Why Being An Amazon Driver Is A Total Nightmare

Published 2023-06-10
A listener calls in to discuss how Amazon surveils its drivers. The caller claims that there are cameras inside the van that tracks everything the driver does down to their eye movement, and will regularly issue infractions to the driver even when unwarranted.

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Thanks for taking my call. This is Jordan from Southern California. Jordan from Southern California what's on your mind. Hey, I was calling because I'm an Amazon delivery driver. I'm usually listening to the show while on the road but I took the day off today because I'm sick from the long wake. The cats are talking earlier about AI and how it's threatening the workforce. and I was also remembering the interview Emma that you did with I think it was Adrian Han on gamification and I wanted to get your guys' thoughts on the work environment I'm in every day. Because when I talk to friends and family about it or even other drivers they seem a little ambivalent or even like Pro the surveillance I'm under. Because they believe what Amazon says is that it's all for driver safety and on-the-road safety. Which I think is a total lie and this van is basically Big Brother. Are you guys aware of the degree to which Amazon drivers are surveyed? I mean I'm aware I was more conscious of the factories and I know that there's like a certain timeline and you can you have to be out of the truck for you can't be out of the truck for too long. the bathroom breaks stuff sort of yeah permeated a little bit too. Well but yeah be more specific with this. big there's like a there's a camera under the rearview mirror it is an AI camera surveillance system in all the Amazon vans that have four cameras a forward-facing camera pointed at the road a camera on each side and a camera pointed toward the driver. The camera marks safety infractions and reports them. Not very effectively. As the driver pointed camera looks for distracted driving. Which I have been dinged because I was scratching my face so then I thought I was talking on the phone. It's marked people for screwing off the cap of their water bottles. The camera tracks the driver's eyes so that if you are looking away from the road for five seconds or longer you get a safety infraction. The other cameras also have their own list of safety infractions that it looks for. Wow, that's insane. Yeah, it's insane.

All Comments (21)
  • @maxofamerica
    I did it for almost a year, our only reward for hard efficient work was more workload and the same time expectations. It was insane
  • Amazon wants high turnover, they don't want you to be happy there or there for long
  • Finally. When y’all found out about the bottles of urine during the pandemic nobody BLINKED. All of it and more was true. I was a driver. It was horrible.
  • @tkbikesnc6079
    There's people working for Amazon delivery making 16.50 an hour and not being able to afford rent/food much less a vehicle to get to work. They work 10 hour days delivering 300+ packages to upwards of 200 different addresses. Amazon does this thing called grouped stops that screws drivers and deflates the number of units delivered to. It's supposed to be there for apartments but the app will assign you a grouped stop in neighborhoods where you're delivering to three separate houses but count it as one stop. Just a way they can try to claim that Amazon delivery drivers aren't doing "that much more work" than the other carriers. Everything Amazon does logistically trickles down to the drivers and only ever causes more work. Their engine off compliance this summer is literally going to kill workers. They require you to cut the ignition and air conditioning off at every single stop so the trucks are just never cooling off at all. Doing 180+ stops in 100 degree weather in the humid south is insane. I quit delivering after 6 months, it had some fun times and it was an adventurous job. I learned a lot about my city and all the small sections of town I'd normally have never seen. Regardless, the Amazon DSP system is really awful for workers and they deserve to be called out like this at a much larger scale.
  • @melduncan
    Bless this caller for telling us the straight dope. I am done supporting this PoS company
  • Worked as a Amazon driver during 2020. The expectations are stupid. Twenty deliveries per hour is your requirement as a driver and if you do 19 deliveries in an hour DSP will call your device and interrogate you wondering why you're falling behind. I brought a 32oz Gatorade with me every shift to hydrate and use as a bathroom to avoid falling behind. If you are delivering to an apartment complex and you are not able to gain entry you are required to text the customer and call them before marking the package as undeliverable and an Amazon employee will always grill you when you return to the warehouse with packages. Several times I was sent out with so many packages I could not freely roam the cargo area of the van, making it impossible to stay on schedule. They track your speed, your cornering, how hard you brake, etc. If you are dinged you could show up ready to drive the next day and they'll send you home for disciplinary reasons without telling you ahead of time.
  • Had an intern start at my company a couple of weeks ago. Here is how a 1st day convo went: Intern: "When I do my timesheet, do I put in my time I spend in mandatory training?" Me: "Of course. Why would you not?" Intern: "Because it's training and not work. My previous employer never let us get paid for training." Me: "Are you required to to these trainings?" Intern: "Yes" Me: "Would you do these trainings in your own free time for yourself?" Intern: "No" Me: "Are these trainings taking time away from you at the employer's benefit?" Intern: "Yes" Me: "Then that is work and you should be paid." Intern: "Great. This is much better than the previous place I was. They never paid us for training." Me: "Great. BTW, if you don't mind me asking, what was this previous employer?" Intern: "Amazon." Me: "Seriously? You're telling me that Bezos can afford a dick-shaped rocket to almost-space, but he can't afford to pay intern wages for an hour of your time for training that he requires? That's Bullshit." Intern: "I never thought of it like that". Me: "You need to really start thinking about these things and not taking the bullshit. If you have to spend any of your time on something for an employer, that is work and you should be paid."
  • @jschnabes13
    I see so many Amazon delivery drivers everyday when I'm out walking/ running. They always look stressed the fuck out and are in insane rush. I feel bad for them every time I see one of them, no worker deserves this type of treatment.
  • Years ago, every manufacturer had their own unionized truck drivers. Now they just contract out with non-union trucking companies to do their shipping. It's been going on for 4 decades. That's why the trucker turnover rate is astronomical, and why being a truck driver is a joke.
  • @googlyeyedcat
    Years ago when I worked at a nursing home here the nursing director wanted to install cameras that faced the nurse's desks so that she could record us to see what we were doing. Fortunately the administrator didn't let her do it which was good.
  • @ad7711x
    The DSP’s only care about keeping expenses low. You never get an 8 hour day. If you’re too slow and even if you’re not slow, they will send another driver to take some of your packages. And the GPS sucks ass
  • Amazon is going to be in major trouble for this over here in Europa . Court has decided it’s against EU privacy regulations to just start filming the streets as a company regardless their reasoning .
  • Amazon drivers need to collectively say no we are not going to work at this higher Pace you hired us individually and we each individually come with our own individual pace. If you want robot delivery drivers then you better go contract with Elon Musk, but until then each of us will work at a pace that is as efficient as it is safe.
  • They are making moves toward a system like this at the trucking company where I work. I am keeping my eyes open for openings at companies that don't do this, once this gets instituted where I am I'll be moving on to a different company.
    most every worker currently employed by Amazon is bothered by their poor work environment. That is why their turnover rate is so incredibly high.
    I have had the same thing happen to me. I was gave infractions for looking at the directions to the next stop, scratching my face, answering calls from my DSP, and taking a drink or a bite of something. Day one my DSP tells me to ignore the prompts to take a break. They give you Gatorade to drink because the mouth of the bottle is big enough to urinate in. they give you snack cakes and such and ask that you not take a lunch either.
  • @gd4006
    And all these people who order it everyday could give two shits less.
  • @Drrck11
    That first caller must have been on an...Amazon phone 😄
  • @rs72098
    Amazon, Walmart and many other places should have been broken up years ago. They've implemented many anti-union and anti-competitive policies. Comcast and several big tech companies have also done similar things.
  • @themetalhead1463
    Right now, I’m in the three day orientation for Amazon driver. I am using them and will be walking out tomorrow.