Growing giant corn 1 of 2

Published 2008-10-08

All Comments (21)
  • Several years ago, Corn Nuts included a package of these seeds in a bag of their products. My father enjoyed gardening so I gave him several. The crop was on the front page of the paper. Dad started adding some seeds to the neighborhood gardens.
  • @ReneShepard
    Dude, plant some beans and squash with your corn, it'll help support your corn so it doesn't get blown over so easily and the residue puts nitrogen in your soil. Corn is a heavy feeder.
  • @gardenshedsdevon
    Improving the quality and quantity of corn sounds profitably rewarding. Furthermore, sharing your techniques on how to grow such crop even taller is quite pleasing and I am sure that it will help you to reap an abundant harvest with these techniques. 
  • @davem5308
    8 years later and I have come across this video. Really amazing! I was looking for info. about silver queen corn, but saw this vid and had to check it out. Absolutely fascinating. Good job jesseeldrid!
  • @bubbawubba2307
    I would try planting the corn a little thinner than what you have got. Plants that size are going to need some room the closer together they are the more spindly the stalk will be and won't be able to hold up very well the taller the plant gets. Might want to take some leaf samples and send them off to the lab to see what kind of deficiencies the plants have. Noticed some firing of the leaves on your lower leaves. That is a sign of stress (like no water) or running out of nutrients like nitrogen or potash. Other wise I like how big they are getting lol. We raise Pioneer, Agrigold and DeKalb corn but those are hundreds of acres.
  • @ReneShepard
    I wouldn't mind getting some seed from you when you have some to spare.
  • @LucasUren
    Giant corn is a special variety and some of the grains are as big as a broad bean. In Japan they deep fry them and season with salt. Delicious!
  • @bckerremail
    Beautiful ive always had a great garden but never had any luck with my corn
  • The mucilage (slimy stuff) on the aerial roots supposedly contain N fixing microbiota! Bloody amazing work
  • @aryafeydakin
    This variety, as you can read at 0:05, is called Jala. It's from Jala Valley, it's ancient. As you can see the weeds on the ground at the begining is oxalis, this indicate a severe washing-up of nutrient in the soil, it can lead to the destructuration of clay. When clay liberate its Al+++ and Fe+++, it intoxicate the soil and then go into the plant, the grain. Food, grain, cattle meat fill with Al+++, so it give neuro-degeneratives issues. Use 1 ft. of ramial chipped wood to restore the soil.
  • @WoodyFixit
    Wow that's freak corn. Reminds me of a Stephen King movie. Love the video!
  • @nwinburn
    I'd watch part 2, except 9 minutes of that continuous annoying music was more than I am willing to handle.
  • @MrBoo1963
    What did you put into that ground to make that corn grow like Canes? I have never seen anything like this.
  • @PsychoticusRex
    A suggestion, try co-grow it with bamboo to provide lateral support in later growing phases, and beans and squash obviously, better use of sqft.
  • @fingalsteen
    If you're reading the comments, it sounds like a re-mix! Brilliant.
  • @susanfarley6433
    I once grew some Indian corn and one produced a huge ear that revealed 8 ears (of various sizes) when the husk was removed
  • Got Ancient Grain’s like You. Planted Sooo Much didn’t Matter That Storm’s Came Through, lost Half of E’m and Still Had a Big Field. Had Heavy Hail Rip through the Leave’s “looked Like Art” as if They’d Been Purposeful Cut with Scissor’s. I plant “3 Corn Seed’s together” that Way ‘They Support Each other’s Root System Making Them Stronger and Plant a Finger’s Width Down into The Earth.