Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Review

Published 2024-03-02
Rocksteady burst into video game legend with a trilogy of groundbreaking superhero titles that raised the industry bar forever.

Too bad WB flushed them down the pooper.

All Comments (21)
  • @Darklordjadow1
    Few things: 1) Yes, the John Stewart Green Lantern is an architect as well. I forgot that marines have a civilian occupation as well. My mistake. 2) It sounds like Black Deadshot was only a thing in the comics for the few seconds they thought the 2016 movie would catch on. He was barely a blip and is long dead, so the overly convoluted turn around him here is 100% to copy the 2016 movie that nobody likes.
  • @elin111
    DC is the embodiment of "Why can't you get your shit together bro"
  • @oswaldantifreeze
    As soon as I saw the first teaser for this game pretty much the first thing that went through my head was "I just know Jadow's gonna tear this game a new one." This is gonna be great.
  • @Gemidori
    Even Green Lantern almost exclusively uses gun (construct)s in his boss fight. They're so creatively bankrupt that even the corrupted heroes use a bunch of piss ass guns
  • @shnick1990
    Wasting $70 on this game was worth it in the end because it gave me some bonding time with two good friends. Otherwise, this trash game is just worthless beyond all belief.
  • @KaneLivesInDeath
    I'm not surprised, 99% of Live Service games released after 2018 have been designed to drain your wallet over being engaging and FUN. There was a time where Live Service games were fun... Hell, the concept of such a thing isn't new at all, it just became an industry buzzword so game companies could sell more copies. The earliest MMO games like WoW or Everquest technically fall under the Live Service umbrella!
  • John Stewert was an architect in the comics too. Various writers/artists will depect him using more mechanical constructs.
  • @tylerbertram7065
    This is basically the Ultimatum of superhero games, a story that kills off fan favorite and beloved characters not to tell an interesting story with it but out of cheap shock value. Except where as Ultimatum was made by a guy who's head wasn't in the right place at the time do to the loss of his son this on the other hand was made as a cynical cash grab and nothing else.
  • @cjhedrick6418
    Still, sporting of evil Superman to be close enough for the Gold Kryptonite to have an effect on him. If he wasn't an idiot, he would've just thrown cars at them from a mile away, or do a full-speed tackle that would've liquefied his target long before the kryptonite would've hurt him, or even just clapped really hard in their general direction to blow them away, or...literally do nothing while Braniac razes the city block.
  • @shawnfarrell75
    “This is how it happened… This is how the Batman died.”
  • @stinkbanana2522
    Man, it's like every studio is DESPERATE to make this co-op looter shooter thing...a thing...
  • @MatthewCenance
    I was already suspicious of the game when they were charging $70 for the game and then in the email advertising two battle passes coming soon.
  • @claytonrios1
    It's unfortunate because I was a huge fan of Arkham Asylum, City and Knight. Now with this I think that Rocksteady should have thrown in the towel after the end of their trilogy. Or maybe they should have done that Batman Beyond game.
  • @M64bros
    This video and Angry Joe's video managed to save my $70 bucks! I was still originally going to get this for myself to experience it, but after watching this video and angry Joe's video deeply and entirely, you guys basically saved my $70 bucks, Thank you so much DLJadow I'd rather spend it on a Scarlet Spider (across the spider-verse style) Cosplay instead!
  • Yeah. There's no way this game’s gonna last five seasons. It'd be a miracle if it reaches two. And I mean like the "Miracle" from Blasphemous, so I mean something to dread.
  • @callummoore6962
    Pretty spot on with how the death of the Arkham Batman didn't work, but may I add this to the equation: It has Harley Quinn say "It's our turn now" just before she kills the Arkhamverse Batman in the most anti-climatic way. I cannot help but read the subtext of that scene as either the new guard of Rocksteady killing off the icon that represents the old guard of Rocksteady in a spiteful way, regardless of how every time a franchise resorts to tearing down beloved icons to make new ones look good, it ALWAYS backfires because most people men and women alike reject such a mean-spirited approach to storytelling and kills the brand that embraces such a "thumbing its nose" approach.
  • @DinoDave150
    You know, the thought just occurred to me. If the Arkham Trilogy was the Dark Knight Trilogy of games, then SS:KTJL is The Flash (2023) of games. One was made with passion and love for the character, even if they floundered the ending a bit, and the other was a studio mandated mess that was doomed from the start. Hears some more comparisons between the Flash and Suicide Squad: -Both were overbudgeted and overhyped as hell -Both star a psychotic Flash (one meta, one in universe) -Both used artificial means to drum up hype (paying off people, deleting Steam reviews) -Both brought back a beloved actor to reprise their iconic take on Batman, only to kill them off and their entire universe. -Both are mean-spirited with Flash's "you can't fight fate" message and SS killing off beloved heroes. -Both try to steer their respective franchises in a new direction only to nose dive and crash in the process. BTW, if Brainiac has access to the multiverse, why doesn't he just go to a universe where Colu still exists? While were on the topic, this Brainiac is such a lameass compared to his Injustice 2 counterpart. Say what you will about Injustice 2, at least Brainiac was cool in that game. Plus Supergirl too. Also, why couldn't they have written it so that the Power Ring runs out of juice after King Shark destroys Brainiac's shield, therefore justifying the Squad not using such a story breaker power like that? Could have even made a funny joke out of it. The ring powers off, and Shark just flops onto the floor since he was floating beforehand. One other thing, remember when they formally announced that the 9 month delay was to "polish" the game? Yeah, polish my ass. That Kevin Conroy eulogy glitch just cemented the fact that the delay was just a PR move by WB to wait for the fires to die down after the disastrous State of Play, only for the fires to get bigger and hotter once the game came out.
  • @leemcdonald1342
    I pray the skill tree concept in Suicide Squad doesn't infect Borderlands...
  • King Shark and Deadshot are the only ones suited to fight superheroes. The other two idiots, I'd replace in a heartbeat. Also, since this is supposed to be the Arkhamverse, they should've had Batman be the sole uncorrupted member of the JL work with the heroes. It makes sense, since his superpower is ninja skills, brains, and money, and Brainiac has no need of those, so just have him defeat the Justice League, capture and brainwash them, and leave Batman for dead since Brainiac already sees himself as smarter than the Bat. Pissed off by this encounter, Bruce Wayne calls Amanda Waller and asks her to assemble a team to help him take on Brainiac, and both he and Harley can serve in the same vein as Oracle, coaching the Squad on how to take down each corrupted superhero based on his knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses.