How To Argue With Someone Who Doesn't Use Logic

Published 2020-11-16
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It seems to be harder than ever to get through to people logically.

In fact, some of the smartest people have the most sophisticated psychological booby traps when it comes to heated subjects. So in this video, we're going to break down why sometimes people won’t listen to reason even when they’re smart, and what techniques you can use to finally get through to someone who can’t listen to reason.

Our video on Steven Crowder:
   • How To Confidently Defend Yourself In...  

Our video on Trevor Noah
   • How To Calm Someone Down In An Argument  


0:00 - Intro.
2:12 - #1: Being stunned by new information.
3:01 - #2: Inaccurately summarizing the other's perspective.
4:01 - #3: Misreading nefarious intent.
4:41 - #4: Regularly moving goalposts.
5:35 - #5: Yelling or getting angry.
6:12 - #6: Attacking someone's character.
6:34 - #7: Retreating Without Concession
8:05 - 3 Key Mindsets To Change Their Mind
9:05 - The Most Dangerous Cognitive Dissonance

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All Comments (21)
  • It’s hard to win an argument against a smart person but it’s impossible to win an argument against an ignorant person
  • @superduper1917
    "It’s eaier to fool a person than it is to convince a person that they have been fooled”, Mark Twain
  • I carry a small packet of mints wherever I go, they're cheap and they don't melt in your pocket and they don't go off easily. When a discussion looks like it's starting to become heated, I whip out the mints, put one in my mouth and offer the other person one. Sharing food is primal and quickly defuses the other person's flight or fight mechanism and immediately reminds them that I'm not their enemy and we're just having a discussion. It's the quickest way I know to defuse a tense situation.
  • @robbeam5599
    Best advise I ever got for having a discussion was that if I I find myself not truly listening but waiting for my turn to speak. I'm not discussing I'm trying to score points. Best to stop and start over.
  • @HaiderAliKhan
    To completely disagree with someone, and yet engage with them with respect, grace and honesty, is a superpower.
  • @ronniebasak96
    This video, ironically, was the one that finally made me quit smoking. Even though it took a lot of failure and another 6 months of misery, I've been clean since April 15, 2021
  • To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason ... is like administering medicine to the dead. -Thomas Paine
  • @xWabbli
    I need to learn this. Usually, when I am getting triggered by something, cognitive dissonance occurs. I start to get angry and can’t really listen anymore when I feel attacked. Thank you for the video. I really hope that I’m able to work on it and overcome it.
  • @YouTube_4u
    "Never argue with a fool - They will drag you down to their level, Then beat you with experience" is this how they say it?
  • @kim8dk
    Imagine a world where politicians and people try to solve problems, instead of trying to feed their own ideology.
  • @Sandeep-je8wc
    The three key mindsets to change someone’s mind who won’t listen: Be curious: Instead of trying to prove your point or convince them of your view, try to understand why they think the way they do and what are their underlying assumptions or values. Ask open-ended questions and listen actively to their answers. Be respectful: Instead of judging or criticizing them for their beliefs or opinions, try to acknowledge their perspective and find some common ground or shared interests. Show them that you respect them as a person and that you are willing to learn from them. Be humble: Instead of acting like you know everything or that you have the final word on the topic, try to admit your own limitations or uncertainties and express your willingness to revise your views if presented with new information or evidence. Show them that you are open-minded and flexible.
  • @edd8460
    This is,,,, a lot of work. I'd rather not get into arguments with someone who won't listen, that's utterly exhausting. Especially when you throw in mental health matters, gaslighting and stubborn illogical narcissists.
  • @aaronseet2738
    In my experience, it usually just boils down to ego; people absolutely hate to be wrong, and will go at lengths to avoid being seen as the "loser".
  • Arguing with someone whom has renounced the use of reason is like trying to administer medicine to the dead. ~Thomas Paine
    This is the second video of CoC I have watched and I know I'm going to love watching all this channels content. I will be, on paid day of course - come on we ain't all successful YouTubers millionaires, be setting up a Patrion account to help this channel. Side note: the lessons I learnt in the first too are going to literally save lives! I won't go into why or how, but me being able to teach this to countless others, due to work were I work with the demographic of people who always end up with someone getting physically hurt and all too often killed. Me right now after I press send: Starting to watch the rest of these videos. THANK YOU Charisma on Command!!!
  • Most successful people always seek the ideas and experience of financial professionals that help tackle issues on wealth management and growth but claim to attain their success alone. To attain financial growth, you need a high degree of knowledge and experience from a professional to make your goals a reality. Mrs Keleen Marion saw me through my success
  • @peterb695
    It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled. Mark Twain
  • That moment when Cathy realised she was contradicting herself was amazing, but what was more amazing was that she admitted it 🙈
  • @pted364
    I have seen hundreds of psychology videos this one is one of my favourites, while the first video im watching from this channel. Keep up the great work and save the world from ignorance.
  • @lenoreriley4871
    Totally dug this! Love the casual vibe and just “chatting” with you! I have been really inspired by your “wall” and would really love to see an update of that! Thank you so much Campbell for your videos and sharing your authentic self! Glad you are loving NZ, and your daughter!