BATCH PAINTING Warhammer? - Watch this first!

Published 2022-05-31

All Comments (21)
  • @dorkyface
    The true secret batch painting technique is to hire three of your friends to paint the rest of your models ;) I see through your machinations Jazza!
  • @SlocumJoe7740
    You missed the Dip Method. Base Coat with a Blood Angels Red, hit it with a Gloss Coat then dip it in an Acrylic Dip mixture. Then do Details and Highlights. I do it with my Guard.
  • @_tensketch
    I prefer the last one. The metallic one is great but feels more chaos like Khorne than Blood Angel.
  • @Mad.player
    To make it faster in the first approach, I would airbrush the red contrast, it gives a nice smooth finish and helps to keep pre-shading.
  • @euansmith3699
    I think that Jen's mini has the most pop; however, I'd like to see a full squad of Murray's Blood Angles with that simplified NMM.
  • @Philbrush
    For anything with getting it done quick…I go for the airbrush for the most dominant colour, then do the details. This varies depending on the model, but space marines generally seem to have a major dominant colour!
  • @KimHarderFog
    Last one is by far the best, with the first one as a second
  • As a new Blood Angels player this was very helpful though I may use drybrushing as it’s one of my favorite techniques to use on a model. It’s how I paint black armor too so yay I’ll be doing a lot of deathcompany!
  • @drewbakka5265
    What was the vallejo gloss mixture? That mixed with inks might make a good contrast paint stand in Also Jens style can be perfected with some tweaks to the finish. Maybe a satin varnish or some mat details to add contrast
  • @manolo7490
    Ngl, the fourth one was my favorite one, definitely going to try it
  • @ChaosArmoury
    I love that you all used colours to set up your zenithals instead of using white. That's one of my favourite techniques. It makes the contrast between the shadows and highlights so much more interesting.
  • @QuantemFear
    Very cool, now to have everyone paint 10 models and time it too see which is fastest in the long run :)
  • @ericvaughn2617
    I think Jen's method would be the best for someone who just wants to sit down and bust out a large scale painting project. No airbrushes, no going over a set with multiple layers of zenithal, just a simple metal undercoat with that boss gloss finish. chef kiss
  • @MrSupertrooper1
    This is a great format. Showing how you approach the same material from different angles. 👌 top tier
  • @ClarissaMeyer
    And now we get to pick which version the team will apply to a whole army? They look all so cool. Would be cool to know how long the others took for their single unit, to see if Dave's was really as bad as he implied
  • @ElEnanoAr
    Murray has an interesting technique, not only in this video but everytime he paints minis or terrain. I need to gather some bravery and try his approach at least once.
  • @Harazahn
    Very interesting, different approaches. I think Murray's was my favorite. The YouTube compression was very rough on the reveals though. Have you guys considered shooting in 4k? or maybe posting some higher quality stills of the finished models?
  • Great video! Made some cool looking marines while still keeping that grimdark look!
  • @joshconfer209
    Dave wins for goblin green throwback. Amazing painting all around! I want to paint like Murray. That effect is so subtle but really striking.