An overly exhaustive review of ‘Yesterday’

Published 2021-06-10
What would a world actually look like without #TheBeatles? The film #Yesterday attempts to ask that question but instead of examining how the Beatles shaped music, culture and the 60s, this film from #RichardCurtis, #EdSheeran and #LilyJames doesn’t bother to explore any of that. Instead, I will. This is the missed opportunity of Yesterday.

Source for opening story about Jack Barth:…


Music Featured:
frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling:
frumhere - not going back:
ninjoi. - Outro:

All Comments (21)
  • BEFORE YOU COMMENT!! Just know that I consider this my WORST video and that watching this after two year makes me cringe! I stand behind the fact that this movie was a wasted opportunity and not good but my nit-picks are a little extreme. I set this up like it was going to be a proper vide essay and end up doing a lazy, middling roast of every scene. Very CinemaSins which is not what I’d go for these days. If this is your introduction to my channel, just know that I make better stuff now!
  • @martinash1960
    I so wanted an end of credits scene where Paul and Ringo, playing themselves as they are now, running a small vinyl shop in Liverpool as if the whole Beatles thing had never happened and they were friends regardless of the band.
  • @redgreen2453
    Honestly, Ed Sheeran having his own song as his ringtone was a legit laugh out loud moment for me
  • The twist I anticipated but never emerged was that Ed Sheeran also became famous from stealing lost music that were lost. That would have been a great twist
  • The way this movie portrays the music industry is basically the way I thought the music industry worked when I was thirteen. It really makes it come across that the film is trying to indulge the fantasies of young people dreaming of fame, while the original concept was about how capricious, unfair, and artificial the machinery of fame actually is.
  • @thisiscjshandle
    Just wanted to point out that Revolution 9 was on one of the sticky notes posted on Jack's wall, implying that Jack actually intended to recreate the Beatles' 8 1/2 minute avant-garde collage of sounds entirely from memory
  • @Elemtree
    Ed Sheeran always feels out-of-place whenever I see him on screen, he has some kind of aura
  • @waves5072
    I feel like no one ever points out how the other two people who remember the beatles try to "gotcha question" Jack at the album press conference as to seem like they want to expose what he's done, but then after the performance meet him backstage to thank him for what he's done???
  • @doing_aok
    i love the theory that ed sherran is in this so much is because this is his story. he's from an alternative universe where a wildly sucessuful band made a series of math titled albums in the 60s
  • @dylanseveymusic
    So, Ellie fell in love with Jack because he sang “Wonderwall” in high school…and then still loves him in a world where Oasis doesn’t exist…😐
  • Also John ending up a happy old painter who did everything he wanted is so wholesome and very fitting for him
  • @SonnyK248
    The Beatles wrote so many insanely good songs in such a short time that when I watched Yesterday I did question whether maybe this really happened to John and Paul and a bunch of legendary musicians suddenly vanished from all our consciousnesses except those two 😂
  • @edwardlayer4259
    I know laughed at it, but saying “you alright?” To someone who you’ve just seen get hit by a bus, is the most naturally British thing ever.
  • all he had to do was change "she was just 17" to "we were just 17" and the song would have been fine
  • @joezr952
    As a 13 year old when this came out, my mind was racing when I heard about it, having only seen clips of the trialer I thought Ed sheeran was going to be just some guy because pop music as we know didn’t exist, and I think that if i at age 13 could grasp the impact the Beatles had on music and the world, then the writers of the this film were just truly lazy in not conveying that at all.
  • @davidjames579
    Talking about badly written roles for women, what really grated for me about Ellie in the Liverpool Station scene was that she gets angry at him for making her wait 15 years without expressing his feelings for her. Er...what was she doing all that time? The film portrays her as a wet blanket who devotes her life to fawning over him and his career, and waiting all that time for him to say or do anything romantic.
  • YES! This film absolutely pissed me off! The weirdest thing I thought was that Richard Curtis seemingly believes the music industry hasn't changed since 2005... for example, when Jack first records the Beatles songs he doesn't release them on YouTube like any aspiring songwriter would today... he burns them to CD and hands them out at a shop! Then later in the film he is discovered by Sheeran not online (as would be realistic today) but on LOCAL TELEVISION! And to cap the whole mess off, the grand conclusion of the film is that Jack releases all the music onto the internet so people can illegally download it for free! Does Richard Curtis still think Limewire is a popular way to consume music!?
  • @TrekBeatTK
    “If Hey Jude was a band” is the best description of Coldplay
  • @mirlomaltes
    Here’s a list of things directly caused by the Beatles’ influence on society/pop culture: - Musical: Indian folk music in pop, innovative recording techniques such as reversed guitar solos, the album as a concept, the artist singing his own material, first stadium concerts, first 100w guitar amps, music videos as a promotion tool, massive influence on artists that came after… (comment if you come up with more/better examples) - Sociopolitical: Overtly protesting against segregation and advocating for civil rights in the US, popularisation of certain niche mens fashion/hairstyle/mannerisms, visibility of psychedelics as a creative tool, spreading of eastern philosophy in the west, giving a cohesive format to baby boomers identity. Economic: giving birth to the modern live music industry as we know it today, showing the financial incentives of the LP against the single, inspiring the creations of boy bands that used them as a template… Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Imagine then the consequences of all the things above stated never happening.
  • @JonnyBoyOfficial
    It should be noted that there was a possibility that they could have opened the universe up more in the terms of people remembering certain things that others don't with the alternate ending, where the fiance is the one that remembers Harry Potter, while Jack doesn't. It was a great ending idea, I don't know why they chose the ending we see here.