GUNDAM BREAKER 4 OPEN NETWORK TEST First Impressions! Looks Great, Feels Great, Love It!

Published 2024-07-19
The remaining ONT Sessions!
Session 2: 7/19 2am PDT to 7am PDT
Session 3: 7/19 7pm PDT to 7/20 11pm PDT - 28 hours!

Gundam Breaker 4's Collector's Edition is PRESOLD OUT. In response, Bandai Namco is upgrading EVERY physical copy of the game sold at launch to a special Launch Edition with some extra artwork and early access to some fun in-game extras!

All Comments (21)
  • @Kilsot
    I just hope the PC release doesn't have mouse movement tied to changing target lock without the ability to turn that off. I have no faith that Bandai knows about the PC players though.
  • @matohibiki
    To answer your question midway through, you have the Strike's anti-ship sword. The grand slam has a hoop at the base of the blade. The Destiny's sword isn't Italian, either, it's French, Arondight. It has a weird swell at the back of the blade near the tip. Nevermind that the English Arthurian mythology has Lancelot (a mainly Germanic literary creation) with a French name (du Lac), but then again... He does betray Arthur (an Englishman) so... Surprisingly on-brand (mixed origins) mythology.
  • @naiko8412
    Not bad so far, im glad the controls are fully customizable
  • @arm514ve5
    I miss the pilot from GB3 but not to disappointed at your MS being your avitar isnt bad either.
  • Are there any settings to get rid of the blue Holo UI border when in battle? I really don’t like how it clutters the screen. Or just some of the in battle UI elements in general?
  • @riptors9777
    Its a return to form after nu gundam breaker. Though if theres one criticism i have its that certain equipment capabilities, like shield mounted weapons, are now special abilities or even EX abilities (Like the beam from the jagd doga shield) Dont really like that change but if that means i can get a true breaker experience im willing to pay. Oh and... why did they have to put bits into the EX category? Bits are cool and all but compared to other EX abilities seems a bit of a waste for a slot (and you can no longer combine bits from different bodyparts, like Jagd doga bits and Nu gundam backpack bits)
  • @Deragon0416
    I have a problem with how some of the fixed weapons and OP weapons are treated the same as EX actions. other than that i love the game.
  • @fluidwolf
    I really like the feel and the customization here from what I played. The option parts having separate cooldowns is super nice and the EX costs aren't too bad atm. Hoping that the GB3 system with EX mastery stays considering I haven't seen an EX skill that isn't connected to a part in the test outside the base heal. The drop is taking some getting used to along with the two handed combos. Tho Im still not too huge a fan of segmented battle room approach to stages honestly but can get over that for the most part.
  • @Mister_Vyar
    I'm a little confused by the stat bonuses listed under Abilities being different on two of the same item. Is there a "complete set" including all possible bonuses for each part that expands as you upgrade the part until you have all of them, or are these effects truly random? I'm just trying to figure out whether we have to farm for copies of certain parts and slowly grind them to maximum potential, or if we have to also get lucky with a "god-rolled" version of a specific part we want to use. New Gundam Breaker didn't have this so I'm a little lost, even though I'm glad GB4 has this level of RPG-like complexity.
  • @ETamJP
    GB4 seems interesting. I’ll have to pick it up once it’s officially released. I’m out of the country right now so there is no way to give it a try on this event.
  • It looks like they did away with the post mission countdown from GB3. excellent call. Frustrating as hell trying to sort thru 30-40 items in under 3 mins
  • @lancew1168
    I would still build the Talgeese if available.
  • I'm ecstatic to see GB return to the right path. I really hope the HUD gets some changes, or at least options for tweaking size/opacity of UI elements. As is, all the bright borders make the view feel way too cramped for me.
  • @Badbufon
    now i have to come up with a set up that resembles a Gespenst mkII + punch mele and if god allows, also a kick option to ... GESSPENSSTTOO KIIIICKKKUUUU!
  • I kinda wish the side weapons and such could be used like in gb3 i loved that way more then this System to be honesz
  • Anyone know if I can play against my friends in new gundam game I see it says fight rivals online but it’s kinda confusing
  • @terryfong9000
    Are we only going to get HG parts or we will be able to get RG or MG parts in this game?