Windows 10 Feature Updates and Extended Support

Published 2024-06-17
Windows 10 loses support on October 14, 2025. So why is Microsoft opening up the beta channel for Windows 10 again? It turns out they're planning some feature updates. We have also gotten some great news regarding extended support for Windows 10. Maybe there's a few more years of life left in Windows 10.

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All Comments (21)
  • @YorranKlees
    I don't plan on paying a dime to Microsoft for an extended support. And I don't plan to switch to 11 either! In a year or so, my dual boot might just turn into a single boot. The idea is not set in stone yet, but chances are high though.
  • @loupasternak
    I dont think its old computers holding people back . My PC is perfectly capable of the upgrade, but I have no desire to do it . For what ? If it aint broke , dont break it
  • @asiano3385
    0:26 no more feature updates? Just security updates? Finally. It is better if the OS just works than "putting a steering wheel to the trunk".
  • @Mr29Kevin
    At my age, Win 10 will see me out. I've tried Win 11 and still go back to my Win 10.
  • @powergi3996
    I should never have switched to Windows 11. Please do not make the same mistake.
  • @rickh8380
    I really miss the days of Windows 2000 Pro. No activation or telemetry crap. Those were good times. I'm still using Windows 7 from time to time.
  • @glock36me
    I keep seeing where Microsoft keeps telling the 70% of people that are still using Windows 10 that you need to hurry up and upgrade to Windows 11 before Windows 10 support stops in a year. They're having a hard time understanding why they're are still 70% of Windows users using Windows 10. They are morons, because they can't understand the fact that these 70% of people are using older computers (not ancient) that run Windows 10 beautifully and does everything they wanted it to do. Windows 11 even though it will still run on these computers just fine will not install if it does not meet certain criteria which includes a new enough CPU and has TPM hardware certification. Completely unnecessary for both of those. So they're telling 70% of people that they need to go spend $1,000 on a new computer just so they can use the newer Windows 11 making Microsoft happy. I have heard and read articles that Windows 11 is not all that impressive of an upgrade from Windows 10. I have four computers in my house all running Windows 10 beautifully, three of them will not upgrade to Windows 11 because of their older hardware which is stupid. Only my newest gaming/editing computer can and so far I refuse to. Everything since COVID is three times the price at least and they want people to go dump this money on a new computer for the sake of Windows 11. They are just stupid.
  • @Anon287-
    If they’d stop adding more and more things people dislike to Windows 11, maybe more people would transition to it.
  • @philg8556
    MS has been through this many times before... Win98 SE, Win7 and now Win10. You'd think they'd learn what their user base wants and yet they keep forcing changes into the users that only MS wants.
  • @erikferguson71
    Here's the thing. The majority of Windows users do not want Windows 11. The proof is in the numbers. The best thing to do is... NOTHING. If people refuse to switch, and they refuse to buy PCs with Windows 11 on them, and they refuse to pay Microsoft for extended support.. they will have no choice but to continue support. Personally, I am on Linux now, but I do have a couple Windows 10 installations for occasional use. There are most likely even less Windows 11 users than they realize. I still have a Windows 11 PC listed on my MS account and I nuked that months ago. I am certain there are many more ghosts they are confusing with real computers. We the consumers have the leverage right now. What does Windows 11 have? Maybe 20% of the market?
  • @NEBoddy
    The fact you can't upgrade many old Windows 10 computers to 11 is a deal breaker. Not everyone is able to go out and buy a new computer because Microsoft wants to increase their invasion of your privacy.
  • @earthoid
    Why upgrade when my Win 10 system is extremely stable and does everything I need? I tried Win 11 but saw no point to it and went back to 10.
  • Since most Win 10 computers are not compatible with Win 11, there is no way I am buying a new computer just to get a new operating system which which has features which I will never use.
  • @sunkaa_
    ok, hear me out: if its needed a lot of money (from Microsoft) to support a operating system. why make another one when the previous was good enough to everyone?
  • @MrInternetMan
    I would sooner switch to Linux than use windows 11.
  • @whitehorsept
    Update to windows 11 or piracy are the only options? I would expect a Linux mention, like: "Or Not using windows anymore and get Linux. No licenses, no piracy, less bloat, more privacy."
  • @Otacanthus
    Tbh I've been dreading every feature update for windows 10 for years now since it just gets worse. Just getting security updates is the optimal windows experience
  • When you say, " I made a video right here..." at the end, there was nothing there.✌😎
  • @kevinm3751
    When I was told I had to upgrade my hardware if I wanted to use Win 11, that was the sign I have ZERO interest in upgrading. Now with the new info coming out about the total abuse of privacy in Win 11 I am sold that I will NEVER eve consider upgrading to it! I am officially done with Microtrash after Win 10! As for the insider program, I will NEVER sign up for that because there is absolutely NOTHING useful to the OS they can gain from knowing what browser I use and what I am accessing online and that for whatever reason is the most important information they want and we should all be asking why and what is so critical to the OS stability they need to know what I browse and do online is?