My first pig vid 11-6 -2017, using an ATN X-SIGHT HD 5-18X and an ATN IR850

Published 2024-06-18
This was recorded on an ATN X-SIGHT HD 5-18X using an ATN IR850. The feeder pen is 95 yards from the blind.

This is one of the first videos that I have made with the ATN and I am fiddling with the controls as I learn what does what. Therefore, the picture is jumpy because I am using my left hand to play with settings on the scope rather than concentrating on holding the sight picture steady.

The pigs surprised me by rushing in right after I heard them and I wanted to see what the scope would do. On the left side, behind the pen, you can see some eyes back in the brush. I think they belong to some raccoons that are waiting for the pigs to leave.

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