Phoenix Wright VS Saul Goodman | Who's the BETTER LAWYER?

Published 2023-07-11
#aceattorney #bcs #JJJreact

Two of fiction's most prevalent lawyers. Phoenix Wright, the Ace Attorney who has turned any case on their head, and Saul Goodman, the charismatic and shady CRIMINAL criminal lawyer. But both lawyers will do whatever it takes for clients. So the question is, who is the better lawyer between the two?

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0:00 Intro
2:13 Phoenix Wright vs Saul Goodman
6:35 Phoenix vs Saul (w/ allies & tools)
8:55 Conclusion

All Comments (21)
  • @SuperMarioSwagger
    Depend if you're actually guilty or not, Phoenix would have no issue betraying you for the truth
  • @FaultyTwo
    If you didn't commit a crime, get Phoenix Wright. If you did commit a crime, get Saul Goodman.
  • @nintengy64
    I’d say Phoenix Wright is the best defense attorney in all of fiction. There’s never a point in time where he doesn’t pursue the truth, even if it means proving his client’s guilt. However, the two characters have a very different perspective on what a lawyer should be. Saul Goodman believes that a lawyer is someone who, even if they must break the law, should get their clients a “not guilty” verdict. Phoenix Wright thinks that a defense attorney must find the truth, even if it means the defendant is guilty. So, if we’re going off of, “who would get the job done better?” I think that’s a difficult question to answer. Because, if you indeed are guilty, Saul Goodman will find a way to get you the lowest jail time possible. However, Phoenix Wright would not defend the guilty. So it’s a very interesting comparison. If we are going off of who has the best chance of winning a case, I’d easily give that to Phoenix Wright. Saul Goodman has lost many cases before, while Phoenix only loses when he wants to. I rest my case, Your Honor.
  • @nintengy64
    Is it just me or does Saul Goodman feel like a villain from the AAI games?
  • @Bearman851
    I'd say Phoenix wins. Mostly cause of Manfred Von Karma. While yes he needed help, Manfred had complete control of the courtroom and Phoenix was able to not only snatch that away but prove Manfred was a fraud. Manfred, I truly believe, was the best prosecutor (skill-wise) in the series. Not only for his cunning and cutthroat tactics. Other prosecutors had their moments, with even the last one we encounter in the series chronologically REWRITING THE LAW AS THE TRIAL IS GOING ON! But Manfred didn't need to do that to manipulate the law to his advantage, he was just that terrifying that the law bent to his will FOR YEARS. I'm not saying the victory is guaranteed, Saul as you said has a lot of tricks. But with his experience with Manfred and the fact he only (canonically) lost TWICE across his ENTIRE CAREER (once on purpose and once because he was set-up), I think Phoenix has a good chance.
  • @elderliddle2733
    I’m a law student. Phoenix is the kind of lawyer you want to be, Saul is the lawyer many become. Phoenix is a genuinely good man with a good set of morals. Saul on the other hand will literally do whatever it takes to win. You can’t be as naive as Phoenix, but also not as desperate for a win as Saul. In a civil case, I see Saul leading the arguments until a major contradiction emerges. Then Phoenix uncovers Saul tampering with witnesses and evidence. Once that is uncovered, it all goes to hell. Then Phoenix ends up in the hospital with major injuries as Saul’s former clients rough up Phoenix. Ultimately they both lose. Saul gets disbarred, Phoenix can’t walk or do the epic finger point.
  • @showmanvods1252
    If it went to trial, Phoenix would win. It doesn’t matter what Saul throws at him, whether it be forged evidence or false testimonies, Phoenix would expose the contradictions in them and arrive at the truth. That being said, if Saul wanted to, he could absolutely ruin Phoenix’s life. He doesn’t need to prove his client innocent, or Phoenix’s client guilty, all he needs to do is cast enough doubt onto Phoenix’s character to throw the trial. We already know Saul is capable of doing that thanks to Howard Hamlin, and Phoenix has already been busted before for presenting forged evidence, so it wouldn’t be that hard to raise suspicions. Create a bunch of commercials slandering the Wright & Co. Law offices. Point out that an alarming amount of his associates have been put on trial for murder at some point. Have Mike place some illegal contraband at his office, then make an anonymous tip. Have Huell swap out his legitimate evidence with poorly made copies. Eventually Phoenix would be booted from the case, and Saul would win by default. But like the video says, the real question is whether or not Saul would be willing to go that far. He had years to build up animosity with Howard, whereas Phoenix would basically be just some guy to him. And as corrupt as Saul is, I don’t know if he’s that cruel. Of course, the question I want to know is, who would win: Chuck McGill or Manfred Von Karma?
  • Saul is clearly the better lawyer because he fundamentally understands what being a lawyer is about. It's not about the pursuit of the truth, it's about representing your client.
  • @spouwnerring
