Fallout 2: Littlepip Mod

Published 2012-08-22
The ponies of Equestria have officially invaded Fallout proper! Thanks to a completely insane artist, there's now a mod which lets you import an honest-to-Celestia Unicorn from the My Little Pony universe as a playable character for Fallout 2.

And not just ANY Unicorn, but "Littlepip", the Stable Dweller from the unthinkably popular "Fallout: Equestria" novels. Now you can levitate spears with your magic horn, hoof-punch ants in the face (skree), and buck local jerks with no shirts on when they get in your way!

Narrated by myself, because I think I'm funny and so does my mom. She's been dead a couple of decades, though, so what does she know?

All Comments (21)
  • @Calbeck
    Seems that the slew of companies that had been claiming copyrights on this video --- INGrooves, Made in Etaly, UMG, The Orchard Music, and a few others --- have finally blinked. Every month, they would make a new claim on the SAME 14 seconds of Louis Armstrong's music, I would challenge it, and they would drop it at the last second --- only for another one of the companies to make a new claim.  Sometimes, the same company which had already released a claim would make the same identical one right after dropping it. Finally, Youtube's "appealing it risks a lawsuit" option came up, and I called 'em on it.  Yes, I'd be happy to sue under US copyright law for a company making false claims of copyright --- since in Fallout 2, the music being claimed is USED WITH PERMISSION. Doing a review of the game doesn't magically revoke the permission for use, which becomes incidental to the review (and thus a clear issue of Fair Use Doctrine). Maybe it's because I offered to Angry Joe that we should join forces and start recruiting other Youtubers suffering under false claims of copyright for a class-action lawsuit versus all the companies in question?  Hm.
  • @Calbeck
    "Stop liking things I don't like." Got it, thanks.
  • @MestisTheManiac
    If you don't think that ponies don't mix, then you probably haven't seen the 2010 reboot of the show. It's more adult in nature than any other generation.
  • @MrPuschel
    Alright, happy that it worked for you. Usually "Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch" should be all you need to get this mod to work. If you're not thus far yet, consider to install "Fallout 2 Restoration Project". It adds hours of (great) content to the game which where intended do be in the game, but stripped due to country or budget limitation.
  • @Tienhamir100
    Love your commentary, hilarious shit. I'm a Brony and I love Fallout, own them all in fact but I find FO with Ponies a little more captivating as its something completely new and out of the blue, cute little ponies, slinging shotguns and blowing people away, how fucking awesome is that!?!
  • @HalconSkyse
    That was slow, but very funny, I thought you did a nice job showing off Fallout Equestria side XD And your commentary was funny
  • @ItsXodious
    Im in love with this mod. Tried it out for a good 2 hours and everything looks amazing from the animations of moving to the motions of firing a gun.
  • @Calbeck
    Finally got it resolved --- the C&D worked. NOTE TO YOUTUBE: if you put a Cease & Desist tool for uploaders into the Content ID system (since, after all, you've already put one in for the corporations) that'll handle most of these issues directly.  But since you've set it up so that uploaders are totally on defense with no built-in ability to respond in kind, it's a no-lose situation for the corporadoes. The only way to end harassment is to call a company's bluff by threatening legal action --- the same thing they're doing to us.  When you tell them to back off or sue YOU (as the system currently requires for you to sustain a Fair Use claim), they always have the right to NOT sue.  But nothing stops them from putting the same damn claim right back into the system under another (or even the same) name. By allowing companies to threaten US with lawsuits while effectively gagging any effective legal response beyond "go ahead and sue me", YouTube is merely enabling abusive behavior.
  • @SamBluehawk
    wow awesome mod for Fallout 2! actually named my character Lil' Pip in Fallout 3 xD about halfway through the Equestria story too.
  • @legendario13
    Still awesome as always, still looking forward to do a full run with littlepip
  • @Lokuulio
    Fallout Equestria my friend. Really great story that you might like if you like Fallout, or ponies. Extra if you like both.
  • @dundundun2212
    Eh, I've played fallout since the first one. Can't wait for the fourth one. I love the series honestly, one of my favorites
  • @LeQuack147
    Bah, I had no luck getting the mod to work, but Littlepip is freaking adorable. Excellent work to everyone involved on this.
  • @mongorians22
    More the second game than the first. Fallout was pretty wacky but a lot more downbeat and straightfoward. Also, do you mean BOS 2 or BOS Tactics? Because Black Isle made Tactics and it was actually pretty fun and had good artistic direction, even if wildly non-canon. BOS 2 on the other hand... Yeah, I heard we're not supposed to talk about that...