Unique Low Level Encounter Monsters for D&D

Published 2020-09-26
Looking for low level encounter monsters that aren't just goblins and kobolds? Check out our suggestions to spice up your low level encounters.

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00:00 Intro
00:23 Aberrations
01:58 Beasts
03:25 Celestials
04:16 Constructs
05:41 Dragons
06:56 Elementals
08:11 Fey
09:41 Fiends
11:07 Giants
12:17 Humanoids
13:30 Monstrosities
14:35 Oozes
15:48 Plants
16:40 Undead


#DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #Animatic

All Comments (21)
  • Be VERY careful using Intellect Devourers as a "low level encounter." Even a single intellect devourer can result in an almost instant TPK with only a couple of bad rolls.
  • @williamozier918
    Tips on Gibbering outhers: I've always assumed the gibbering mouthers are essentially like parrots, and are imitating things they have heard previous victims say; similar to the way The Predator said "over here.", or "do you want some candy." If a character passes their save against the gibbering, have them realize that one of the random things said was actually a clue to the quest.
  • @silkysnow6793
    1:24 *DO NOT* use intellect devourers on a low level party, unless your intent is to do a full TPK
  • Take any monster at all (almost), turn it undead, then cut off bits until what's left is the level you need - giant --> giant's undead hand; dragon --> dragon skull, neck, one lower arm and hand plus a lot of connecting sinew; owlbear --> owlbear missing a foot it chewed off to get out of a trap.
  • Someone said level 1-3 of dnd is survival horror and I really like to lean into that. Designing encounters where it makes more sense for the low level party to try strategem rather than a straight fight, using npcs to their advantage, or even fleeing the encounter rather than fighting through it
  • @wh3nderson95
    For my games. I tend to use Giant Wasps which are reflavored goblin stat blocks. It isn't a hard sell for the players to hate or outright exterminate Wasps. (I was inspired by Fable: The Lost Chapters).
  • @Ishlacorrin
    Going to be honest here, Goblins and Kobolds are generally reserved for mid level parties when I run them. If you DM them correctly with the correct intelligence, they are far more dangerous than low levels can handle.
  • @alexiss5807
    Only throw Intellect Devourers at a party under 4th level if you expect somebody to die... They have caused disasters for the party every time I've used them, even at 8th level
  • @Woodledude
    I think I just had a great idea for a HIGH level encounter using Ogre Howdahs. The Stomping Fortress. A herd of dozens of Ogre Howdahs, with several larger specimens sporting large, elaborate fortifications on their backs. When threatened, they get into formation, pull out tower shields, and become a full-on fortress in their own right. The smaller humanoids spread bridges between the fortifications for ease of movement, and to make it easier to bolster the outer ranks. The real kicker here, is that they're coordinated enough to move around using loud verbal commands. Play it like this: The Howdahs get one turn in initiative, and their "riders" get a turn as well. On the Howdahs turn, their next move has to be announced at the end of the turn as a verbal command. This allows the Howdahs to be a massive and unique threat, while giving your players time to react. Their riders allow for a more active threat that can keep up with the players, harassing them and not letting them get comfortable with the Howdahs slow, predictable charges.
  • Monstrosity: That which strikes fear into the most heavily armored of fighters, the Rust Monster.
  • @Kewryn
    One of the more memorable, opening story arcs I once did for my campaign was using kobolds that were worshipping a dragon (as kobolds do), making the party believe that is what they were eventually facing. Some of the players were freaking out that they'll have to fight a dragon at level 1-3, some assumed this was some dragoin wyrmling... In the end it turned out that it was just a plain lizardfolk shaman who used simple magic and persuasion to convince the kobolds he WAS an actual dragon to have his own minions :D I still remember the reveal when the build up was that a dragon was about to enter and when the true became apparent, some of my players spat a bit of unpleasant words (in a joking manner of course - they loved the twist ^^').
  • @frankbailey
    I LOVE using gibbering mouthers! So much fun to describe and play!!
  • @genobreaker1054
    Reskinning is a lot of fun, especially when you tweak the creature. Like changing a movement speed from climb to burrow, or vice versa.
  • @mbrsart
    My first campaign as a player, the DM (first campaign as a DM) tossed a Shadow at us, looking primarily at the CR. My low strength character almost died. Be very careful with anything that has an ability to kill a player character without reducing them to 0 HP first.
  • @wkblack
    Thanks for making this! Note: "gibbering" is like the word "gibberish", pronounced with a 'j' sound at the start: JIB-bur-ing.
  • @minnion2871
    Then of course you can mix and match Kobolds and Goblins and bandits with other creatures.... (Kobolds in the service of a dragon might have some loyal guard drakes if their lord is feeling generous... and they can use them as mounts... a Kobold Dragonshield mounted on a Guard Drake can make for a pretty mean combo...) Or giant Vultures carrying around some Kobolds(They both have pack tactics so having Kobold riding on them would let both mount, passengers, and rider to benefit.... That and some of these creatures could also be used in traps by the above.... (Kobolds in a swamp? Sure they might have some pits full of Quippers to throw you into...)
  • @jimi_jams
    I didn't know I needed to see an Intellect Devourer in boots, but it was much appreciated.
  • @bruggeman672
    Gnolls are fantastic enemies and vastly underrated imo
  • @deboraluz27
    9:48 as a cat owner i can confirm, they are just litle devils in disguise and i love em for it
  • @kingsting12
    Very cool video! Will be sure to use some of these for my homegame.