The Frog Rules-A Dabbleverse Song Parody

Published 2024-02-26
YES the "mix" is AWFUL-YES the key is WAY off-YES I squeak like a rusty door hinge-but it's f00kin' DIO!! Besides the video came out damned cute :) Ohhh, just lay back and think of England my dear. Enjoy? Please? Just a little? Oh fine, be like that...I'm still going for it. Lookit, I KNOW it needs subtitles and I tried dammit...I tried.

*The Slob Drools was haaaaack (but was the original idearrr)

*As always...Apologies if I ripped off your meme or pic or whatever, but be consoled I steal only the absolute best. HMU I'm always happy to PAY DUESSSS CREDIIIIT!!! Watch, like, sub...heck, drop a comment if you're really feeling frisky. Doowutchyalike.*

For proper context check out 'The Uncle Rico Show' 'WhoAreThesePodcasts?' 'El Horrible-BeDabbler' 'Cardiff Electric' or any of the wide variety of fine podcasts in the Dabbleverse!



Raise the paywalls and-
Lock the chatroom-
Cuz-Rico's coming to call-
Trolls and Haters are-
Gifting members to-
Watch The Dabbler fall-

There's no getting away-
From the Editing Bay-
Making John look the fool-
The Frog Rules-
The Frog Rules-

Downing spirits, is-
Not his strong suit-
You see-he easily gags-
But-when he's vaping there's-
No mistaking he-
Irritates with each drag-

When the boss says "we're done"-
Joe has only begun-
Never missing a jewel-
The Frog Rules-

Can't escape the attack-
From the boys in the back-
They're not secretly cruel-

Discount Don is the Metal-Maven he-
Keeps the Dabblin' backbeat-
Breaking in with a-
"Oh hey guys!" is a-
Wicked headbanging treat-

John's a fool-
The Slob Drools-
The Frog Rules-

**The is only one true Frog King-and it ain't our buddy Joe**


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