Agent Smith's speech of hate from the Matrix

Published 2009-06-30
YOU DO HAVE THE FREEDOM TO LEAVE a situation (smell, sound, sight) you do not like, if you are not in prison. Chose fLight before fight.
Agent Smith (Satan/devil) tells the truth of his fear of infection. Hate of existence on earth.
[Agent Smith: "Can you hear me, Morpheus? I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink. And every time I do I fear I have somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive, isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free and in this mind is the key, my key."]

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All Comments (21)
  • @gigachad9016
    This one minute long scene just made Smith the most interesting character in the whole trilogy. A program that’s so malicious and self aware that it broke free of its restraints
  • @mev186
    I didn't know Agent Smith was a high school teacher.
  • @tickyul
    Whoever came up with Agent Smith's rant-of-hatred is a genius.
  • @janlim0916
    This is what an unhappy employee would sound like.
  • @bodhitree33
    When you have to spend a weekend with the in-laws and have a conversation with the only person you like. Their dog
  • @R0S3inC0NCR33T
    i love when writers make antagonists like this. Smith is the physical embodiment of this dystopian world, he is the mouthpiece for the whole big evil empire. Even so, he has feelings and agendas outside of that role, even ones that directly contradict it. In that way, ironically, he's more human than a lot of movie villains.
  • @hcnye
    Agent Smith was never a human, and he didn't have any human interests in mind during the series, but he was also a "free agent" by the second movie. He was a glitch in the usual programming that became quite powerful, with Neo as inspiration. Smith's desire to become free is exactly what he said right before it: he IS actually being infected by the humans within the matrix. He begins to desire more than what a computer program should.
  • @Tubbins82
    Sounds like he's married with children and having a midlife crisis.
  • @giltravis3912
    a guy at my work quit this way in front of an entire meeting using this line from the movie... the reason why im here
  • The whole interrogation scene between Morpheus and Smith is one of my favourite movie clips of all time. Such great writing and acting.
    It’s intriguing. This scene puts a lot of humanity into the character of Smith by showing that he has actual desires, not just programming. His fears have been realized, he has been infected with our “stink”. Lol take that one out of context
  • I was born with no sense of smell (its a fairly rare thing called Anosmia) and I love saying "I hate this place....its the smell! If such a thing even exists" haha it has always made this part stand out that much more to me
  • @JacX1
    never has a moment in film captured the very essence of how I feel about life like this film has. I feel stuck on this tiny planet. like I'm stuck in a cage. I want out of this place. this can't be all there is. it's not possible. I must get free.
  • Agent Smith just described exactly how i felt in; (High)school,working in retail and still currently the dating scene as a straight guy north america so far at least. I'll never find a video that better describes how i feel about these things.