LET GO of Procrastination & Self-Sabotage 🔷I AM Power Affirmations: Positive Energy & Determination

Published 2020-01-08
🔹 I AM doing a live workshop at Insight Timer 'Overcome Procrastination and Self-Sabotage'🔹
Here is the link if you would like to know more, and join me there: insighttimer.com/kennethsoares/workshops/5GILpuY5C…

Procrastination is normal, and for many, it comes with a great cost to our overall health, happiness, and fulfillment. Our limiting beliefs and excuses (lies) are the reason graveyards are richer than goldmines and oilfields; think about all the music, books, talents, skills, technology, inventions, art, wisdom, ideas, and creativity - that never saw the light of day - all because of the self-sabotaging act of procrastination. You are anointed with gifts. You are here for a reason. You have Purpose here. You would not be here if not. You are much more than you think you are.

If we just have to procrastinate, why not procrastinate on the things that are NOT for our highest good?


Drums by Kevin Macleod
OM Mantra chanting by Kenneth Soares

Solfeggio frequencies 852Hz and 963Hz
Theta 5.5Hz binaural beats


▶︎ kennethsoares.earth/product/let-go-of-procrastinat…

BE AWARE: Listening with a headset will likely enhance the experience. I highly recommend NOT using Bluetooth — the EMF radiation from Bluetooth fries a lot of brains on a daily basis. Keep yours raw and healthy. :)

Taking self-ownership and self-responsibility is a must if you truly intend to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I don’t know if it is possible to be truly empowered, happy, and content if we delegate our self-responsibility to our family, friends, partners, the government, the doctor, spiritual teachers, the past, the future, etc. Embodying self-leadership requires “work”. We have to reclaim our power back from where we have given our power away. Untangling and liberating ourselves from the addiction of self-victimization. It is time to start stepping up. Showing up. And speaking up. With a Heart and Mind aligned with the Undistorted Love, Power, and Wisdom of Source.

✦ Set Conscious Boundaries: Stand Up For Yourself & Let Go Of People Pleasing For Good ✦
20 lessons filled with theoretical and practical knowledge that will take your boundary-setting skills to the next level. kennethsoares.earth/courses/set-healthy-boundaries…

▶︎ Website: www.kennethsoares.earth/
▶︎ Instagram: www.instagram.com/kennethsoares.livingfully/
▶︎ Insight Timer (FREE Meditation App): insighttimer.com/kennethsoares

▶︎ ITUNES: apple.co/2SMyd6z
▶︎ AMAZON: amzn.to/2Qy3jN3

▶︎ Guided Meditations Playlist: bit.ly/2ReEGul
▶︎ I AM Affirmations Playlist: bit.ly/2Rcxsa4
▶︎ Relaxation, Meditation, Sleep Music Playlist: bit.ly/2AGbXUX

I AM a Light Warrior, showing up as a force for good in our time of Awakening to the Truth of who we are and what we are. I do so with Fierce Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Care, with Power and Purpose.

For us to truly flourish and thrive in alignment with the Divine, we have to be willing and committed to diving deep into the root core of our personal and collective issues that are indeed holding us in loops of unnecessary suffering. We need to face our shadows and unhealed wounds; realize that there is both Light and darkness operating within the structures and layers of reality. We need to face the massive lies and deceptions we have been programmed to believe in about ourselves, life on Earth, and the Universe — and acquire truthful knowledge about it. We have to do the Inner Work needed to peel off the layers of negative mind programming and trauma that block our access to our Inner Divine Self, to Truth, and to the Divine Source of All That Is.

It is absolutely imperative that we start taking intelligent, wise, and resourceful action for us to truly heal and set things Right in ourselves and here on Earth — so that we can create a world of True Peace, Freedom, and Love.

The time has come.
Rise Light Warrior. Rise.

Much Love,

When engaging with this content: take 100% responsibility for your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic health, and wellbeing. This audio is not some “magic pill quick fix” for health issues that may require you to see a doctor. This I AM affirmations audio has a massive potential to help, support, empower, and inspire you on your journey of self-development. Remember, you are the one in charge and responsible for the decisions you make, and actions you take in your life.


