoughts here. tl:dr I don't like religious people overly coping for their mistakes. Accept them and better yourself.
  • Several family members of mine, including my mom, have had miscarriages. It’s a soul crushing experience and the fact that they would just lie about going through that is unbelievable.
  • @UmbraBorealis
    'I've never seen a man that excited to be around his wife's pee' and Pyro going 'YESS YESS' made me choke on my grogg thanks Pyro I nearly died
  • @_OrQ
    It’s sad where people manage to use God as pity card, and their forgiveness from the drama.
  • @renhaker
    I like to imagine that pyro is in purgatory due to bullying children back then and is now being bullied by text to speech bots for eternity
  • @DubGaro
    "Queen isn't dead" Had to check the date the vid got uploaded
  • @kakokapolei123
    I like how submissive Pyro gets whenever he hears the Glados voice
  • @milktea6676
    I love how creative people are getting with these things
  • The most logical conclusion I could come up with was that they jumped the gun on the pregnancy test with the toilet water and got so excited that they not only told YouTube but their. Friends and family immediately, but once they went to the doctors to confirm it and were told they weren't pregnant so they made up the miscarriage story to save face