Babelcolour Tribute - Jon Pertwee

Published 2007-03-23
Although I personally hate the music, there's been enough requests for this deleted tribute to return that I thought I'd upload it again. So here it is, for all those YouTubers who don't dislike the Bonnie Tyler anthem!

All Comments (21)
  • Rest of of the doctors: violence is never the answer 3rd doctor: *proceeds to beat the crap out of villains*
  • @MrHighlifewest
    Despite being in his 50s he was really fast and athletic kept in decent shape right up to his 70s.
  • @kevinwparker
    Well, if you're going to use that music, this is definitely the Doctor you should use it for.
  • Who could not love the Third Doctor? He had every quality we love; 1) a crazy outfit 2) great companions 3) awesome moves 4) kind nature 5) a sonic screwdriver 6) The Daleks 7) The Timelords 8) witty comebacks 9) an amazing catchphrase 10) Villains that made us laugh 11) Villains that scared us 12) THE MASTER or maybe that's just me :)
  • @josh1216
    Ah...the Pertwee years: when Doctor Who was the better Bond. ;D After McCoy, Pertwee was probably my most watched Doctor growing up. He had such a sense of fun about him. Also, Pertwee, Katy Manning, Nicholas Courtney, Roger Delgado, John Levene & Richard Franklin probably had the best and strongest chemistry of any cast on Doctor Who
  • Jon Pertwee a brilliant actor and in my personal top three.  He played the doctor from 1970 to 1974.  During his time as the doctor the show was in grave danger of being canceled and the budget was low.  In order to cut costs they stranded the doctor on earth and he went to work for U.N.I.T.  This meant they did not have to constantly build new sets which were expensive.  Instead the show did what the people of the United Kingdom do, they never gave up or in, instead they rallied the show.  With only their acting skills, creative writing, great makeup, wardrobe and clever use of what resources they had, they kept Doctor Who alive.
  • @sodajerkclassic
    My favorite Doctor. Jon Pertwee owned his role as the Doctor! RIP
  • @miked3038
    I wish I could have met him. What an amazing man he was. Especially with his service in World War Two. I wish he was still with us.
  • @candosmith1127
    Pertwee Forever!  He was the best He had the best villains, the best costume, he was the tallest, quickes, most agile, action filled, awesome, intelligent and witty doctor off them all.
  • @63DW89A
    For me, Doctor Who moved from "children's programming" into "programming for all ages" with Pat Troughton's Season 6 finale, "The War Games".  The trend continued from Season 7 thru Season 14.  These years are a genuine "Golden Age" for DW, and I think are where the modern series gets much of its inspiration. And 5 of those 8 years are the Pertwee years. So many DW icons in the Pertwee years: Barry Letts and Terrence Dicks, the Brig & UNIT with Sgt Benton and Capt Yates, the Nestenes and Autons, the Master, the Sontarans, Liz Shaw, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith.  Some incredible top tier stories too: "Spearhead from Space",  "Inferno", "The Daemons", "The Three Doctors", Carnival of Monsters", "The Green Death", & "Time Warrior" to name just a few!  I'm surprised at how little respect the Pertwee era seems to receive among Whovians.  I became a Whovian in the late 70's when Tom Baker hit American PBS.  Now that I can wander back through the years of DW via these wonderful BBC DVD's, I have developed a very warm spot for the Pertwee years  If hard pressed I think I have to name Jon Pertwee as my favorite Dr of all time, with Tom Baker a very close second.  In his best stories though, Pat Troughton can give them both a run for the money! As can William Hartnell in "The Aztecs", "Time Meddler", "Celestial Toymaker", etc. Something very special about the first four Doctors.  For fans of the New Series, definitely go back and check out the Classic era.  You will not regret it. So many stories of genuine top tier class there, plus you will then understand the solid foundation that the New Series stands proudly on!
  • @seannaylor5803
    I like the Third Doctor because 1) Without him, Doctor Who would have finished 2) He doesn't run away from things like his predecessors 3) Most of the villians he fights are still popular today like the Master, the Autons, the Nestene Consciousness, Omega, the Silurains and the Sea Devils 4) He acts like a father figure to his female companions or any young woman he meets and protects them 5) He has a great outfit with his velvet jackets and Inverness cloaks and 6) He can do martial arts. Although, I do feel sorry for him because he gets physically injured or tortured in nearly story
  • @gaynor1721
    My favourite Doctor from my childhood with my favourite companions, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith and Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. I was heartbroken when Jon Pertwee left the show.
  • @miked3038
    The best doctor of all. Jon Pertwee was such an amazing man.
  • my favorite Pertwee Doctor line (snotty authoritarian) "What're you? Some kind of scientist?" (Third Doctor, disdainfully, down his nose) "I'm EVERY kind of scientist!"
  • @daemonicstar
    Thank you for re-uploading this. Jon Pertwee was amazing as Dr Who. I had the good fortune of meeting him, a day I shall treasure forever. He was as funny and charming as he appeared. Wonderful man. :)
  • @SomethingBasic
    3rd doctor was basically the doctor on the verge of accepting his place in the universe