Painting on a Claw Machine (Pt. 2)

yEAAHHH. So, after wasting 20 bucks on Clawee and other virtual claw machine apps, basically I went nuts and bought an ACTUAL claw machine. It's currently hanging out in my art room and I'm hoping to eventually fill it with cool prizes like squishies, plushies and other cute items that are fun to customize. However, there is oneeeee little problem. This claw machine is NOT my style at all. SOOO. I am going to spend a couple weeks customizing the claw machine itself first. I am actually going to paint this entire claw machine. Wish me luck.

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Acrylic Gesso:
Liquitex Basic Acrylics:
Clear Containers:
Liquitex Matte Medium:
Black Paint Pen:
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__________WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL_________

Hey! my name is Moriah (pronounced muh-rye-yuh 😂 ) and this is my channel....obviously. I'm 27 and like doing anything creative...and being snarky.....just a lil. I make a lot of decorating, painting and general art videos here. I'm obsessed with editing and adding lil bits to my videos, so if that's not your thing....oof you may hate this haha. I paint on squishies, thrift store finds, and other random things I pick up. I also love to draw, but don't expect anything too skilled, I'm not the best at that haha. You will also find occasional crafting/testing crafting kits on my channel which are always a hot mess. And even some baking (REALLY bad at that, but it's fun to try LOL).

Squishy Makeovers: Fixing and decorating used squishies sent from my viewers
Thrift Store Makeovers: Fixing and decorating stuff I find at thrift stores/yard sales
Bake With ME: Recreating squishies I've decorated in real life
Create This Book: Drawing in the prompt book that I wrote (available to purchase and follow along)
Squishy Unboxing: Opening used squishy packages sent from viewers
Craft Kit Testing: pretty self explanatory. testing craft kits.

Find Products I Use (contains affiliate links):


Every Friday at 4:00pm ET: Alternating Squishy Makeovers, Thrift Makeovers, Craft Kit Reviews, Create This Book, Mail Openings and Miscellaneous crafts and DIYs




ME Merchandise:








EMAIL PICTURES OF YOUR ART (Create This Book or Fan art only please):
[email protected]

[email protected]

____MAIL ME____

For sending squishies, Letters, or general fan mail, please contact: [email protected] to request my P.O. box address
(must be 13+ to send mail)
ATTENTION: Unfortunately I can only respond to a small amount of people each week. This is to make sure that I get a reasonable amount of mail and can feature the maximum amount on camera. I apologize in advance if you do not hear back from me, I may not have even seen the message. This email gets SUPER clogged with thousands of messages. Currently have 50,000+ unread messages just in this folder. SORRY PEEPS!

コメント (21)
  • I hope all these new characters get turned into plushies that live inside the claw machine at some point! 👀
  • @hburke45
    I can speak for myself that I totally don't mind the multiple part projects!! Girl you have a life also, and with your adorable daughter and family , don't overwork yourself!! We'll be here!! And by the way, love your claw machine so far!!
  • Moriahs kid: “Mom I wanna go to the arcade!” Moriah “we have the arcade at home” LITERALLY
  • @-.socks.-
    Idea: Customize a dollhouse with little rooms for some of your characters :D I think it’d be really cute, maybe you could even make a neighborhood!
  • Girl don’t worry about us. The multiple parts just make it feel like a suspenseful tv show.
  • @Xavierpng
    You know as I’m listening to the stories she telling about the “aliens” would love to see Moriah do a children book.
  • The fact that she uses memes of herself is just making it more funny 😭😭😭
  • @akueret
    I honestly am living for this Claw Machine series. I want a sequel, a prequel, a threequel..and so on!
  • I honestly expected that you wouldn’t finish it in 2 parts and that’s totally okay! I even don’t mind if it ends up being done in 4 parts at this point the slow progress of it coming together is honestly really satisfying to watch and it’s a really big project so it’s okay if you can’t finish it quicker 😊 what’s important is that you are enjoying it and not overworking yourself on it
  • i hope she posts in like 5 years so we can see all the cool projects for her kid :)
  • Let’s appreciate how Moriah always goes the extra mile for us!😃
  • I love how Moriah doesn’t expose her kid, she shows her occasionally but not in every video! She is such a good mom and her kiddos lucky to have her! ❤️
  • Moriah: “You be the judge. Am I going to finish in this video?” Me: “Immediately no.” 😂 I don’t mind though. Just more content for us🥰
  • @shahzadig1
    OMGosh! Moriah you need to relax and chill. You're a fantastic mother, wife, daughter,sister, friend, youtuber and inspiration
  • Her shuffling across the camera got me cracking up! 😂❤
  • The fact that she has the determination to keep painting this, despite the size, is incredible. I would give up after looking at it- Thanks for working so hard in your videos!
  • Let’s all be honest a Friday without Moriah is not even a Friday at all. Moriah take a break if you need we are all here for you! We all support you and your family. 💖
  • @cygodwin
    Yes Moriah I love your art work and I know your pain with art projects, it hurts also ps: the last time you painted was when you painted cavas for your home .