I was MUGGED in Porto, Portugal.

Published 2024-02-03

All Comments (21)
  • @daviddittman
    As you said the muggers weren't Portuguese but how amazing that people came running to your aid. That really says so much about the countrty and its people. So I leave this video with more appreciation for Portugal not less.
  • @laurieross
    Recovery note: As someone who has taken multiple face punches in an event, you need to get you nose straightened asap. i waited too long and they were only able to fix it a little bit (surgery) and now my only recourse is having it rebroken/bigger surgery. Please see an ENT. And yes, every place, late at night, can be dangerous. Please take care.
  • @shikakapt7565
    I am Portuguese and I hate hearing about this kind of situations but it's good that u show people that even if are in a safe country you need to be aware of everything. Be save
  • @cilajoao1
    If this ever happens, get into the first bar/restaurant/shop you can find, the owners will never allow any aggression inside and they will call the police for you. So sorry this happened to you, Dave.
  • I’m Portuguese, living in the states, and of course, it bums me out to hear the story, Dave. I really appreciate how fair and open you were about the experience, and also not trying to exacerbate any tensions amongst different groups. I continue to hope that the authorities in Portugal are able to maintain order, as our beautiful little country becomes more popular as is the trend over the last couple of years. Stay safe wherever you are in the world.
  • @davidbarclay1738
    Really sorry this happened to you, and I'm glad those three guys came to your rescue at the right time. Stay safe!
  • @Mi2Pac
    As portuguese and as a long time follower of your great content, It's heartbroken to hear that you had such a sad episode during your stay here in Porto. I'm from the city and I walk around it daily from early in the morning until late at night and I can assure that even though things are WAY better comparing to decades ago, It's also getting worse having in mind the last 5 years. Unfortunately the security is going downhill thanks to the lack of policies related to the uncontrolled immigration coming to Portugal without any major prior criminal check-ups. I really hope you get better Dave, Stay safe!
  • @thesmithsmaf
    I am so sorry to hear this Dave...sending hugs - I appreciate you for your openess and wish you a swift recovery
  • @TheTiagoMoutinho
    I'm so sorry about this Dave, please dont forget to put ice on it, very important!!! Thanks for sharing this video, i'm going to be aware when i am travelling because i will recall this video.
  • @paul_domici
    Glad you posted this video Dave! It's important to share awareness in other countries! Hope you feel better soon!!!
  • I'm a venezuelan living in Porto for the past 6 years. Very close to city center. I OFTEN go out at nights, close to midnight for a walk or a run and I've never felt safer. I'm totally aware that you can get in these kind of situations literally ANYWHERE in the world, even in the most developed countries, but I can assure anyone reading this that Porto is the place where I've felt the safest and what happened to Dave was isolated. I've dealt with these drug dealers offering things and they've never insisted after my first "no".
  • @TagusMan
    Congratulations! Welcome to the club. Was mugged in Seville, Coimbra and Lisbon. Had a friend jumped and beaten up in Bairro Alto, Lisbon, the same night I told him to be careful in Bairro Alto. He didn't listen. It's important to mention who did the mugging, because certain modern sensitivities will shame your spidey sense for being racist when all it is is good sense. In Seville, I was mugged by three Jitanos on a scooter. In Coimbra, it was two Siganos right in front of the Sé Velha. I had met one of them in a bar earlier and had a rather pleasant conversation. Short while later, same guy had a gun in my face. In Lisbon, in deepest darkest Bairro Alto, it was a white and black dynamic duo, with another gun in my face. Never got a black eye or bloody nose, though. Just threw my money at them and managed to talk my way out of a beating. When you travel, don't be drunk and alone after midnight. Doing that puts a big fat target on your back. As for Portugal being safe...it is. Lisbon and Porto were more dangerous 20 or so years ago. However, just today, watched a report on how muggings have spiked in the Anjos bairro of Lisbon, where I lived for several years. Migrants have moved in and set up tent colonies, and now crime has returned to the streets of Lisbon. It is what it is, folks. Be careful out there, and hopefully this isn't an omen of bad things to come in Portugal 🇵🇹 with regards to street crime.
  • @chancexu2163
    Sorry to hear what happened to you, Dave! Be cautious and be safe!
  • @bringonthedead2
    Sorry to hear you experienced this in my homeland, brother. I hope you recover soon and keep up the great work and motivation!
  • Bromano! Ugh this made my heart hurt for you, for Porto and Portugal. I live here in Gaia (by Jardim do Morro) and walk through Aliados and past that McDonalds every week many times...including late at night. Thank you for sharing this incident with us. As someone who has lived here for 1.5 years now (from the USA) I have felt immensely safe here. In fact it took me a long time to realize just how safe I am compared to the USA. I really resonated with what you said about having lived in big cities. I lived in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego and have a certain sense of "street smarts" that perhaps gives me too much confidence here in Porto. Duly noted. For the record, before I came here I found some of your videos on YT and they helped me so much. Little did I know that Portugal would become my home. I am so happy here and wouldn't trade it for anything. That said, I will be walking through Aliados to Cedofeita area tonight and will have you sitting on my shoulder reminding me to keep my NYC street smarts alive. :-)
  • @silaszinn
    Hey Dave, I'm sorry to hear something like this happened to you. I'm Brazilian and I moved to Porto recently, looking for a safer place to live and very well guided and inspired by your videos. My wife and I were walking around this side of the Porto at late hours and we were very low guard compared to Brazil due to the security that Portugal transmits. We saw a similar situation happening with an elderly couple, but instead of selling drugs he was asking for money very aggressively and following them, but they were fine because they went into a bar, which we did the same. Which was a good reminder to keep our guard up at late hours even here. I wish you a good recovery and don't stop enjoying Portugal due to an event like this. I hope one day to bump into you in Porto and share a bottle of wine to thank you for the excellent content you provide here o/
  • @dawnevery3996
    I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m glad the other guys came to help you. I’ve been watching your videos in preparation for our visit as we’re leaving for Portugal in a couple of weeks for three weeks and this is a reminder to not let our guard down. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • @terra7066
    According to the Eurostat (The statistical office of the European Union) in 2022 there was 3 member states with a robbery rate higher than 100 per 100 000 people. They were 1st Belgium , 2nd Spain and 3rd Portugal. Portugal was safe but no longer is , Portugal has it's own bad citizens like any country but is receiving immigrants from countries that have an higher homicide rate by itself than the homicide rate , the number of people killed in terrorist attacks and the number of people killed in civil war put together in countries like Syria , Iraq , Afghanistan and many others. If I name the nationality of the immigrants that are causing the huge increase of criminality in Portugal I'm immediately accused of being a racist , they become the victims of my racism and their victims are blamed for being robbed , assaulted or killed on their way to work or during a night out.
  • Glad you weren't seriously injured. But a good warning against complacency - there's a big difference between being one of the safer countries in the world and being completely safe.
  • @mariaalma5049
    Como portuguesa tenho vergonha do que aconteceu consigo. Mas este tipo de situações estão a crescer por cá. 🥰🇵🇹