No, The Old Forza Horizons Are Not “Overrated”

Published 2024-06-16
Forza Horizon has always been a contentious topic. Debatably the most popular racing game series out there, with arguments forming on all sides as to which games are best, how specific installments hold up, and as time has gone on, if the older games are over-rated. Today, Serp answers this question wholeheartedly in the hopes of showing the newer fanbase just why we fell in love with it.


All Comments (21)
  • @IlMemetor72
    People saying that the old Forza games are overrated is ironic coming from them as they haven't even played their latest games longer than we have played the ones.
  • @ileutur6863
    I'd rather have a game that presents me with a slow car and a list to climb, than a game that treats me like a king and drops me in a supercar within 10 minutes of driving. I have no reason to play for more than 10 minutes then
  • @heatgamer7008
    Forza has came a long way and honestly each year that passes I get to appreciate the old horizon games more for their simplicity and authenticity.
  • @Austindogftw
    People who say that the old Forza Horizon games are worse than the new ones like being gatekeeped, and enjoy this feeling of Stockholm syndrome
  • @NavGTI
    The shift from FH1/2/3 to FH4/5 is quite simple. FH1/2/3 was the core Horizon. 4/5 they went commercial, with imo depths like the Eliminator to join the battle royale hype to underscore that. The focus is big numbers. Which they're achieving. And sadly the people who are core Horizon fans from day 1 are not the target audience anymore.
  • I came into the series at FH3, not playing one or two at all prior. Played a lot of FH4 and forgot most of it, and abandoned 5 after a few hours. Recently played FH1 and fell in love. Looks amazing on series x in 4K. As soon as I’m done with it I’m going into FH2. I remember the map from FH3 clearly, even the slight misplacement of our cities and landmarks. Awesome video!
  • For me, the classic Horizons convinced you that you were at a festival, in a real location, with real challenges. The modern Forzas have settled for showing players that they are just video games, with an empty atmosphere and environment, merely made for weekly challenges,
  • @RiC3R69
    Forza Horizon 1 & 2 = Golden Era of Forza Horizon Series Forza Horizon 4 & 5 = DownFall of the Series Forza Horizon 3 = SomeThing in Between
  • @BloxWich
    Ultraviolet, your passionate defence of the old Forza Horizon games is exactly what the community needs! 🎮💖 It's amazing how you break down the timeless appeal and enduring quality of these classics. Forza Horizon's legacy isn't just about nostalgia—it's about ground-breaking gameplay and unforgettable experiences. Thanks for showing the newer fans why these games are cherished by so many. Keep championing the classics! 🚗🔥
  • @MrBossFML
    Another thing about the newer Horizon games that irk me is that their is barely any progression, you can complete most races in a single sitting
  • Forza Horizon 1 was and still is one of favourite racing games of all time. I've hundreds of hours in FH1, 2 and 3 and loved every moment. Compared to those, 4 and 5 felt very uninteresting I guess, and kinda monotonous (5 even more so than 4). So I refuse to believe that they are overrated my any means
  • @ld9387
    1 had the best campaign. 2 had the best location and overall vibe. 3 had the best balance between freedom and progression. It also had a map that I believe has aged the best. 3 could still be receiving updates to this day. 4 and 5 are just live service games with weekly rewards to keep people playing. It's not even about the festival anymore.
  • For me, FH5's main selling point is the new physics. The reworked suspension and tire model is a godsend for people that don't want everything AWD. Beyond that, it's a weightless game. No progression or reason to play the game past the weekly playlists and multiplayer. You get given everything you need in the first hour of booting the game up which makes playing at all borderline pointless.
  • @Kieran_OPC
    I had no enthusiasm when fh5 released unlike fh1 or fh2. Im not even caring if fh6 is any good because im just tired of it.. especially after Motorsports failure which i tried without buying and glad i mever wasted my money. FM3, FM4, FH AND FH2 are the goats
    After spending hours in every horizon I think modern horizon problem is creating new content to always fell FOMO and lack of storyline.
  • The problem I had with going from horizon 3 to 4 was the fact that they changed from it being focused as a story mode driver to more of a live service game as once you wanted to get the new cars you either had to save up a lot of money and hope someone else would do the grinding for you or you would do it yourself. The other main feature that changed was with the seasons and if you didn’t want to drive in the snow there was no option to change the season while in prior games you had specific dlc that was optional and was more unique since it was a different map.