All Comments (21)
  • Dear Magnificent Being 💛Procrastination is normal, and for many, it comes with a great cost to our overall health, happiness and fulfillment. The usual excuses we hide under is that we don´t have enough time, money, skills, experience, or we have convinced ourselves that we are lazy or can´t do it. All of these reasons are limitations we choose to focus on, while solutions and possibilities are waiting for us to find them. Underneath the surface of these excuses hides the real shadow aspect behind this self-sabotaging act; fear of rejection (fear of what others will think), fear of failure, fear of success, and other types of fears. They are all connected to; not feeling worthy, deserving, or good enough. This hinders so many manifesting their goals and life purpose. Many make a plan and go for it, but end up going into self-sabotaging patterns; feeling guilty or egoistic for prioritizing themselves; “I am not worthy, deserving, or good enough” to go after what I want. Others stop themselves because “other people in the world are suffering, why should I thrive/be abundant/live a happy life, etc.” When has the shrinking of ourselves ever lifted anyone who suffers? How is the world becoming a better place by you shrinking yourself and dimming your Light? When we hold back on our gifts and our Light - we are contributing to suffering in the world. We are all interconnected. When you shine, you inspire others to shine; You are raising the vibration of our collective consciousness by raising your own vibration. There is also the fear of making the wrong decision. Well, then we will find that out, and we can course correct. We can make new decisions. Making a “wrong” decision - can clarify the right decision. Without making a decision, you will never find out, and we will re-create the patterns of our lives over and over again - using our excuses as cushions. To practice making decisions, start with small things; choosing a parking space, choosing dinner for the week, choosing your clothes for the day, etc. Time is a huge excuse. How much time we have is a matter of priority, planning and organizing time. Daily we easily spend 2 - 6 hours on timewasting activities that we have labeled as necessities. We have lots of time IF we are willing to create it for ourselves - but are we worthy? Many of us “try” without being fully committed, and there is a HUGE difference between “trying” and being fully committed. The neurological signal in the brain firing when we "try", is not the same as a "Yes" signal. When we try, we play it safe, and later when we didn´t follow through, we can say “I ‘tried’ my best”. If there is something we really, really want to accomplish and attract into your reality - what would happen if we refused to try, but vowed to commit? This would push us to massive growth. Have you ever felt the energy of being 100% decisive about something? Decisiveness is a skill. All skills are learnable through practice. I remember back in 2010 when I made a choice to start a successful therapy and coaching practice; I was 100% committed, and there was no doubt whatsoever in my mind and my heart - that I was going to manifest this. I had NO experience whatsoever in business, being self-employed, or being a therapist, and I wasn´t even a therapist yet when I made this decision. However. my lack of experience and the famous “I am not good enough” belief couldn´t stop me. Of course, I made tons of “failure”, but I early on in the process changed my perspective on what failure means; it is feedback on what works and what doesn´t work. Failing makes me grow. It helps me find new solutions and strategies that work! It is up to me to focus on solutions, not problems. I love making mistakes it always leads to more clarity and learning. I also had to do deep inner-work on myself and my “not being good enough” belief. I made a conscious commitment that I was not going to be a victim of my past and the limiting programming I had co-created with other people and society. Taking 100% responsibility for how I define the past, the present, and the future. Because I am the co-creator of EVERYTHING I experience. I had to let go of my need for approval from others. Being attached to other´s opinions kept me stuck. Í let my past color my perception of myself. After a lot of deep work; healing of trauma and limiting beliefs + a 100% commitment to Love myself fully no matter what; I started to embody the belief that I was good enough! The healing of trauma/intense memories was key in this process, and it is key in the healing of our deep-rooted emotions like anger, fear, sadness, guilt, shame and anxiety. I used mainly EFT and Regression/Hypnotherapy as healing modalities on my healing journey. And I used LOTS of affirmations and guided meditations to reprogram my subconscious mind. I also educated myself reading lots of books and taking personal/spiritual growth courses. There is a huge difference between knowing logically that “I am good enough” vs. being fully embodied and integrated into the knowing that “I AM good enough”. I still do deep work on myself when I feel it is needed. This