    Saul Goodman is the live action version of Kristoph Gavin.
  • @EarlyOwOwl
    I mean if we're talking about who to hire it's been shown that Phoenix will literally work against you if he realizes you're guilty so...
  • @xxProjectJxx
    As a lawyer, Saul will acquit you whether you're guilty or innocent, while Phoenix can only help you if you're innocent. They're actually fairly similar. They're both outside the box thinkers, and both use bluffs and misdirection to win. The difference is Saul is more underhanded, and more focused on victory, while Phoenix only pursues the truth. And since Phoenix does little prepwork outside of a little independent investigation, he'd have little defense against Saul's evidence forging. If Kristoph could get Phoenix disbarred for 7 years, Saul would make sure he never practiced law again.
  • The thing is to me is that phoenix has gone against a laywer like saul and won handedly even while being very inexperienced, that person being manfred von karma Honestly Manfred is a way more terrifying and effective laywer than saul, someone who has literally never lost a trial and always gets his guilty verdict only ever receiving a single penalty which then in response he assassinated the defense attorney responsible. But then in a single trial, that manfred set up all by himself, coordinating abunch of other people, stealing evidence and assaulting the other laywer in a way to have plausible deniability and making all these stars aline for this very moment to finally get that defense attorneys son a guilty verdict aswell, to then have his whole plan fall apart bc phoenix wright just so happened make the perfect puzzle piece connections and his sheer force of will. Also while saul has ties to alot of people wright has defeated people who have significantly more power or higher in position to him, such as billionaires, film stars and movie producers, and the literall chief of police all because the tiniest slip ups they made, pulling apart their entire schemes like a ball of yarn. To me Phoenix will always take this dub. Also i mean if he gathers 3 evidence he can just enter turnabout mode, activate his level 3 and send saul directly to jail
  • @husky0098
    Everyone's thinking these two would be enemies, but in reality they'd be boyfriends
  • @KirbyLinkACW
    YouTube literally gave me an ad for an insurance lawyer while you were talking about how Saul is proactive and Phoenix is reactive.
  • @Mephiles2003
    Now I’m just Wondering how Saul Goodman Vs Miles Edgeworth would go lol!
  • @buttersamuri3536
    I don’t see Saul winning this. As dirty tactic as he might be. Well, meet most prosecutors from Ace Attorney. Saul is nothing different to anything Phoenix has faced in court. Miles, Manfred, Fransika, all have done similar tactics before and Phoenix has not (unwillingly) lost to them once. The only way Sauls coming out with a win against Phoenix is with a guilty client. But even the Magatama would prevent that from happening most of the time. It’s hard to compare them in court since both are defense attorneys. So them fighting in a court would just not happen. You need a prosecutor. But here’s how I would look at it Phoenix is in a system rigged against him. A guilty until proven innocent one. He has very limited time, prosecutors often manipulating an already stacked cases against him, and still comes out on top every time. Not to mention, the extreme tolerance a Prosector gets compared to a defense attorney. Like, how prosecutors evidence have been shown forged or witnesses obviously lying and no real punishment handed down other then a stern talking too, where Phoenix would be disbarred on the spot for presenting such evidence. No matter the dirty tactics, forged evidence, and general bias against him. through skill, intelligence, luck, and his connections, he is able to take a win each time. The man has handled changes to the entire court system on more then one occasion. He’s kept up with Professor Layton mentally. Heck, even winning a case when he had amnesia so bad, he couldn’t remember his own name. Sauls in a system that’s made to be more even. Its innocent until proven guilty. Much more time is given to him. And Saul also does many scummy tactics and still has lost cases before. Switch their systems, and Saul would crumble in Phoenix system, And Phoenix would excel in Sauls. Phoenix is the better lawyer by far. If they met up in a court of law, whether it’s Phoenix system or Sauls system. If Phoenix has an innocent client, then he’s just going to win. He’s just fighting diet Manfred. Even in the worst case where Saul kidnaps Maya, in that Case, Phoenix still presues the right verdict. It may hurt him. But that’s the worst Saul could do. And he isn’t even likely doing that. Ace Attorney is So Much More Over The Top. Saul is definitely a pretty strong lawyer. But Phoenix dwarfs him.
  • @CynicalT0ast
    pretty fucking sick. now when are we getting payne vs oakley?
  • @moniqve
    better call saul literally got me into ace attorney omg i love this
  • @ihatemyself8957
    I love Ace Attorney fandom, there are one willing to watch an entire show and create a 11 minutes video just to debate which lawyer is better