True Spiritual Awakening - Dr. John Lennox and Dr. James Tour on Scripture Meditation & God's Voice

Published 2024-01-12

All Comments (21)
  • Wow the faith of these men. Most of those who got older become dismissive of God. But these two are still like 19 years old guys hungry for God.
  • @dero2430
    I want you to know that you both played a big part in turning this nasty atheist who was condescending towards religion into a believer. Thank you for everything you're doing ! God bless both of you ! 🙏
  • @tonyrobbins1665
    I love the 19 yr old confrontation testimony of Dr. lennox! I was let go by my employer of 30 years; I was asked if I had anything to say to the big wigs before leaving the office. I said "yes, tell them...that the Lord is my provider" . 😊 It is now 5 years later, and they have just now found an foreman to replace me. And God's provision for me has been "pressed down, shaken, and runneth over ", more than any time in my life. Thank you Abba Father, and Your Son Jesus Christ!!!🎉🎉😊
  • @roseloranger7098
    I had the whole family sit down on Friday night to watch this. We have 5 children, ages 9-19. They all were completely silent listening to you. They are never silent for a minute during a regular movie!! The power of the Holy Spirit was so tangible as you encouraged us all in these truths. God bless you both. I will also pass this along as a resource to our young adult's Bible study. I noticed prayer requests about students having trouble with regular Bible reading, and then I watched this! Perfect timing...
  • Wonderful! … an older man (71) to see such ‘young at heart’ old men for the Truth of The Lord Jesus….and of scripture…..I could watch all day!
  • @MultiSky7
    Thank you Jesus for giving us these two Man. 🙏❤ You know that we really need them.
  • @luap4981
    Electronic fasting hit me deep this morning as I lay in bed listening to this on my iPhone and playing a pointless time wasting game on my iPad… time to put these down and pick up the scripture.
  • @rupeshtuppat4620
    I am from India and i accepted jesus at the age of 16 but this conversation is making me so informative. You both are are inspiration for me.your videos on chemical evolution are truly amazing. as I am chemistry post graduate student this is making me fully confident in bible but not evolution
  • @HanstheTraffer
    I had a fellow Christian (a very learned man who was a deeply spiritual person) come to me one day in a panic. "I just learned that the Bible is not God's word. I have seen convincing proof the it has been made up by man. Doesn't that bother you?" I replied, "Gary, I don't believe in God because of the Bible, I believe in the Bible because of God" ...These gentlemen are approaching the same revelation.
  • @1013AM
    Thank you, Dr. Tour and Dr. Lennox, for not giving up on us ❤❤❤
  • @Snappie24
    Two of my favourite scientists. I'm an engineer and also a Christian, and this is common here in Osuth Africa for succesful professional people to be children of God. The God-haters don't want to know this.
  • @diane235
    This was awesome. Two men I so deeply respect, totally sold out to Jesus and standing on the TRUTH of God's word. This was hugely encouraging.
  • @maryseaman312
    My husband died before I came to the point that you mentioned in the last few minutes of this video. I knew a lot of Bible before we were married (second marriage for both of us - - but that is a different story) ... but, my husband was the one to hear my confession that I had never actually read the whole Bible from cover to cover. I felt no need - - pride, I suppose, but my husband finally decided to listen to our pastor and read the Bible through on his own. I am a believer and have been since I was eight years old. My mother tried to disciple me (Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen!) and I was a rebellious child, however, she would "preach" and quote scripture at me, to me, around me. I clung to Romans 8:26 because I didn't understand so many things, was willful, unstable in all my ways - - you name it, it resided in me, but I KNEW I was saved, I just couldn't make myself embrace the by-and-by/pie-in-the-sky version about what was supposed to happen next (can you tell I am a child of the sixties?) At any rate, Joe kept telling me that he thought I should read the Bible through, that it would help me make more of an impact in the world for the Lord, so I finally agreed. In fact, we started reading the Bible together. We got a "through the year" Bible reading schedule and started it, "a little here and a little there" didn't fit my brain, so we started in Genesis ... let the preacher skip around, I wanted to actually READ the Bible! I was at home 24 hours a day - - I could read any time I wanted, and one of my friends told me that as a widow, whenever she had spare time, she would read the Bible - - and, I was floored! During the DAY????? the concept had never occurred to me. And, within a few days, Joe and I were not reading together any longer. The bad part about the whole experience is: It was MY!!! decision. And, two years ago, he died. It took me a year and a half to begin to realize how much of life I have lived on my "own" apart from all of my family. And, then the Lord showed me yet one more thing I had been selfish with - - the time that Joe and I could have been together in the Lord, because I could not slow down enough to "do my own reading" and still continue to read with Him. when John Lennox mentioned being surprised about men not reading with their wives, it was as though the Lord nudged me and said: I revealed to that to you, now I am confirming what you understood. God in His mercy has brought me safe thus far ... I know He loves me enough to tell me the truth about myself... I know He has forgiven me and been long-suffering and merciful and showing me just how unloving I have been to Him and to all around me. And! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen! I know that in His kindness and mercy, if it be His will, I will be able to use what I have learned from my own rebellion, stubbornness, selfishness, pride, and just plain stupidity to help another young wife NOT make the same errors as I have made ... but, first - - learning how to witness and share Christ with those I do not even know Thank you! For confirming God's Word in my life and mind and encouraging me in my continuing journey through life to eternity.
  • Love listening to Dr Lennox. So much wisdom and a man of God. Looking forward to this. Thank you. God bless 🙏🏼
  • Love this. It speaks to me. I can't stop reading scripture, I don't want to stop even when I have medical books I need to read instead but I just can't stop with scripture.
  • @marv6013
    I m guilty of spending too much time on YouTube...
  • @yourheinness9275
    My two most favourite examples in Christ. How absolutely awesome it was to see these two beautiful men of God sit and have a conversation. I love you Jesus. Thanks for these two lives shining brightly in this dark and evil world.
  • Since forever after I found Dr Jim I wished these two get together. Since forever after I discovered Dr John I wished for a John and Jim show…finally reality has arrived!! What a blessing from two Spiritual giants!!🙏
  • @daveyofyeshua
    Had John Lennox been invited to Jordan Petersons Exodus study, it would have taken on a whole other dimension 🙏