is part of the Awakening Path. It´s a journey into a never-ending expansion of Love and Consciousness, and this path continuously leads me out of my comfort zone. And when I embrace this reality, I expand in ways that serve the collective; creating more value and impact in the world. Still, I do procrastinate from time to time. So what? I am human. If I find myself procrastinating on important stuff that´s part of my mission and purpose; then I know that there is more healing to do, a shift in energy and focus, or just plain simple planning and taking action. If I procrastinate at something that has nothing to do with my mission, it´s because I think it´s boring. :) But, mundane things need to be tended to also. For me, this also works best when I plan ahead and fit it into my schedule - and then it is extremely important for me to be clear on my boundaries and not do these mundane tasks on the time I have already planned on using on my business and personal growth time - just to please others. If I do it on ‘my time’, it´s because I choose to. And, there are times when this is not possible. I have children. For people who set intentions and goals for their lives - the purpose behind the goals is the fire that helps them plow through all resistance. And there will be resistance, challenges and obstacles. They are there to make us grow. If we choose to see challenges as something happening to us, then we suffer. When we choose to see challenges as something happening FOR us (even if it can be hard to accept this at times), it will lead to learning, healing, and expansion. Free Will. You have that gift. You can choose to define everything as something that happens for the greater good. From Soul perspective, this is always so. From the ego, it is not so - then it´s all about blame, judgment, and fear. When we dare to stretch our comfort zone, that tension we feel will eventually transform into Courage and Confidence. Or in other words, it will activate higher levels of these resources within you. Our limiting beliefs and excuses (lies) are the reason graveyards are richer than goldmines and oilfields; think about all the music, books, talents, skills, technology, inventions, art, wisdom, ideas and creativity - that never saw the light of day - all because of the self-sabotaging act of procrastination. You are anointed with gifts. You are here for a reason. You have Purpose here. You would not be here if not. You are much more than you think you are. If we just have to procrastinate, why not procrastinate on the things that are NOT for our highest good? These I AM Affirmations and Statements are supercharged with the Purest Intentions of Love and Expansion; Align with our Goals and make them a part of a bigger Mission, and see your goals fueled with Drive, Determination and Motivation. Let Go of that which is not serving our Highest Good; Loving full; Living Fully; Courageously facing the aspects of life we need to deal with, and stepping into our Authentic Power and Light in the process! Supporting, uplifting and upgrading you on your Awakening journey. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your path. I AM eternally honored and grateful to be a part of it. I see the Light in you. With Courageous Love, Passion and Kindness, Kenneth
  • You literally saved my life, I cannot express my words for the gratitude for your creations, Thank you god bless you forever <3
  • Dear Brother Kenneth so grateful for your affirmations and I send you much love and light ❤️Sending Love and Light to everyone⭐️
  • @Yabasta1967
    Wonderful to find a brother that's on my path and thank you for sharing your wisdom.
  • I wondered "Is it possible for Kenneth to get even more amazing?" and you did. I push myself hard, but these affirmations will certainly take me to new heights. Such a beautiful awakening. Merci du fond du coeur! Wishing glowing health, happiness and peace for all. Joelle
  • You are amazing Kenneth, thanks for your great job. Keep it up . You made my day completely focus and positive
  • @lynngill6772
    Kenneth you are by far the most amazing soul! Thank you for walking with me on this journey in this lifetime! From my heart to tours sending you gratitude and blessings!
  • @pajefoster2494
    Holy holy holy shit!!! I walk the earth in a sacred manner flowing in the energy of Love. Greetings, all my relatives! Thank you Kenneth, Namaste🙏😎
  • @happydais4664
    You are my favourite person to listen to when meditating 💖💖 your so positive and calming. Thank youuuuu!! Helped me so much xx
  • @bwellness3in1
    Thank you Kenneth for making these AMAZING affirmations videos...the drums, chanting, and YOUR voice with powerful words and loving intentions help me each day...everyday!
  • @meh4874
    Oh my God I cried 🥺💖🙏🏻🌝
  • Blessings, thanks for this incredible gift. Thanks for your guidance and for your Love. I am very grateful.
  • @zerosyry
    This is incredible! I Love it and Changed my day completely. Thank you Kenneth
  • @nikkik777
    This was awesome 👏 Thank you 🙏
  • Positive words , and a lovely voice .... a perfect combination .... thank you from my heart Kenneth