Christian social media and Church is deceiving Christian family, friends and bosses

Published 2024-06-19
This video is a stern warning -- many people will not be able to watch it and listen because those who are very delicate Christians will be offended and turn away from hearing the truth of God Jesus.
The deceptions today are online, and in Church because Christians today are lazy and too busy to find the truth out for themselves. Many times, they are just too trusting of their family thinking by default that family knows best, but this is just a cliche to believe in. Christians visit websites and social media sites and local churches as a way in their busy lifestyle to maintain their Christianity. This Christianity is lukewarm and if your love for God is not on fire then Jesus will not approve of you in the end, you will suffer in Hades and the demons of Hades will torment you for eternity.
One of the main deceptions first and foremost is: Anyone can remit your sin. The truth is that Jesus is in charge of the remittance of our sins because only the blood of Jesus will remit our sins, only those who have faithfully ensued Holy God Jesus will have their sins remitted, the blood of Christ is given to those who follow Jesus faithfully suffer out your sin doing and stop the sins so Jesus will reward you with glory and power of Jesus to resist sin and the devil.

second main deception is: We can be a Christian and sin and have eternal life: The truth is that Sin will separate us from God forever, if we continue on in sin doing, and ignore the message and meaning of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we will be separated from God and his Love, will suffer hades, and the demons of Hades for eternity.

All Comments (7)
  • @Hurlburton
    It's important to focus on genuine teaching and not be swayed by those who prioritize profit over true faith Lets seek authentic spiritual guidance and support from leaders who preach Gods word and the teachings of Jesus Christ
  • @gsestream
    you have Christ the Lord who is Spirit, God. everything else is given freely alongside Christ. do not fall under law commandment judgement. like its written. dont fall under anyones judgement. yes honor to God. God gives wisdom, wisdom is not from useless flesh. knowledge makes proud. gospel is opposite of law based works judgement.
  • Math is the language of the universal truth and the blueprint upon which all existence is built. Mathematical truth can be used for good or bad and in between those two choices lies the principle of math. The principle of math remains there at a neutral position of neither good nor bad until our actions reflect upon it. We can use that truth to build something beautiful and lasting (Heaven) or something that is the opposite of that (Hell). Your personal truth is the meaning of life and not the foundation of life. Your existence can give meaning to life or take it away. The foundation of life is built on math, not God. The foundation of math is built on Truth. God is built on the same principle of math just as we are. The principle of math provides the necessary foundation of life and God provides the necessary substance also known as building blocks to build upon it. Without math, a good foundation those building blocks have no lasting foundation or no foundation at all. When something is built on a lie it's not meant to last, aka wages of sin is death. That is why when something is built on a bad foundation it's not meant to last, eventually, it will collapse and in most cases hurt like hell, to teach a painful lesson of not building or rebuilding your life on a lie, aka bad foundation. Individuals possess the necessary tools, capabilities, and resources within themselves to navigate life and its challenges without the need for external judgment. Therefore, there's no need for the creator to impose judgment, as it would only burden itself and others unnecessarily. With free will comes great power and responsibility. What you do or don't do is based on your judgment and not on someone else judgment. That is why your actions are going to judge you and no one else should. And how your actions are going to judge you? Your actions will reflect on you and your image and you will have to live with that. Do you know who you are? What do you see when you look in the mirror? What you see is called reflection. That means that you are a reflection. And what do you reflect? You reflect your consciousness, feelings, desires, actions and much more. And if you care about your appearance, reflection then you should care about your actions because those actions will reflect upon your true reflection. One day we will face the truth and we will have to live it. Please make sure that you can live with your actions because you will have to live with their reflection. Many of us when faced with the truth like true image would rather live a lie instead. Why? Well, because their true reflection is so ugly as a result of their ugly actions they would rather live a lie, false image than live with the consequences of their actions. Your image, reflection is like a home, a vessel for your mind, soul. What it means is that your reflection is built on the same principle as the house is. And we do not build houses on assumptions or beliefs we build them on mathematical truth. What can happen if a house or any other structure is built on a lie, bad foundation? Well, that house or that structure is not meant to last and it will collapse. And what can happen to those who live in that structure? For example, they can become homeless. You can become a ghost if you don't have a reflection aka vessel, body (home) for your mind, soul. Don't forget, that those who walk away from the truth are walking into hell. How long does anyone need to be in hell or hell-like situations? Well, that depends on each individual. Eventually, they will get tired of pain, suffering, building or rebuilding their lives on a bad foundation and eventually, they will seek the truth instead of walking away from it. How do you know if you have suffered enough? Well, do you like to suffer? If you don't like suffering then you shouldn't contribute to suffering or feed on the suffering in any way or form. That is why I became vegan. If someone tells us that they do not like suffering and yet they choose to feed on the suffering of animals or others, shows that they do like suffering otherwise they would not do it and if they do like suffering so much then they should not complain about it, instead they should embrace it with open arms ✝. If you would like to see the true reflection of life and those who are part of it before it’s unveiled, I suggest that you study the truth. The better your knowledge and understanding of truth is, the clearer your vision will become.