The Orks | Warhammer 40,000

Published 2019-05-20
All across the universe one can find Orks, beings of impossible strength and resilience. When warring amongst themselves they can hardly be considered a threat to other life, but when banded together are one of the greatest dangers to the universe.

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Background music "The Villain Strikes Back" by Zeonium. Used under license from

Ending music "Battle Forever" used under license from Shut

All Comments (21)
  • @fumarc4501
    The only reason the Orks didn’t interrupt the video is because you invited them to advertise for more Foightin’ at the beginning. That was a very wise move.
  • Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
  • Ever heart the saying "You can't win an argument with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience" That's literally what Orcs do to the unvierse.
  • @Skadoof
    The orks are the embodiment of the "me and the boys" meme
  • @L0CKD0WN34
    "Rumors of Ork war bands even within the eye of terror" Ah yes. The Ork who lives in his own Val Halla because a chaos God found it hilarious
  • @isaaclemmen6500
    "The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude." - An Eldar Philosopher Named Uthan the Perverse
  • @kenji214245
    when the guard was out of ammo and took up an ork weapon he noticed it was only a pipe with some pieces of metal stuck together. his warbuddy tell him that orks seem to believe it works and thus it do. So the first guardsman raises the weapon and aims at an ork charging him yelling "bang!" The ork drops dead. quickly his fellow soldiers follow suit all out of ammo. until one group of orks seemingly ignoring their yells. until they hear them coming closer chanting "wez a tank, wez a tank" And that is how i am convinced the creator of the orkz in this damn universe wanted to troll all the other authors XD
  • @jahjah7940
    10:24 How to be invincible. Step 1: Go to war with orks Step 2: Survive and become a legend within the ork society Step 3: Make orks believe you’re invinvible Step 4: Congrats, you’re now invincible!
  • @bluedog843
    So, I’ve never played Warhammer and ima be honest, hearing that the basic dudes are called the boys and subtypes is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.
  • @lordicarus8807
    Kinda inspiring: "Failure doesn't bother them, they just try again..." I'll try that out!
  • @AlecMader
    I can imagine an entire planet taken over by orcs except for one human village that survives untouched by constantly telling the orcs "sorry, we aren't really feeling like putting up a counter-wahg today. come back next week for a better wahg." And the orcs just keep forgetting they've been told the same thing week after week.
  • @CptPhilippnes
    I swear its like the Orks the the only ones who enjoy themselves in the 40k universe.
  • @warmachineuk
    A nightmare universe because no matter the combat advantage gained by a clever technological advance, orks will achieve parity merely because they will observe the combat effect and believe they can achieve something comparable.
  • @Fadzi2342
    10:24 This is why Yarrick can't die. Every Ork thinks he's immortal and it became reality by sheer will.
  • @OrionX700
    A massive WAAAAGH is battling against a detachment of Imperial Guardsmen with Space Marine support, when the Warboss hears a battle cry from over the hills. "A single Space Marine can take on 100 Orks!" The Warboss decides to send 100 Boyz to take out the enemy Space Marine, and none of them come back. Another battle cry comes over the hills- "A single Space Marine can take on 500 Orks!" So the Warboss sends 500 Boyz, sure that this time they'll win. Not one single Boy returns. The cry comes once more- "A single Space Marine can take on 1000 Orks!" So the Warboss sends 1000 Boyz, knowing that there's nobody who can survive against 1000 Boyz. One Boy comes back, missing his legs and dragging himself along the ground. "It'z a trick, Boss! Dey got TWO Marines!"
  • With that intro, I was disappointed that the first thing I heard wasn't "In da grim dahkness of da fah futah, der is only WAAAAAGH"
  • @wun1gee
    "If enough Orks believe believe something is true, it will actually become so, brought into existence through pure will." This is the best thing in any sci-fi IP ever.