Clean Your Pioneer Pet Water Fountain

Published 2021-09-06

All Comments (14)
  • @gidgygirl2583
    This is a very nice video but I thought I'd add a little something to it. As for the little motor, you can also take that face piece off. When you take that little slide piece off take your fingernail to the piece right under it and it'll pop right off. Once it's popped off you'll see the fan in there. You can take that fan out too. (Use tweezers to remove because it's magnetic) and it'll come right out. Then you can clean all of those pieces including the little hole that the fan was in. This will totally eliminate any excess goop coming out again once you reassemble everything. Also, as you know everything gets super slimy in there so I usually take some antibacterial dish soap and put just a little on my fingers and pick up each piece and gently rub all the components with it. Be sure to rinse them completely until there's no slimy or slippery feeling to them anymore. Then put it all back together and it'll run really clean for several weeks as long as you rinse it out at least once a week or so. Also, I found this awesome plastic straw cleaner with a long handle and brush at the end. This works great on that long spout thing if you put it in each end. I always try to steer clear of anything metal or anything that can scratch plastic when cleaning it just because if it gets gouges or scrapes in the plastic it can sometimes grow bacteria in those spots. Anyway i hope this adds to an already good cleaning video regarding this fountain!
  • @kksilvestri5007
    Thank you for this video. It’s always easier to follow a video with directions. 😊
  • Thank you this is very helpful I was wondering why my fountain had stopped working
  • @MrJoe7500
    Thanks for the tips, my spout had a huge black gelatinous glob in it!! Ran a wire thru and the water flows good as new.
  • @kristy7241
    Bless you. I didn't know I could clean the pump.
  • @lacima44
    Hi, Nice video, I use long thin brushes use to clean filters at pet store, they work great and it won't scratch the plastic surface. The small motor water filter can be taken apart including the spinning magnet fan, it come out easy, you can clean inside too with a small brush... I use dish detergent Soapy water to clean the whole fountain. This fountain also use a charcol filter...
  • @dawngasak9257
    Thank you so much, i have been cleaning my wrong for a long time! I saw your video and mine runs beautiful
  • Thank you so much I just got one from someone that didn’t clean it full of pink gunk.
  • @tattooed.muggle
    Good video - only thing is (I don't know if this is simply an accident due to multiple re-recordings or what) but you're missing your filter which when attached can pretty much guarantee your pump will be placed properly as there is no other space for it to fit into once the filter is attached. Note: this is a kind of hard plastic-y thing with the charcoal filter IN it (also more expensive than the "older" rectangle black on one side, white on the other. Of course.).
  • @sharonlacey3176
    Thank you for the video. Very helpful. Thanks to your video i can see i am missing a part and it won’t work :/ my cats will not drink water out pf a bowl