Published 2020-05-08
#dayinthelife #momroutine #quarantinewith3kids

I am quarantined with 3 kids. 3 kids on lockdown. small kids. 2 toddlers and a baby. 3 toddlers.

Hi & Welcome to Crissy Marie!!! All things Mom, Style, Beauty, Newborn, Baby & Toddler, DIY, Cleaning, Cooking and Organization are included in my Channel.

I have 3 beautiful little girls all under the age of 4!
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Crissy Marie

All Comments (21)
  • I myself suffer from depression and have been so down the pass month. This might sound silly to some but I have started talking to JESUS and calling on him so much. Taking walks alone, super long showers and journaling have helped me some. Hugs 💜
  • @alyssia6510
    When this quarantine started I was extremely depressed for almost a week of crying, crying. I deal with panic attacks maybe twice a year and with this whole covid19 I was experiencing them back to back. I have leaned heavily on my faith to get me through these uncertain times. We, mamas deal with the world on our shoulders daily. If everyone is safe in their beds at night, you did enough for the day. Don’t beat yourself up. Do you take any medication for your depression? Also, checking on your hormone levels would be a start to make sure you are not lacking any. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Love your little family!
  • I can relate soo much! I work full time as a remote employee for a healthcare insurance. My husband works outside the house. We have 2 6th graders, 1 7th grader and a 3rd grader and I’m expected to work during the day, feed them, help with their schoolwork questions, motivate them to get on task, communicate with teachers, pay bills cook dinner and maintain the house. It’s soo stressful and he absolutely thinks it’s easy because I work from “home”. Plus I have no support from any family because his mother is jealous that he married me and his 2 kids love me PLUS all my family lives 7 hours away💆🏾‍♀️
  • I feel the same way very resentful. Feel like I do everything. But then on the other I am thankful I can stay home with my 2 year old son especially during this time. Thankful he doesn't have to go to daycare. Very hard to be alone for so many hours doing everything alone. Then I just try to think how he feels being the main provider.
  • @kathylindsey700
    I know this is a trying time right now but just pray and ask the lord for peace 💕
  • @AdonyaRS
    I can totally relate to your depression portion of your video. I have two little ones and my husband was away throughout the week for work and it was HARD. Thanks for sharing.
  • @ceceihill
    I feel the same way. My husband games all day while I try to balance a teething 5 month old, housework, and college! He is just returning from working out of state for 4 of the 5 months our son has been alive! And he wonders why I’m explosive anger and depressed
  • @shellym7363
    Whoever thumbs down this video haven’t experienced depression because depression is real! Chrissy I feel your pain and I’m here to listen and watch your video regardless! I love your channel, I pray things get better🙏🏽❤️
  • Literally sitting here reading through the comments it's so amazing how everyone is relating encouraging and sharing their stories...woman empowerment is such a beautiful thing #staystrongchrissy
  • @webhero000
    You're a wonderful mother! Pease, if possible, take a day once a week just for you and self care. See a therapist if you can get someone to watch your girls. Unfortunately, most men lack empathy for women's issues but that doesn't mean you should sit and stew in silence. Keep talking, keep sharing. It lessens the burden on yourself and there's a community of women that can relate🧡🧡🧡. Have a wonderful mother's day!
  • @gesilalafleur51
    Kick that depressed feeling in the Name of Jesus. You are an awesome mom which I admire!! All the way from the Bahamas. Keep it up beautiful cute smart Mommy of three precious pretty girlies❤❤❤💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
  • I'm a mother of 3 girls as well, so I know how hard it can be. Taking care of kids and home and feeling almost invisible to the one that should understand you the most. I'm sure it's not intentional but sometimes to ignore it make it's easier to deal with when there's not much you can do to fix it. It's apparent you have a loving husband and provider but it may be hard for him to understand because there's not much he can do to fix it. Keep doing what you do, it doesn't have to be perfect. You're doing an awesome job!
  • @kaylapratt5143
    Awww! Thanks for sharing your raw thoughts and emotions. You're not alone in this most men are like that. You're awesome! Your girls are beautiful and blessed to have you as their mom.
  • If i've learned something since becoming a mom is that mental health and self care is sooooo IMPORTANT! Wether you chose or not to be a stay-at-home mom, it still challenging, especially when you are solo cause you gotta be all in one and you have the RIGHT to be overwhelmed, you have the RIGHT to want some time for yourself. It's human and before being a spouse and a mom, your are a woman. People don't understand that. Think about putting the young ones in day care 1 or 2 times a week, just to have some day where you are less stressed. If you have family, take a day just for YOURSELF from time to time. Talking to a therapist also helps a lot because you don't feel judged and you can talk freely. Keep talking about your feelings to your husband. One day i was tired of talking to mine and i told him to do it all just for a day, result he was EXHAUSTED, didn't eat until 7 pm, didnt take a shower lol, but more important he finally understood my frustrations and was way more understanding. You don't have to be perfect, you have to be you and right in your mind, that's the most important things. If you want to feel better, take actions little step by little step, tha's really important. You are doing a wonderful job with your girls, it's okay if you think about yourself only sometimes. I will pray for you, everything is gonna be sis 😘😘😘. Stay blessed!
  • You are a hard working mother ! I can only imagine the responsibility you have by yourself .. I am a mommy of two and I know how hard it gets at times!
  • @irismarie6515
    I went through the same with my daughters dad...moms always put in 1000000% and dads will never understand.
  • I know exactly how you feel my husband is unsympathetic about everything I have bad anxiety and he says suck it up he’s a rep so he travels and we fight a lot God bless you Crissy and lots of love always 🇦🇺💕💜
  • @Maia90s
    I gotta come as soon as I get the notification! You work so hard and are such a good mommy! ❤️❤️
  • @allie9236
    Hi! I feel you hun all too well and I’m a new mom to an 11 month old. You do an amazing job to be solo w/3. I pray you get the support you need! Men definitely don’t understand what all it takes on the daily. Even if they “help”. Our roles as moms never stop and are unmatched. ❤️
  • YOU GOT THIS GORGEOUS ❤️ It's definitely been a struggle. My little ones are 6, 5, 4, 1, and 4 months and it's so challenging. Getting dressed helps but it seems like I can't make it to taking care of mommy because all the little need me. This SAHM life is challenging at a time like this. Prayers for understanding from your spouse and over your mind and thoughts, for a calming spirit and patience with your babies.... ❤️