Animation Mentor Class 1 Progress Reel. Ben Krolick

Published 2008-01-04
My progress reel from Animation Mentor Class 1.

All Comments (18)
  • @Guldies
    I'm so lost right now. I graduated this week. I'm 18 years old and I love to sculpt and animate. I love art in every kind of way but I haven't been able to prioritize art and animations just yet. I don't know if I have the guts to go all in and start animation/art school and do what I love. How hard is it to make a living on this? that's my main concern. I want to become an clay animator
  • @Guldies
    @BenKrolick1 I'm grateful you replied. To make even the smallest amount of money on something you enjoy doing is enough for me. Thank you. It helped. take care
  • @Chickenkeeper
    @BenKrolick1 You usually need a maths and english gcse and an art a level.
  • @JonP1961
    Like the attitude on the strut (0:18-0:22) ;)
  • @DinoAGrado
    Animationmentor suggests using Autodesk Maya, so I'd assume most students use that for their animations
  • @BenKrolick1
    @Guldies You CAN make a living from animation. But you ain't going to be driving around in a Porche. But you can survive, and surviving from a job that you absolutely LOVE is more important than money. I can't offer too much advice, as I don't know enough about you, but I had similar concerns when I was your age. I actually did a bit of travelling and shitty jobs before returning to art education in my mid 20's. Then I was more sure I knew what I wanted to do. Good luck with it all!
  • @BenKrolick1
    @TRE1275 ....What an unusual thing to say Tony Treloar!!!? I work for one of the biggest Visual Effects houses in the world, creating animations for the movie business. Nearly half the animators here did Animation Mentor. And I'd hazard a guess that the rest didn't learn their trade for free online. I went to art school. I staudied art when I was younger. Continued learning has not 'destroyed my creativity'
  • @andoi9292
    i am planing to do animating after i graduate from high school! besides being 18 and knowing basic math and good english, what else do i need to start studying with an animation mentor? do i take college at the same time, b4 or after? doi need college? sorry for asking many questions but i dont know much about this stuff. id love to pursue animation. any suggestions on what to do to get there?
  • @heygals
    hey I'm not in AM but was wondering what you feel about the program. I am currently in university taking design but I recently realize I really enjoy animation and really want to pursue in the industry. AM sounds great but there are also great art schools I can go to as well so I wondering how AM is. I currently dont have any idea on how animation works and was wondering how difficult it is. thanks a bunch.
  • @andoi9292
    @BenKrolick1 thx ben. but other than taking animation mentor after college (or during) i can just straight away work after the courses? My father doesnt trust mentor because its online. what should i tell him?
  • @R4fF07
    I have a question as right now I'm 23. I haven't drawn since I was in memorial and well I'm not that good, I might say its just alright. How or where should I start, I'm intrested on animation.
  • @fakepivot
    @BenKrolick1 totly agree with on that ...
  • @BenKrolick1
    @andoi9292 I guess Maths is helpful, but I think Art/Drawing is more helpful. A strong ability to draw the human figure is pretty essential I guess. Stay in college, maybe do Animation Mentor after you finish college. But for now, buy some books on animation. Richard Williams 'The Animation Survival Guide' and Eric Goldberg 'Animation Crash Course'. And maybe a book on life drawing. And I think EVERYONE needs a copy of 'The Illusion of Life' by Ollie Johnson and Frank Thomas.
  • @BenKrolick1
    Yeah sorry about that. And I don't think it's particulally true now, so don't worry. There are LOADS of great animators who don't draw much. They're just experts in performance, timing and composition. So please don't be disheartened. And anyway, sculpting and drawing (the human figure) are very closely linked.
  • @SAwyerD14
    Drawing is essential? That's a very disheartening thing to hear, as I'm not the greatest 2D artist. I've always found sculpting to be easier than drawing, I figured it would carry over to 3d animation.