HELP! Do You Think This Is a Tumor?!

Published 2024-07-05
What the HECK is growing on our little gosling??

Hi there! 👋🏻 We live on a 1-acre farm right in the middle of the busy city of Phoenix, Arizona! Our names are Kevin & DaNelle, and we moved here in 2009, when our kids Ethan & Lydia were just 6 & 4 years old 🥰 Over the years we've raised goats for milk, chickens for eggs, built a fish/swim pond, planted fruit & nut trees, and grew a large garden full of veggies. We've also raised a bunch of other animals like pigs, sheep, turkeys, geese, peacocks, and more!

Now that our kids are away at college, we have settled into doing what we love most -- which is raising & breeding goats ethically to improve genetics. But don't worry, we'll forever love our goofy pet goats like Luna the herd queen & Willow the stump lover. We also still love raising chickens for eggs, gardening, tending to the fruit & nut trees, and growing fish in the pond. We use the fresh goat's milk to make cheese, butter, yogurt -- and we use that + everything else we harvest on our little farm to make delicious meals. Having a getaway from the busy world right in our backyard brings so much joy to us each day, and we hope it brings some to you, too. 🥰


Email at [email protected]

🐐 DANELLE'S GOAT COURSE & MINI-COURSES (how to raise a healthy & happy herd):


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Weed 'em & Reap
2753 E. Broadway Rd. Ste 101 Number 431

All Comments (21)
  • @dontask996
    You're likely dealing with a hernia where his stomach wall did not fully close, thus the red discoloration around the area and discomfort when you were poking it and the pink "sac" when he hatched. Those are likely his intestines that you were poking at. If you do not take him to the vet, you risk that area dying off due to being exposed to the eliments in a way they're not supposed to be, getting infected, and him passing away. The only real resolution is surgery to remove anything that is dead/necrotic, repair anything needing repaired, put it all back in place, and close the hole.
  • Former vet tech here. To me it looks like a hernia from where it's yolk was previously attached. I'd get it to a vet to repair it or it is likely to eventually get infected and cause sepsis. There is a good chance they can repair it at this stage. Without treatment there is a good chance with how much geese love water and how much bacteria live in water that this little one will end up with an internal infection.
  • The only thing I can officially say that bump is, is a vet trip. Poor little buddy!
  • That my friends is an Egg Yolk Hernia! It happens when the egg yolks don't absorb properly from being removed too early from their eggs, and they developed a hernia because the yolk wasn't absorbed properly.
  • @eliselang
    It’s like an hernia, his intestines I think 😢
  • I believe that is a hernia left from separation from the egg. There's a small bit of intestine and that has hardened.
  • @sue1288
    😂😂 I lost it when you said Ryan Gosling showed up when you googled it. I haven't had that kind of a laugh in awhile. Thank you. I remember on my grandma's farm she said the males had a higher pitch chatter and was more dominate. We always thought of it as a treat when she cooked their eggs for breakfast
  • I hope the baby survives.. hopefully he sees the vet. Save the baby. You don't need a broken hearted kiwi
  • @mochibear8933
    Hernia imo, he would need surgery. It happens when the yolk is torn away prematurely.
  • @LegendHold1
    That's basically an "Umbilical Hernia" in a goose. The area where the yolk was attached didn't close and you have intestines and other organs coming through the hole. This is either a Vet trip to get it repaired quickly or it's likely he's not going to survive.
  • @_Fizel_
    Yeah that little guy needs a vet. Also I think someone lied to you, or didn't understand what you were doing, as most people say to never do opposing finishes on top of each over. They probably messed with each other and that happened. Or you got a really bad batch.
  • @sokibuscus4998
    No birds have external testes, they sit inside right above their kidneys. I would definitely get it checked out by a vet, I'm not sure what it could be as my specialty is reproduction lol
  • @bcgrote
    Rent a floor buffer with a softer green buff pad and a felt polishing pad. Use a leaf blower to get the powder out? Lol.
  • @lisalegend9528
    Need to see a vet. Let a professional tell you what it is
  • @kailand3056
    The dark red blob you see protruding from the gosling’s lower abdomen is the remnant of the yolk sac, which wasn’t completely absorbed before the bird hatched. From what I read online, you should leave the sac alone (don’t try to pull or cut it off) and it will dry out and fall off on its own. Keep a lookout signs of infection (a yellowish or greenish color to the sac).
  • @tidepoolpotions
    There is a lot of possibilities of what this is - so as others have said a vet will be the best bet. Seems healthy other wise!
  • @jtdamomma
    It's from the remaining yolk sac that they absorb right after hatching. It looks like an umbilical hernia. As to sexing them, you'll need to wait until their true feathers come in first.